Tower + Hanged Man


These two cards were drawn together as what is taking root and beginning under the next new moon for me. It's a solar eclipse that is very tightly conjunct my natal Mars. These two cards are somewhat conflicting but also complementary.

Both cards can turn a situation on it's head and allow you to see things in a new way. I think that the Hanged Man can soften the blow of the Tower. It can also make the Tower something that one' does on purpose rather than something that happens to a person.

It can also be that an unexpected situation causes things to be on hold rather thing propelling them forward. Its like a change that actually makes you say, "wait! maybe I was looking at this the wrong way."

The fact that it is two Major Arcana leads me to believe that this is a major turning point, one that radically alters one's path but in a way either creates an internal shift or maybe even requires backtracking a bit.

Overall, I see the these two together as a breakthrough or radical change that allows one to see things in a different way.

What do you think?


Another thought...

This could also be:
Getting unstuck
Breaking out of a holding pattern

Although, I would be more inclined to interpret it that way if the Hanged Man were first.

ETA: One more! A breakthrough/change that reverses things. You thought it was going to go one way but it ends up going another way.

An unexpected turning of the tables. Situation gets flipped on it's head.


I always get the Hanged Man for when things are in limbo - a time delay.

The Tower works quicker (well it does in my case) and usually within two months or thereabouts when it makes its presence known.

My tuppence worth is that the Tower effect will not be felt for a few months but that when it comes in, it will be swift and fast. So, kind of take it as maybe four months for it to come to fruition - false structures and anything ese with it to come tumbling down, but don't expect it just yet.


I see this as something will happen what will change your prospective and how you deal with things. This will not be comfortable, you will be out of your comfort zone, but you can and will handle it, this will change you.


I see this as something will happen what will change your prospective and how you deal with things. This will not be comfortable, you will be out of your comfort zone, but you can and will handle it, this will change you.

That sounds quite foreboding PAMUYA. The rest of the reading was pretty positive. Talked about power dynamics...Other cards hinted at breaking free and feeling more powerful.

I'll post back if anything significant occurs.


Please do, it does not have to be "bad", but it will make you wiser, a growing experience.


Tower is always some sort of change to me. And whilst the hanged man does represent suspended animation, for me its representing the sacrifice aspect of the card. Things always get better after the tower's been struck. We learn a bit more about our mettle. Something may need to be given up before the good stuff comes through though.


These two cards were drawn together as what is taking root and beginning under the next new moon for me. It's a solar eclipse that is very tightly conjunct my natal Mars. These two cards are somewhat conflicting but also complementary.

Both cards can turn a situation on it's head and allow you to see things in a new way. I think that the Hanged Man can soften the blow of the Tower. It can also make the Tower something that one' does on purpose rather than something that happens to a person.

It can also be that an unexpected situation causes things to be on hold rather thing propelling them forward. Its like a change that actually makes you say, "wait! maybe I was looking at this the wrong way."

The fact that it is two Major Arcana leads me to believe that this is a major turning point, one that radically alters one's path but in a way either creates an internal shift or maybe even requires backtracking a bit.

Overall, I see the these two together as a breakthrough or radical change that allows one to see things in a different way.

What do you think?

I'm inclined to take it as becoming "unstuck" as well, a realization (Tower) that you were just treading water (Hanged Man). Alternately, if it were the reverse, it could be a sudden realization (Tower) that you just have to accept (Hanged Man).

Considering the conjunction to Mars, however, I'd go with the first interpretation. Moon could be linked to the watery realms of the Hanged Man, while Tower is totally Mars action. When they meet, I suspect that Mars wins.


I'm inclined to take it as becoming "unstuck" as well, a realization (Tower) that you were just treading water (Hanged Man). Alternately, if it were the reverse, it could be a sudden realization (Tower) that you just have to accept (Hanged Man).

Considering the conjunction to Mars, however, I'd go with the first interpretation. Moon could be linked to the watery realms of the Hanged Man, while Tower is totally Mars action. When they meet, I suspect that Mars wins.

This is truly applicable in my life right now. In soooooooo many ways! I've been in an emotional rut and I am FINALLY feeling the first signs that I'm breaking loose.