We Need Healing Please!!!


My eight year old daughter broke her arm today! She fell off the rope swing we have in our yard and landed poorly on her bottom and her arm. Right now it is in a sling, her left arm, and will be put into a cast sometime in the next couple of days.

Please, send any and all kinds of healing to her as she really needs it! The fracture is close to the growth plate, but looks like it isn't really into it. So your energies will make a difference in her healing so please please please send her your love and light.

Thank you all so much!!!



(((Satori's little daughter)))

Sending love and blessings~
Will remember her in my prayers~

Suz :love:


On the way, Satori!

(They are waiting to put it into a cast? Is she in a lot of pain? Poor thing...)


Oh Satori, that is unfortunate!
I will send lots of healing energy and will also drum for all of you tonight.

Little body, may you heal!
all your strength to us reveal
Strong and straight grow, little arm
soon forgotten pain and harm...........


She is sleeping right now, and her arm is elevated on a pillow. I hope it stays that way! Poor thing, she is so stoic. I was pushing on it, the nurse poked at it and the Nurse practitioner prodded it. But I could tell when she came into the house, the way she was holding it, and the hand all floppy, that it was fractured. :( Not bad, but still, broken.

And if you can believe it, I had her icing it with a bag of frozen asparagus while I finished preparing the pork chops for supper!

Thanks so much for your prayers and light. She is sleeping right now and I know she needs all the help she can get with healing it. She is a level 1 Shamballa practitioner, so she knows a bit about energy and I'm sure will accept the help.

Peace to you all!


Mi-Shell said:
Oh Satori, that is unfortunate!
I will send lots of healing energy and will also drum for all of you tonight.

Little body, may you heal!
all your strength to us reveal
Strong and straight grow, little arm
soon forgotten pain and harm...........

That is so beautiful!
Thanks Mi-Shell!!!


Satori and little one,
Energy and prayers for a speedy uneventful healing are on way.


PS It's quite common to not cast right away if the break can be stabilized. It's because of swelling. If the injured area swells inside the cast it can cause the blood circulation to be cut off from the pressure.


Sorry to hear this, Satori!

Your daughter sounds really stout and valiant about it!

Sending lots of light and energy your way.


Consider it done, will add her to my list tonight :heart:


Most definately!

(((Satori and her Angel Baby)))