Too Many Choices


Order of the deal?

Hello! I'm greatly intrigued by this spread, as I've only recently been lookin into expanding my use of spreads beyond 1 and 3 card draws and the Celtic cross spreads. May I ask if it matters which order you lay out the columns? All the ones first followed by all the twos, or all the a's followed by all the b's, etc.?


Hello! I'm greatly intrigued by this spread, as I've only recently been lookin into expanding my use of spreads beyond 1 and 3 card draws and the Celtic cross spreads. May I ask if it matters which order you lay out the columns? All the ones first followed by all the twos, or all the a's followed by all the b's, etc.?
Hi FoolishBeast,

No it doesn't matter if you lay out the columns or the rows first. I believe I laid out columns (1 then 2 then 3 then 4) but one could just as easily lay out rows (a then b then c then d) first.
