Transparent Tarot - 10 - Wheel of Fortune


The Wheel of Fortune shows a Native American Medicine Wheel.

  • suggests movement, becoming and passing away
  • symbolizes cycles of renewal, the cycle of life and cycles that come around in their turn
  • represents transitoriness and perpetual change
  • symbol of fate and destiny
  • suggests the world of manifestation, with the circumference as the boundary and the center as the point that produces radiation and power
  • represents Time, Fate and Karma
    • “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” means that those who complain the loudest or most persistently get what they want
    • “the wheel comes full circle” means that things eventually reach a situation resembling that from which they started
    • “the wheel of fortune is forever in motion” means that people’s fortunes are constantly changing

  • represents that which is dynamic, that which moves life along and that which inspires growth
  • the coloring of the different segments of the wheel suggests a story arc, which is an extended or continuing storyline whose purpose is to move a character or situation from one state to another, often taking the form of a tragic fall from grace or a reversal of that pattern



I was just wondering which segments represent which season?
Would I be correct in assuming that going clockwise from 12, the first segment, being white (or clear) would be winter and then in order from there (spring yellow, summer red, autumn blue)??