Tips on protection during spellcasting


I've had my share of bad experiences due to the fact that I didnt protect myself so can anybody give me some tips on protecting myself before casting a spell or doing a ritual.


It can largely depend on what occult tradition you practice. For instance, if you practice wicca, from my understanding you can cast a circle with sea salt or smudge your ritual space with some white sage before you begin. I personally practice hoodoo, so while I actually do employ the wiccan techniques above, I also try to make use of protection oils that I anoint myself as well as my home with. I also might light a white candle anointed with protection oil and some herbs like Angelica root for uncrossing purposes. Oh yes, speaking of that, I would definitely suggest doing an uncrossing or road opening ritual before beginning. It can be as simple as lighting a white candle rubbed with the respective oil.

Make sure that after protecting yourself before the ritual, you do proper cleansing work afterward. I don't know what wiccans do, but when I do cleansing work, I take hyssop baths and recite the 51st psalm. I then save some of the bath water and toss it over my left shoulder at a crossroads. But that's hoodoo tradition, and you may not be a part of that.


There are many ways to ground and protect yourself before doing anything, and many ideas have been discussed here on A.T. before. I am including a few threads here for you to check out and you can find some that interest you to try.

and there is more.

For myself, every morning, I stand up and while I am stretching, I also plant my feet firmly on the floor and imagine roots going deep into the earth to keep me grounded. I also like to imagine a white light pouring out of the heaves and enveloping me fully in a white protective shell--so its like I'm in an egg for protection. But, there are various ways to do this. Then, after doing any sort of spell work, I would imagine cleansing yourself and re-grounding and protecting as well.

I like emilygrace's idea of bathing and all her ideas sound good. I often will jump in the shower and get wet head to toe, imagining all the bad energies that had attached to me washing off my body and going down the drain into the earth to be cleansed again. Just be sure to re-ground and re-protect yourself as well afterwards!

here are also a few websites outside of A.T. you can read about how to protect yourself-

crystals can also be very helpful. you can keep them in your pocket, wear them or perhaps even incorporate them into your spell for protection on yourself while doing the spell.

good luck!


I like emilygrace's idea of bathing and all her ideas sound good. I often will jump in the shower and get wet head to toe, imagining all the bad energies that had attached to me washing off my body and going down the drain into the earth to be cleansed again. Just be sure to re-ground and re-protect yourself as well afterwards!

celticnoodle, I do something very similar to this! I like to imagine that I'm shedding the negativity like a snake skin, and I pretend to peel it off like a band aid before watching it go down the drain! :)


yes! that is a cool way to think about it. I never thought of it as shedding the negativity 'skin' like a snake sheds its skin. cool idea! I just see it as murky, stuff that washes off me into the tub and the clean water from the shower head washes it all down the drain into the earth.

I also like to take epsom salt baths--both as another form of 'cleansing' and also to help with my aching joints when needed. I find the salt baths a great way for cleansing too. :)