Which deck is this...


I thought I saw her in the giant list of decks on the main page. The chariot card depicted a formula 1 car. Very cool. Anyone know which one that was? I just went through a bunch of them but I didn't see it.


I think you are looking for the Rohrig Tarot by Carl Rohrig. I love this large card Deck. I have the earlier version which has the nudes- nude-there is a sanitised version with them dressed(somewhat!!) :D ~Rosanne


Thanks! That's it!


You might dig around in the book search engines looking for the 1995 edition (ISBN: 188539408X) Just found copies for $15 at Amazon & $16 at Half.com.

One thing worth noting is that this deck is more of a Thoth-based deck than a RWS deck... so it the learning curve may be steeper if you're more RWS focussed.

N.B.: There's a also a companion book written for this deck... (ISBN 1885394187)



Scion said:
You might dig around in the book search engines looking for the 1995 edition (ISBN: 188539408X)
The 1995 edition is not the earlier "nude" edition. The nude edition was available only in Germany, prior to Amber Lotus (then Blue Lotus) picking up the rights. The deck got "sanitized" in 1995, and has remained so ever since.

-- Jeannette
The Tarot Garden


D'oh. Good catch Jeannette! I just assumed...