thoughts appreciated on my spread


Hi everyone,
I would like to ask some insight into the spread I did.
I have struggles with this man that I love - we recently had some harsh talk and exchange and for me things are finished unless he makes some moves towards me and shows more dedication.

I did a 3x3 spread asking what will happen between us and if he will make some steps.

Lilies - Child - Tree
Ring - Mice - Man
Cross - Mountain - Bouquet

Heavy cards, as our situation is...the central card is Mice, along with Ring and Man - reflecting my concern with this union and this man, a union that doesn't work and is full of worry and anxiety.
Also, he has just left behind a relationship that caused concern for him, and in general he has huge issues with women. Relationships just don't work for him and he usually ends up messing things up because he fears commitment and true intimacy. He has small, insignificant, short relations (ring + mice, as well child above) even though he desires a true union (Tree above Man).

Past: Lilies, Ring, Cross: I ended our connection, it is a long relation that has brought me a lot of pain and suffering. It needs to end, I don't want to continue like this any longer.

Present: Child, Mice, Mountain: We just don't move from the initial stage and we only made very small progress. He is childish and not handling this in a mature way - hence it is all blocked. He also has quite an ego.

Presently he is literally in a yoga retreat, so Mountain could point to that. We are not in touch while he is there - my question in fact was relating to him making some steps after his return from the retreat. And also, he lives in the mountains, literally - we are long distance and this also presents an obstacle.

Future: Tree - Man - Bouquet: We have quite a spiritual connection and this is what binds me to him, possibly a karmic bond...It may be that he will offer me something (bouquet), but it still remains to be seen if it has any real substance.

If I am correct, the Bouquet knights to Child and Ring. Possibly a new beginning for us - but again small steps.

I feel he may do something but it is merely the first step, quite shaky. But since Tree is above him, he may be ready to plant some roots - in fact, this is what he shared with me, that he needs to stop the searching and seeking and find peace and roots in his life. It's about time, he is not that young any more. He was deeply involved in spiritual seeking and meditation, workshops - this is where we met - but now it is time to be at one place and grow. Hence Tree makes me hopeful that his busy moving days may be over and he may indeed be maturing into some stability - or at least he desires to do so (Tree above him).

Man knights to Cross which again shows burdens and pain - and possibly the karmic bond, perhaps a cycle that needs to end between us.
Man also knights to Lilies, so perhaps he is maturing...this has been in fact our main issue, his silly ways with women. Our talk revolved about me making some things clear and I know he perhaps he will be able to show some maturity, be less of a child and more of a man.

What do you think? Any hope for this 'lost love'?:) I really care for him and he is a good person...but things have been very hard and I have come to the end of the line. I am not optimistic...but maybe he can snap out of his games and actually offer me something.

thank you, any thoughts appreciated!


This is a very in-depth reading, I must say!

I do not think I would have much to add to this, however that speaks more to my lenormand reading abilities than anything else :)

One thread I read recently on the forum about the negative connotation of Bouquet was interesting:

It made me wonder about bouquet as the final card. Maybe he will offer something consolatory but it will feel like just that - something consolatory.

Do you read the rows as well? The third row: Cross - Mountain - Bouquet talks about a reconciliation or offering of some kind after an ending and a whole lot of challenges.

So if life is a bouquet of flowers maybe you like some and don't like the rest?

The only thing I am trying to get at is whether the bouquet is of interest to you, if it suits your needs.

Those were all the thoughts I had on this, hope it helps! :)


Hey porcupines,
thank you for your input!
Yes, I think that Bouquet could mean some nice gesture from his part, to make things nice between us - as he usually doesn't enjoy a conflict and he wants to be on good terms with me. On the other hand, he appreciates me a lot, he values me and he sees me as a woman of high standard - Bouquet is Pique Dame, and I am that in his eyes. He sees me as very intelligent and spiritually evolved - that's why he also feels inferior.

Your input was valuable, helped me to take a look again at this spread and indeed, I am this Bouquet for him, this also explains why Bouquet knights to Child. He does feel 'smaller' than me, this has been in fact our main issue, and it seems it still remains so for now.

He is very spiritual and intelligent himself, but he needs to have more faith in himself. I always served as some kind of guide...and he had a lot of issues to resolve, the death of his family, huge tragedies...That's why I gave him a lot of space to recover in these years. But now it is time for him to step up and have more confidence. Not just for me, but for himself mainly.

thank you again!:)


Hey porcupines,
thank you for your input!
Yes, I think that Bouquet could mean some nice gesture from his part, to make things nice between us - as he usually doesn't enjoy a conflict and he wants to be on good terms with me. On the other hand, he appreciates me a lot, he values me and he sees me as a woman of high standard - Bouquet is Pique Dame, and I am that in his eyes. He sees me as very intelligent and spiritually evolved - that's why he also feels inferior.

Your input was valuable, helped me to take a look again at this spread and indeed, I am this Bouquet for him, this also explains why Bouquet knights to Child. He does feel 'smaller' than me, this has been in fact our main issue, and it seems it still remains so for now.

He is very spiritual and intelligent himself, but he needs to have more faith in himself. I always served as some kind of guide...and he had a lot of issues to resolve, the death of his family, huge tragedies...That's why I gave him a lot of space to recover in these years. But now it is time for him to step up and have more confidence. Not just for me, but for himself mainly.

thank you again!:)

The Bouquet interpretation makes complete sense to me. I'm glad this could help, and I hope others are able to chime in as well! I'm curious now to see what they might say! :)