Wildwood Tarot - Queen of Vessels (Salmon)


Is the Queen of Vessels (SALMON) the equivalent of the standard Queen of Cups?

The Queen of Cups represents someone who feels deeply ... someone who is sympathetic, deeply emotional, kind, nurturing, sensitive, gentle, generous. One’s mother, a helper, healer (such as a nurse), a care-giver. Someone who is intuitive, perceptive.

The Queen of Vessels – Salmon:
The image shows a salmon jumping a waterfall .... swimming upstream to spawn (to give life, just as all mothers do). Salmon are self-sacrificing because most die in the process. A negative/reversed queen of cups is one who is needlessly self-sacrificing.

The waterfall – water that is moving, so it represents a constant flow/movement of a person’s emotions. It represents the sub-conscious (so someone who feels deeply).
The water though moves at a great speed that everything in its path is being pulled along with the water. So, this person needs to be careful not to let their emotions be too easily swayed by others (no different to the Queen of Cups).
The water crashes down a vertical drop against rocks - a person not in control of their thoughts and emotions will be controlled by them, likely leading to a demise of some kind – indecision, confusion, negative thinking, clouded judgements, hysteria, mental instability, gullibility, a fatal attraction etc. etc.

The image shows a hazel tree hanging above the salmon pond – the description given in the book: “Salmon were said to swim in pools over-hung by hazel trees and to eat the nuts of wisdom that fell in autumn.”
The legend of Fionn Mac Cumhail “tells of his gaining the wisdom of the universe by simply coming in contact with the essence of the hazel nut. He did this through the salmon, which was known to eat the hazel nuts that dropped around a sacred pond encircled by nine hazel trees. It was fabled that from their diet of the nuts, the salmon too were keys to infinite knowledge. Fionn burned his finger while preparing a soup of these very salmon. Instinctively, Fionn thrust is finger in his mouth to soothe the burn and by this slight contact he became enlightened.” http://www.whats-your-sign.com/celtic-meaning-hazel-tree.html

The celts ate the hazel nut because it was said to induce visions, give heightened awareness and lead to epiphanies. (The queen of cups is wise, a person capable of prophesy, someone with intuition and perception).
The hazel tree might represent someone who is academically gifted, someone who is well informed so a good listener; someone who has an eye for detail (as all perceptive people do).
The hazel nut is brain food – it is rich in protein and essential fats (oleic acid), and other vitamins and minerals esp. Vitamin E. Salmon itself is an incredible food for brain health because it is a very rich source of EFAs (essential fatty acids) such as Omega 3, as well as a very good source of protein that is low in saturated fat. An important food for helping improve someone’s mood and concentration .... good for children with ADHD.

In the card image I see moss growing on the rocks:
Moss, in floral arrangements, represents motherly love. Also charity, tranquillity, connection, healing (all things I also associate with the Queen of Cups). Moss also represents wealth. Or ... maybe somewhere damp, old places most likely north-facing.


I enjoyed reading the above post.
I'm not sure that salmon mainly die in the spawning process - I know that Salmon born in a river travel down the river out to sea - travel hundreds of miles in the sea before returning eventually to the SAME river to spawn the following season.
The Salmon also wait in a deep pool until the conditions are just right to leap up the weirs to eventually get to the upper reaches of the river. I have a 'salmon leap' - near where I live and it's an amazing sight in the autumn after the first heavy rains to see the Salmon 'running' (as it is known).
So this Queen must be so instinctive, knowing exactly when to make a move and when to stay quietly waiting.