Mirror Reversals...

Demon Goddess

I've seen this term used a couple of times lately and am dying with curiosity as to what it means...

I can't be the only ignorant one.


Yours is the first thread in which I can recall seeing the term, but it intrigued me enough to open the thread to see what it's about, so I'd be interested in the responses too.



My understanding is that reversals can be a mirror-reflection of this world. I've read that reversals were not originally part of tarot and it is something that is defined differently depending on the person and the way they use them. Many people do not read cards reversed. This term is just another idea when interpreting their meaning.

It seems that more often than not the reversals are interpreted in relation to vertical orientation rather than a mirror image. Upside down the images and symbolism appear to change meanings. When viewing a mirror image literally something may switch from coming to going but the symbolism retains a lot of its original implication. This "mirror reversal" is more of a reference to an alternate energy than a literal interpretation.


I posted a thread yesterday with what I'm calling Mirror Reversals...but I'd never heard the phrase before, just thought it was a good name for a way I spontaneously started reading. What I ended up with was two sets of three cards, the top three upright and the bottom three reversed. I noticed that with one pair, Death Rx below appeared to literally be a mirror or shadow of the Knight of Wands above. So by Mirror Reversal I mean a reversed card as a mirror image of a different upright card...hope that make sense. Where else have you seen the phrase?

My thread is over here: http://tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=105640

Hooked on TdM

I thought that mirror reversals was when your looking at a card, what is your left of the card is actually the right of the card. So say your looking at the Fool/Le Mat and he is going towards your right. He would be heading towards his left from the cards perspective. Perhaps someone from Historical can come and answer this better because I don't use this method, it just confuses me.


Demon Goddess

brujaja said:
Where else have you seen the phrase?

I'm thinking I've seen Valeria mention it... Not sure if it was in her blog or one of her books, or even if it was someone else...

But it stung a memory when I read it in your thread.