ana luisa

I know this question may be silly or absurd but I would really like to know HOW some of you use NUMBERS and regular cards while reading this oracle. I mean, numerology in itself, assigns certain meanings to numbers. Fine. Then, comes the Tarot progression, from 1 to 10 which does not necessarily reflect the previous numerology meanings. Also, the Lenormand cards have numbers (1 to 36) AND the numbers of the respective suits in the inserts (aces and 6 to 10s). I am SO confused... Should I give up on the numbers altogether or do you have a way of prioritizing one over the other or what ? I would really appreciate your expert input :(


Lenormand Numbers

Hi, here are some good videos from youtube on learning Lenormand that have really helped me. The first video is the first in a series about Lenormand and Numerology. The other videos are really good about learning how to memorize the card numbers and meanings. There is also one video that is an interview about Lenormand. The person being interviewed is the famous Lenormand reader, Rana George. I have learned a lot from her and Donnaleigh from Beyond Worlds internet radio show. She has some lessons with Rana George on her website, Tarot Tribe Beyond Worlds,

Hope these all help. :)

ana luisa

Thank you SO much DeTox!!!! Those are awesome videos and quite helpful !! :thumbsup: The one I really liked and plan on emulating is the first one. I like his style and that's what I was looking for. A simple calculation to help me work with the numbers. However, he uses the numbers of the cards and NOT the inserts. Which is also cool ; I intend to start trying this technique today. I might disregard them for the time being. Thank you again :)


Part of the challenge for me with this deck is remembering the numbers. Since they are not randomly assorted (yes, there is a "secret" pattern in this numbering system :)), I feel that there should be weight given to them.