The Tree of Life Spread {A Person's Life W/ Inner Struggles & Relationships}


I made this spread up this afternoon. I call it the tree of life. It shows what has happened throughout a person's life, how they dealt with what has happened and what the future holds. This may give some light on why they act a certain way or how they treat other people...


1.)Factors that affected the person during infancy.
2.)Factors that affected the person during their childhood.
a. An inner struggle through childhood.
b. Relationships (both family and friends) during childhood.
3.)Factors that affected the person during adolecense.
a. An inner struggle through adolecense.
b. Relationships during adolecense.
4.)Factors that affected the person during adulthood.
a. An inner struggle during adulthood.
b. Relationships during adulthood.
5.)How the person delt with their problems/relationships
6.)How the person now deals with their problems/relationships
7.)What the future holds for this person


Thank you for putting this together - I was looking for something like this and here it is!!

I have saved it - and will put it to the test tomorrow. Will post how it feels/works. I may make some modifications -- we'll see. I'll do it the way it's written first. :)

Later then ~


Thanks Ann!

If you make modifications, could you post them? I'm interested to see if there's a better way to work this!