Where is bin Laden? spread


Last night, just for the heck of it, I took a break from the wonderful world of Me and asked the cards, "Where is bin Laden?" The answer amazed me so much that I showed the whole thing to my husband --a staunch non-believer in anything. No comment, but he didn't actually say he thought I was losing it. . . .

Anyhow, here's the spread (Celtic cross, Rider deck), 9 pm, MST, Dec. 17., no reversals allowed

1-- what covers him - High priestess
2 -- what crosses him - Kn. Swords
3 -- the root of the situation - 3 Pent
4 -- what's behind him - 4 swords
5 -- what he's thinking about - 5 swords
6 -- what's before him - Hanged Man
7 -- how he sees himself - 7 swords
8 -- the environment, how others see him - 8 pent
9 -- hopes and fears, unconsidered factor -- Tower
10 -- result - Death

So, as a raw beginner, I see a paranoid man in a cave (3 of the 6 "indoor" cards in the deck"), surrounded by war (swords), who's either dead or about to die, or who fears death is imminent.

1 -- HP -- the earth and its mysteries, subterranean things, great wealth, secret knowledge (all his plotting?)

2 -- Kn. Swords -- in this context, could we take the card at face value? Precipitous attack?

3 -- 3 pentacles -- family background in construction work, long years of careful preparation, careful construction of a terrorist network and a public persona

4 -- 4 swords -- period of rest, refuge, peaceful contemplation (of the WTC?), just ended

5 -- 5 swords -- thoughts of war, violence, betrayal, bullying. Paranoia. Actually, it wouldn't be paranoia, would it. . . ?

6 -- the Hanged Man -- once again, I'm inclined to take the card at face value -- for one thing, it reminds me of Mussolini's death at the hands of his angry one-time supporters.

7 -- 7 swords -- he sees himself as the lone wolf, the sneak, smarter than everyone else, the manipulator, the one who gets away with things

8 -- 8 pentacles -- those around him see him as a master of technology and a craftsman, a patient worker in the fields of terror and a teacher.

9 -- Tower -- The only thing odd about this is that it's so clear -- no hidden influence here.

10 -- Death.

Obviously, this would hardly help our forces find him, but I was stunned by how apposite it all was.

I'm a beginner, so I know I'm missing a lot. I'd love to hear comments.



I know that no one has commented on this one, but I find it really interesting to tie in tarot with current events. It also kind of gives you a break from all that "love lorn", "will I ever get a job?" type readings...not that those aren't legitimate, interesting, or fun to do.

1. High Priestess - mystery. No one knows where he is!, Also, it could be non action...because he is hiding out...not doing anythign right now.

2. Knight of Swords - i thought this was interesting, because the knight of swords often represents a person who treats people like numbers and doesn't temper justice with mercy. A type of person who can be cold and arrogant.

3. 3 of Pent - This could suggest more planning

4. 4of Swords - hmm..preparation...again

5. 5 of swords - looking out for number one...or beign in a disruptive environment. Also openly dishonoring.

6. The Hanged Man - sacrifice?

7. 7 of swords - Doyou think this could possibly mean that he sees himself as a coward? He's off in a cave while his supporteers defend his ideals.

8. 8 of Pentacles - You said what I was thinking.

9. Tower - I'm with you...he's afraid of his Karma debt.

10. Death - well, I always hate saying that this card means death. I see it as more of an end. To his rule over people. I;m really drawn to the meaning that he's riding his fate. He's not going to be able to hide from that anymore.

I also noticed that in this reading the cards go in numerical order...as to indicate a cycle. The cycle ends with death...sorry, I just thought that was interesting


Renard: You've done a fine job of interpreting your spread. It is very, very interesting--concurs with my view.
I can see a reversed influence as well with the Knight-Swords--that of being misled due to his own personality. He may be possessed of a formidable intellect, but it is skewered, that of madness & meglomania (reminds me of Hitler) as well as one who is ruthless.
With 5-Swords: definitely there is paranoia. A concern with his personal safety. There is treachery within his ranks. Some of his constituents may have followed him because they feared retribution otherwise, but there are those who have already deserted him.
By his actions, he has betrayed the spiritual teachings of his faith.
"He who lives by the sword, will die by the sword".
Wasn't there another post on this subject a while ago?


Diana: I find it interesting that you use Tarot in connection with current events, something I've thought of doing--
I do not always accept what is reported in the news media due to political overtones & other considerations.
As consumers, we are all in the position of being captive audiences, subject to whatever thepowersthatbe are willing to "share". It is sometimes wiser to be skeptical & to question; & to have other means to examine things for the self.


destinyawaitsme, MeeWah, Diana:

Thanks you SO much for your fascinating, enlightening responses and encouragement. As a beginner, I find the personality of the court cards is the hardest thing to get a handle on, so the comments about the Kn. of swords were especially instructive.

I'd love to read more about world events and tarot, and I see there's a thread starting (by quan-yin) about the possibility. The astrology community has been all stirred up about WTC and predictions re: the Saturn-Pluto opposition, and I think a similar line of inquiry among tarot folks (I realize there's plenty of overlap) would be at least very interesting.

For example: To what extent did my bin Laden spread reflect where I thought he was, versus a reflection of anything real? I haven't the slightest, although I have to admit it would startle me if his body is found in the Tora Bora hills.

Finally, these boards are models of civility, kindness and learned, honest discussion, and I love them. I imagine that the tone and general quality say something about the kind of people who become interested in tarot, but the *awesome* moderators must also have something to do with it. (Thank you, MeeWah!) Anyway, I'm so delighted to have found this community, and wanted to say it.