What to do with extra cards


I was looking at the Game Crafter's poker sized options, and, to print a Lennie, it's either one opts for a 36-card deck - which would mean no title card, no alternate Child, Gentleman, and Lady cards - or for a 54-card deck - which would mean A LOT MORE extra cards.

I would probably opt for the 54-card option, but I also feel bad putting things to waste. My question is, what should I do with all those extra cards?


Myself, I leave them in for short draws, like three-carders, and I remove them for square of nine and grand tableau.

Lots of people use extra cards as bookmarks...I guess you could laminate them too, and use them as coasters! ;)


Haha I think they might be a bit too small for coasters. :D

Also, I meant in my earlier post that I'm creating a Lennie, and would want to also create extra alternate people cards, but there'd be 14 extra blank cards, and I dunno what to put on them. Zodiac signs to use in conjunction with Lennie readings (just kidding!)?! :D


Oh, duh! *facepalm* sorry, I thought you meant you were buying a deck that had extra cards! Obviously haven't drank enough coffee yet ;)

Some people add cards that have extra meanings (Seven Stars put in cards like Cage, Ferris Wheel, Fences etc) and some just add alternates for certain cards (like Fox, Snake etc) to make up the balance...myself, I enjoy having a choice about certain cards.

You could always do a poll here to see what people prefer...?


I got a deck from them (Yuletide Lenormand) which came with a few alternate cards and then the others were like a LWB. I think that's really neat and practical.
There's a card with credits and website link, one card with a general explanation on how Lenormand works, a few cards with meanings (just keywords) and there are also a few cards with some suggestions of spreads. One of them is the Yuletide spread to go with the theme of the deck and it's very nice.

You could do something like that. Make your LWB with the extra cards. Coming up with a spread that goes with the theme of the deck is also a really nice touch.


Thanks guys. Extra cards, aside from the extra people cards which I do intend to create, sound nice - will try to consider those. The "extra cards as LWB" idea sounds good too, although it seems a bit daunting (will all the text fit? And I don't write well).

I jokingly mentioned the extra zodiac cards to firecatpickles and he said it might work too. So hmmm...