The Work Cycle spread from 78 DW


In Rachel Pollack's 78 D.W., she mentions a Work Cycle spread. In my book, it's on page 300. Has anybody tried this spread? I tried it a few times and had good results. I was wondering what others have to say about it.


I like the way she explains it in the book, and have been tempted to try it a couple of times. However, I have never been enthusiastic about it, even though I like the big part she leaves to intuition especially in relation to the meanings of each position, and all the various relationships between different cards and/or positions as well. The few times I have trid it out, the readings were just ok, nothing special. I also felt it a bit... cold as a spread. I have been put off using it, sicne there are many spreads I like better and feel more comfortable with. I like it, and used it a couple of times, and I do think it is a good spread - not among my favourites though. :)


I used this spread a lot in the beginning, it was the first "bigger" spread I was comfortable with. I really love the example she gives in the book, how two different courses of action give a different outcome; but I must say I never had such clear results with it myself. But it helped me understand that tarot does not predict the future, but tells you what will happen if you go on in this or that way.
I now don't use this spread so much anymore, but I have now learned to look at every spread I do as not what will certainly happen, but as a warning/advice: what will happen if you go on in the same way as you are at the moment (if you use a spread that does not show the underlying action explicitly), or in the way the cards are showing (depending on what spread you use).

So I can say this spread has been very useful to me :)