Two spreads I made up..anyone game to try?


Hello!! This is my first post :)
I use the Thoth deck (the large one I trimmed) and I made up a couple of spreads I would like to share with you lovely people~ I would love some feedback!

Because I believe there is always room for improvement and clarity, I made this spread to help me (or your Seeker) un-cloud thinking and hopefully reveal where and how there might be honest truths about myself/the situation that are being overlooked. It begins by looking at the four aspects of a person's current, over-all state-of-being.

Deal in the shape of a D
Kind of difficult to make a D in this format lol but this is the gist:




1. The Seeker's creative state
2. The Seeker's mental/intellectual, reasoning state
3. The Seeker's emotional state
4. The Seeker's physical state
5. Is the Seeker consciously aware that they are in denial about something that may be
6. How the Seeker's past conditions, behaviors and/or habits have affected the reality of
their current situation
7. How the Seeker's present circumstances are helping/not helping them see the truth
8. Outside factors contributing to the Seeker's lack of clarity
9. What needs to become clear; honestly examined for the Seeker to progress. The root
cause of the denial

This is a very intuitive spread that is open wide to interpretation. I grouped some of the numbers together for collective interpretation, rather than assigning each one something specific. It uses 12 cards, so it is definitely geared more towards meditation, rather than a quick analysis. It is not meant to imply anything negative (like a "heartache spread" for example) or positive- just the elements of the Seeker's current journey, starting from the bottom-up, like the construction of a tower. It takes me a while to process this one, but sometimes that is exactly what I need :)

Deal in the shape of a skyscraper, like so (the 5 gets nestled lower into the 4 "foundation" cards):


1,2,3 & 4. The Foundation cards. The root causes/elements of the Seeker's current

5. The Seeker

6 & 7. The present as affected by the Foundation cards

8,9,10 & 11. Elements of progression if nothing changes

12. Final, peak result for this path if nothing changes


Hi fergus and welcome to the forum. I think that this thread will be moved to Readings since you're offering readings.

If you are, I'm game for a reading and I'll give you full feedback. I like the sound of the first spread. Do we need to ask a question for this one? If we do, I'd like to ask 'Why am I experiencing blocks in making money right now?' as in the past few months.

You could do one of your tower readings for me too, but I'm not sure if I understand it properly.


Thanks Natalie! Oops I didn't see a place to choose a category, but I was wondering about that :p
I guess I wasn't clear that I am not offering readings- just posting two spreads I came up with for anyone to try for themselves or someone they are reading for. Sorry I was confusing!

Maybe there is Spreads section of the forum I can move this to?

Cheers :)