yes or no questions


hello! so just wondering.. i know asking the tarot yes or no questions is up to an individual.. but for the readers that do, do this - has the tarot ever said "yes" and then later events confirmed this answer?

The crowned one

About 50% of the time ;)

Seriously, I do play with yes no questions on myself, the problem is on some level I know the outcome all ready and that influences my interpretation of the card. AS I am aware of this it sets of a mental feedback loop of thinking the card is not relevant because the answer is known. A flawed experiment to me for me. I have not really done much yes no for others, as I generally ask them to reward the question if it is worded yes/no. Those sort of answers can be de-enabling, the opposite of why I like to read.


Hi Jennyb429,

yes, about 70% of the time. However, I tend to get additional info from the card I draw even if the question was just for yes or no. (for example, "yes, but it will take while" or "yes, but you need to work to get there", etc.)

In the "Asking the question" part of the Using Tarot Cards index you will find several more threads dealing with yes or no questions.


I use the tarot a lot for yes and no questions and found it has been reasonably accurate most of the time!


With me it has always worked...but yes sometimes i have also niticed it keeps bringing up very neutral cards which neither imply a yes or a know...which are more on the lines of 'decision making' or 'thinking' or expressing 'difficulty' ...
For example--- Hermit, 3 of wands, 7 of wands ...

Also i have seen high Pristess some times expresses 'not known yet' factor concerning the yes/no question for me...which i always see as opposed to---hermit,3 of wands, 7 of wands---which to me convey 'still in the process of figuring a yes or a no' holding potential for both...while HP always seems to be a SECRET...sometimes i feel my cards saying 'iam NOT telling you this!' LOL!


I'm still testing. I'm not sure of how accurate these answers are, and I just began asking Y/N questions. I also tend to look at the meaning of the card, as these Y/N are always answered with one card.

I also used the Oracle from Mary Greer

And this one has ambiguous answers. Sometimes it is correct, and sometimes not. This one in particular I look at the meaning of the cards in conjunction; if positive, and the answer indicate yes, then I assume it is yes, and usually it is. But these cards usually indicate the underlining reason why the event is occurring, more than its outcome.



I do them a lot. Here is the only piece of advice I can give you.

You must have a way to determine a clear yes and a clear no, and perhaps a maybe. If you read a yes/no like any other spread, you will not get a clear yes/no answer.

For example, I see people ask a yes/no and then throw a celtic cross, which is not intended to give a yes/no answer. So make sure whatever method you use (or come up with one of your own) gives a clear answer!

I don't think one card can give you a yes/no answer either. I would look more towards card placement, reversals. But pulling a card or two or three or ten is not going to give a clear yes/no.

Let your cards know what you are asking of them and they will oblige.

For the record, here's my yes/no: I pull three cards. Reversals indicate a no, while uprights indicate yes. I tend to count the middle card twice so there is the chance for a tie, which I take as "undetermined." I also read the cards as a regular three card, depending on my answer, to get a better sense of how I wish to proceed with the answer that I've gotten. If I get a no answer, they way to make it a yes is usually in those three cards.

Find a system that works for you. And keep trying them until you find the right one for you.