What combo's have you seen equal marriage?


Curious as to what COMBO of cards you've seen indicate a future marriage?

2 of cups and 4 of wands?

And those are pip cards. I'm more curious about the major arcana. Could it also be the lovers _ 2 of cups?

Anything other combos that you've had show up in your personal experience?

Thank you!


Well, it really depends on many factors, but I'd say Lovers, 2 of Cups, and 4 of Wands all appearing in a spread specifically asking about marriage as a possibility would lead me to see that in the cards. The Chariot would also suggest marriage in a spread where marriage was in question, along with more than one of the others I've mentioned. And the Hierophant, of course, can mean a traditional marriage sanctioned by the church or presided over by the proper legal official. Sometimes the 10 of Cups might indicate marriage along with some of the other cards already mentioned.

I'd prefer to do a reading where there was a specific question was about whether this would result in a marriage, and I'd also use named positions as well.

To be perfectly honest, though, a lot depends on the reading and what I'm seeing in the cards at the time. Imagery on the cards can play a part, too.


The most "classic" combo is the Hierophant + 4/Wands (or 4/Wands + Hierophant). Marriage, leave us remember, has a lot to do with traditions, religious beliefs, cultural norms, and/or just the benefits that a country's law may confer on such a partnership (like shared finances). People can be together for a lifetime without the benefit of marrying, but they usually choose to marry because it changes the status of the partnership in the eyes of their community.

Thus, the Hierohant often is a signal for marriage because he stands for a culturally approved partnership, witness, blessed by the religion, and with certain legal benefits within the system.


The only time i've seen a marriage in cards was the combo 2 of cups+ hierophant + king of coins. I think the king represented the man who made the proposal and who wanted the most to be married and make his union official. It can also be about stability but in this case I think it was the husband


Hi, Temp/hierophant, justice/4W, 10C, lovers/world the list is endless.


The most "classic" combo is the Hierophant + 4/Wands (or 4/Wands + Hierophant). Marriage, leave us remember, has a lot to do with traditions, religious beliefs, cultural norms, and/or just the benefits that a country's law may confer on such a partnership (like shared finances). People can be together for a lifetime without the benefit of marrying, but they usually choose to marry because it changes the status of the partnership in the eyes of their community.

Thus, the Hierohant often is a signal for marriage because he stands for a culturally approved partnership, witness, blessed by the religion, and with certain legal benefits within the system.

Very much my train of thought. Marriages are a cultural approved union = Hierophant


Curious as to what COMBO of cards you've seen indicate a future marriage?

By marriage: do you mean:

1) committed lifetime live-in relationship?
2) a wedding ceremony with-or-without a long-term future?
2) a live-in relationship with a shared budget and shared children?

And are you excluding "marriages" that are unhappy or not?

Different combinations of cards tend to come out for those different marriage-like options.

For instance, we've all had the kind of reading where we have ended up talking about the impact of a husband (or wife) on the client's life, to be told sharply they're not married, only to find out later that they've lived with someone in a monogamous relationship for seventeen years and have four children, or something. Of course the cards will show that partner as a husband, without-or-without a marriage certificate!