Two of Swords


The two of swords has been haunting me in a spread I do - 'see, think, feel,' it the two always comes up as think regarding what guys think about me. It had me scratching my head for ages and then a very clever commentator on Aeclectic suggested that it represents shyness and being hard to read. That was a bit of moment for me as it describes me perfectly.

What say you, good citizens of Aeclectic?


What flashed to my mind is a saying we use in AA. "What others think of me is none of my business." In other words, it doesn't matter what someone else thinks of us. Our business is to work on being the best and most honest person we can be and treating others right as well as not drinking. That could be what the 2 of Swords is telling you. That it doesn't matter what he thinks of you, other things are more important.


What flashed to my mind is a saying we use in AA. "What others think of me is none of my business." In other words, it doesn't matter what someone else thinks of us. Our business is to work on being the best and most honest person we can be and treating others right as well as not drinking. That could be what the 2 of Swords is telling you. That it doesn't matter what he thinks of you, other things are more important.

That makes excellent sense, thanks Grizabella, I shall add that to my journal.

Blessed Be!


I agree with Grizabella. The important thing is not what guys think of you, but what you think of you :)

The two of swords is revealing an undecided energy coming from the male gender. Your previous instruction was spot on. They find you hard to work out!
So :) ...if you consider that your asking these questions, then trusting yourself and being authentic , will clear the path for them to see the real and wonderful you :)


they might think you are indecisive and a bad decision maker. Won't choose one side or option. This could lead to a stalemate situation where you just stall decisions. However the other way of looking at this is they think you are a master mediator, someone who is in the middle of a situation and keeping peace.

Chasing Fireflies

I don't really see the two of swords in this situation as indecisive....

It feels more like a person who refuses to be influenced one way or another.

I see it as a person who knows their own mind. In the middle of things and keeping the peace but not because you are unsure of yourself but rather because you refuse to get involved or be influenced by anyone.

Firmly neutral because that is what you choose to be.

Basically, there is positive aspect to this and a negative. On the positive side of things they see you as a very grounded person but at the same time they could also see you as someone who is a little bit hard to approach, like they don't really know how to get through to you in a sense......perhaps they feel a little bit like you block them out.

A more insightful person may see you as someone who is reserved because you don't want to get hurt which isn't bad. Mature, well meaning people will realise that they need to show you that you can trust them before you let them in and they will patient and consistent.

Overall it's not a bad card, if anything I need to be more like the lady in the two of swords, loll


The two of swords has been haunting me in a spread I do - 'see, think, feel,' it the two always comes up as think regarding what guys think about me. It had me scratching my head for ages and then a very clever commentator on Aeclectic suggested that it represents shyness and being hard to read. That was a bit of moment for me as it describes me perfectly.

What say you, good citizens of Aeclectic?

It could be that you appear indecisive. Or overly dimplomatic and tentative about taking a position even when you should? The 2 sw is status where action is necessarily inevitable. Do you feel that you should be taking action in some area of your life but choose to wait things out instead? This could be what others see in you.