"Time Tarot" by Llyle Wentworth and Alarnah Tobin-Gray


There was a thread on this book from 2002, but I thought that might be too far to bump it...

Has anyone tried this book? The concept sounds really interesting, being able to predict to an exact time, but because tarot is so general in that area, could it really work?

The amazon.com "look inside the book" feature reveals that Part III of the book is entitled "Semi-Major Arcana". Reading the first page through Amazon says that it's new cards they developed for their own Time Tarot pack, Gypsy, Infinity, Meditation, Amethyst Rose, and the Power card.

The introduction also gives a brief and I think, a good introduction to tarot in a couple paragraphs, referring to tarot as "a tool for self-development" and "tarot does not rely on the supernatural" but on intuition.

Seems promising, but does it work?