Weird wolf-dog dream


So, firstly Wolf is one of my totems and I love them and wolf-looking dogs.

Last night I had the weirdest dream and because of what's been happening today I thought I'd post it to see if there is any feedback. I was in a house with other animals including a wolf-like dog. I was hugging the dog, around the neck when it suddenly turned quite vicious and started stalking/hunting me.

I was not fearful in the dream, but I do recall getting the other animal, one black cat and one white cat, out of the room, and drawing a line the wolf-like dog couldn't cross. I remember being taunted but holding my own.

And today I've been seeing Northern Inuit Dogs everywhere on Instagram and social media for some reason!

Does anyone have any idea what this means?


Perhaps the wolf like dog is representing aspects of yourself.

I'm guessing that these qualities can be both good or bad depending on the situation you're dealing with at hand.

Perhaps the cats symbolise this same duality within you, that you need to protect and honour.

The fact that you were not scared may mean that you are developing a deeper respect for your feelings, all of them, including the one's that society deems as "bad" eg. sadness, anger, frustration etc.

I hope this is of some help :)


I am thinking that your spirit guide animal - the wolf-like dog - would like you to go towards your other spirit guide animals, the cats - for a time. In your dream, you hug the dog, but it rejects you (but not aggressively, not hurting you). You have no fear, because you sense no real danger - it is easy for the dog to respect your boundary, because it wants to. While it may taunt you, there is no attack; the dog wants to make sure you will go with the cats. The rejection is not personal - it is guided wisdom from the wolf-like dog.

Meanwhile, in your waking state, you keep seeing the wolf-like dog. So I believe it is telling you it is still loyal, still there, but you need to reach out to - and work with - the cats for a time. Your seeing the dog everywhere is the dog's way of saying you have not been abandoned by this most loyal of creatures.

Is there some are in your life that might benefit from independence/aloofness at this point in time...?


I was not fearful in the dream, but I do recall getting the other animal, one black cat and one white cat, out of the room, and drawing a line the wolf-like dog couldn't cross. I remember being taunted but holding my own.

What strikes me is that on your own, without the support of your totem, you are strong, competent, assured, protective, organized, clear-thinking, systematic, brave and powerful. This seems like a "You go girl!" "Zena Warrior Princess" dream :heart:


Perhaps the wolf like dog is representing aspects of yourself.

I'm guessing that these qualities can be both good or bad depending on the situation you're dealing with at hand.

Perhaps the cats symbolise this same duality within you, that you need to protect and honour.

The fact that you were not scared may mean that you are developing a deeper respect for your feelings, all of them, including the one's that society deems as "bad" eg. sadness, anger, frustration etc.

I hope this is of some help :)

Thank you JadePixie - this does make sense. I am coming terms with all my feelings and accepting them as part of the whole, so it could be that I am finally coming to a place of peace within myself. Thank you!


I am thinking that your spirit guide animal - the wolf-like dog - would like you to go towards your other spirit guide animals, the cats - for a time. In your dream, you hug the dog, but it rejects you (but not aggressively, not hurting you). You have no fear, because you sense no real danger - it is easy for the dog to respect your boundary, because it wants to. While it may taunt you, there is no attack; the dog wants to make sure you will go with the cats. The rejection is not personal - it is guided wisdom from the wolf-like dog.

Meanwhile, in your waking state, you keep seeing the wolf-like dog. So I believe it is telling you it is still loyal, still there, but you need to reach out to - and work with - the cats for a time. Your seeing the dog everywhere is the dog's way of saying you have not been abandoned by this most loyal of creatures.

Is there some are in your life that might benefit from independence/aloofness at this point in time...?

Wow, this actually makes a lot of sense. I definitely need more independence/aloofness right now, and I do need to go out on my own in certain aspects. Instead of relying on a companion or permanent mate, I need to be more independent and stop thinking about a certain thing so much. This resonates so much! Thanks :)


What strikes me is that on your own, without the support of your totem, you are strong, competent, assured, protective, organized, clear-thinking, systematic, brave and powerful. This seems like a "You go girl!" "Zena Warrior Princess" dream :heart:

Haha, I love this Debra! Yes! You know what, I like this idea, that it shows my strength. That's such an awesome interpretation :heart: