What would you be doing if you were acting like the MOON?


I drew the Moon (Rider Waite) in answer to the question "What is X's best course of action re Y?"

Things that come to mind regarding the MOON are:

intuition, psychic abilities, romance, fear, anxiety, dream state, illusions.

As action to take it could be
- use your intuition ( although High Priestess is probably the card to show this)
- be romantic
- clear up any illusions you have about this person
- be cautious
- observe this person

What other actions do you draw from the Moon?

Thanks :)


Without knowing the relationship between X and Y I can only give you some general answers:

  • Remember that the definition of insanity (lunacy) is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
  • Remember that moonlight is reflected sunlight, not sunlight
  • Seek out the source of the light to see if it's real
  • Look to your dreams for the answer(s)
  • Look past the surface to see what lurks beneath


Proceed with caution, don't be so open about things, as in don't follow the "what you see is what you get" route, holding some mystery will work in your favor, pay attention to your subtext/inner works. Sometimes exuding the feeling we want to create with another does more than saying and acting on it.


I get the moon a lot. I do a lot of sitting under the literal moonlight and going crazy inside my head and feeling scattered and weird. When I get it in regards to love (I'm just assuming this context, correct me if I'm wrong) but I agree with what you say about seeing the person objectively and clearing up illusions and confusion. Emotions are causing havoc. Take a step back, use the logical side of your mind. As much as the moon can be fun, I feel like it's always a bit of a warning that your emotions are running away with you and you're getting too swept up. Be a bit more realistic. It takes the edge off :)


If I was acting like the moon? I would be illusive and mysterious. Kinda crazy and maybe even a little seductive.


Listening to the Moonlight Sonata.
I'm only half joking :) I would be looking for an outlet for deep feelings, that are difficult to identify, and even more to understand.

If it was what to do toward someone, I would be listening to my intuition: if someone or something felt "off", I would keep my distance; if I felt a connection to someone without knowing why, I would let the relationship a chance.

If it was something to do with me, myself, and I, I would try and understand the subconscious (and perhaps not so pretty) aspects of my feelings and/or behaviour. Some fears that can painfully hinder you are all symptoms of one issue (the crazy shadows created by moonlight); some incomprehensible feelings can be explained once you agree to look them in the eye.
For example, I felt some tensions in a relationship with a friend of mine these last weeks, with no apparent reason. Yesterday evening, I thought about it as honestly as possible (automatic writing helps) and realized that I had gotten enough of her idealizing me and putting an impossible pressure on me, so I started to act a bit bitchy so that I would not be a point of reference anymore. I was not aware of what I was doing (the deep lake under the moonlight), and it was certainly not the prettiest side of myself (the scary visions...). Perfect moon moment. The irrational epiphany.

PS: I do not interpret cards that come up as 'don't do that'. If I get the 9/swords, I don't read it as 'don't worry'. If you do, then I'm way off :-D


All above me are very good, and I agree that listening to your intuition is important. The High Priestess is also about intuition, but I feel it's more like the application of it and active practice of this mindfulness, as well as the pursuit of more. There's a sense of certainty with the High Priestess that isn't there with the Moon. The Moon is more of a mysterious sense that doesn't come from one's self, but out of the blue and can be confusing or dreamlike. Perhaps the Moon intends to tell X to be cautious, not because of what X already knows or suspects about Y, but rather because of the things that X can sense but not necessarily understand. There may be an underlying feeling without an obvious cause and confusion because of this, and depending on the context, X might want to look into communicating this with Y, or looking to see if it can be cleared up some other way.

Another interpretation that is suddenly banging against my head is hero worship. As others have said, X should avoid becoming swept away by the way Y presents themself, and avoid idealizing or exaggerating Y's qualities, whether good or bad. Often what one sees isn't the whole picture, and the face we show others never is.

And yet one more that just came to mind is to do with the phases of the Moon. The moon's phases and positions in the sky change, but they are always predictable with those who know how to do so. Maybe this encourages X to remember the past patterns of Y and understand that they will repeat themselves eventually if it hasn't happened already. X should really look and see if what Y is doing now is simply something X has seen before in a different form. Change happens and always seems new, but history also repeats itself. It's important to compare the past to the present, and think about whether new things are just old things you've forgotten.


Face your fears - the moon is like a living death. It's walking into the valley of your fears and facing all of them before coming out the other side fresher and stronger.


Depending on a situation, it can also mean: wrong direction. The light does not come from the moon but from the sun, i.e. where you're looking is not what you're supposed to focus on or head towards. If this is a romantic interest and in particular, a non-reciprocated love - situation, it can mean that X needs to realise their feelings are just an illusion and this is not the direction to go to - happiness, joy and clarity (the Sun) are not there. There's just fears, confusion, stirred-up emotions and illusion.


I can also mean dreams and visions. So I would be daydreaming of the future I want to create.