Timing with Tea Leaf Fortune Cards


I'm new to divination tools in general. I came across Tea Leaf and I love its soft paintingsl the pictures just made me happy. However, when I pulled cards for myself, sometimes it's amazing, a lot of times the connection just feels off. And there are questions I ask that the answer come up to be unrelated. When it comes to timing, I'm aware that there are months cards but what if you want to know how soon will I hear something, how do draw the cards?

If you have any advice on how to use these cards, I'd much appreciate it. I've been putting them aside since I feel like I can't be sure of the answers or the connection.


Hi Simple, welcome to the forum :)

For the tea leaf fortune cards I'd try to interpret timing the same way I do with tarot cards - pick a set amount of time then pull a card for each amount. So for example if you want to know if something will happen in 1, 2, 3 weeks or a month, pull a card for 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks and then read the card that is most favorable in that position. If the cards are generally negative but there is one "good" card, say in the 2 week position, then I'd say the outcome is likely to happen within 2 weeks. I hope that helps.


I really find the Tea Leaf a bit tricky with this kind of thing, unless you use the months or do a calendar spread. Rainbow's suggestion is a good one!

a while ago we did a discussion thread and the deck creator joined in! here is her post about timing - http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.php?p=3496431&postcount=38

she suggests doing readings in the pyramids to give a basic guide with timings.


Thank you everyone for reply.

I'll try to do a pyramid house then follow up with Rainboweve's suggestion!

Thank you!! :D