weird dream


what do you make of this??? this dream has thrown me off all day today, I had a dream of barak obama, that he died I dont know whether he was killed or just died but i recall saying in my dream how sad it was that he didnt have half the chance to do what he could have to change the world? now I hope i have not jinxed him by dreaming this but what could this possibly mean? Im not even american I live in australia....

and just to add there was a flash in my dream of his wife like it was a magazine photo she was sitting on a step crying,with her head hanging and she had a bright red jacket the photo really "emphasising" her as a widow, alone, lost and i think in my dream his death was due to sudden illness, like tragic... i dont know but its doing my head in, why this?


Hi Nightqueen,

Don't panic! It's got nothing to do with the real Barak Obama. It's an aspect of your animus - the 'masculine spirit' bit in your own psyche. The meaning of the dream depends on how you feel about Obama - what he means to you in life. I'm assuming you think he's a good guy - a lot of us do! If that's the case, then his death in your dream may mean that quite a powerful and creative 'bit' of you is in danger of ceasing to function because you're not giving it enough attention. Are you procrastinating about getting on with things right now? Are you steering yourself in a positive direction? Contrary to common popular belief, most of the other people appearing in our dreams are aspects of ourselves. For women, men will be animus figures, and women will be either positive or negative shadow. See - it really is all about us!! Hope this helps a bit.


hi floss and thanks for your reply, you see I don't really think more of him than the president of america, its not like he has affected me somehow, yeah he's a great guy from what I see but so strange oh well ill just leave it as one of those far out dreams... you have given me some interesting things to think about :) thankyou