To the person who is selling and or trying to get a publisher for the Maya tarot deck


It was suggested that I post here to try and contact the person who has created the tarot deck with the Maya theme.
Would like some information on what is costs to publish something like this. I am at least interested as well in purchasing if your selling ....



got the phone number

i just noticed that hudson had responded with a phone number..........

So will try that...

December Fairy

Those are pretty cards. I haven't seen them. I wonder if she has a web site?


Glyphman said:
Would like some information on what is costs to publish something like this. I am at least interested as well in purchasing if your selling ....

I may be mis-reading this, but if you mean what does it cost in general to publish cards, you will again find lots of information on this if you search back in the forum. There are discussions of what various printers are likely to charge to print a deck, plus (I think) some discussion of the cost and time to print a deck on a deskjet printer - it's come up as a question many times.
Try searching here on some term like "printer" and you should find good information.
Best of luck!