Tarot and being a Medium - I urgently need your opinions‏



Due to a simply horrible (and persistent) insomnia problem, yesterday I was talking to a Reki therapist. After a Reiki session, she told me the same thing that other therapists already told me: that I am a medium.

When I asked for her opinion about Tarot reading, she absolutely forbade me of touching my tarot deck before I recover my own "balance". For that, I must do a Reiki initiation, meditate and work a lot on Reiki.

Well, to recover my balance completely it can take a year or more...

I urgently need to know what you think about this. Are there any more mediuns out there? What do you do before reading cards in order not to get other people's bad energies?

I feel so lost... :-(

Regards, Kitty *


well firstly if she is correct, good for you!

i would take her advice with a pinch of salt, i went for a reiki attumentment and it was really helpful with my psychic abilities, however....

-i didnt follow the before or after instructions (my friend didnt either) and the reiki still worked.
- my teacher seemed determined to do the same as your teacher has done and tell me that i need to following the reiki path completely, which yoou dont have to do.
-you can touch your tarot deck its not going to strike you down.

we all need to follow our own paths,
By all means try a reiki attunement, but also perhaps look into a development class where everyone is learning and has different skills, or even try a workshop.

Most of these things go hand in hand together , they complement each other…don’t be scared off by people try to force you to follow their doctorine.
I started properly learning a year ago and its been good, scary at times, but I am enjoying learning and growing.Things tend to come to you when you are ready, I started on a tarot course, then a psychic development course, and now reiki. If you said I would have done all this last year I would have laughed at you

Good luck and enjoy the journey
PS i am an insommniac too and reiki has helped a but, but meditation is helping more


I have suffered insomnia before, on and off, so I can empathise with how you must be feeling. At about three in the morning you do feel as if everyone else is sleeping.

I'm not at all familiar with the workings of reiki and mediumship but there was this really interesting thread on AT recently which may help.


I sure others will be along soon to give you proper advice, sorry I couldn't help more.

Wishing you sleep and peace.


eta - 214red was able to give some concrete advice - I knew it wouldn't be long!


i love meeting other innsomniacs as you understand how it feels to be awake at 3am and know your not going to sleep tonight!
my sympathies to both of you


Hi people,

My problem is not to fall asleep. My problem is that I wake up very early. At 3 in the morning you are still waiting for Morpheus, but by that time I am already awake... I only sleep for 4/5 hours. It's horrible, it's even worse that having trouble to fall asleep (I already had that problem too).


214red said:
i love meeting other innsomniacs as you understand how it feels to be awake at 3am and know your not going to sleep tonight!
my sympathies to both of you

Me too! I consider myself lucky because eventually it does come to an end and a period of non-insomnia follows. However, you do kind of need to reach an acceptance of the fact that you're not going to sleep. I spent ages worrying about it which, of course, made it worse, lol. 214red and umbigo - I feel your pain!

Umbigo - are you able to work with your mediumship skills yet?


umbigo said:
Hi people,

My problem is not to fall asleep. My problem is that I wake up very early. At 3 in the morning you are still waiting for Morpheus, but by that time I am already awake... I only sleep for 4/5 hours. It's horrible, it's even worse that having trouble to fall asleep (I already had that problem too).
i do both, sometimes i cant sleep all night like lastnight, sometimes i sleep 2-3 hours if i am lucky, its a no win situation.

i have done evrything they suggest (meditate, yoga, dont have electricals in bedroom, dont read in bed etc) and now i have to just think that is how i am meant to be.

Le Fanu

mmmmm... sounds a bit suspicious to me. Did I understand this correctly? The only way forward for you, according to this person, is to pay more money for more Reiki session. And it can take "a year or more".. Gosh, how many paid Reik sessions can you fit into a year...

I know that Reiki has been around for years, but the world is full of skilled mediums and readers and all sorts of gifted people who didn´t do Reiki and have developed their gift by following their own path, making their own internal journey.

Honestly, the things people come out with...(her, not you :) )


Le Fanu said:
mmmmm... sounds a bit suspicious to me. Did I understand this correctly? The only way forward for you, according to this person, is to pay more money for more Reiki session. And it can take "a year or more".. Gosh, how many paid Reik sessions can you fit into a year...

I know that Reiki has been around for years, but the world is full of skilled mediums and readers and all sorts of gifted people who didn´t do Reiki and have developed their gift by following their own path, making their own internal journey.

Honestly, the things people come out with...(her, not you :) )
I totally agree, if you do an attunment that cost me £100, then you can heal yourself which is what they recomend....so why is she telling you to have a years worth of healing when you can heal yourself!


Le Fanu - I thought this also - it sounds very expensive.

I looked in to Reiki courses and asked around a little. Passing on Reiki knowledge does seem to be a very protected thing. I have heard it refered to as, "pyramid selling," by a therapist I know. I hasten to add that this is not my opinion of reiki, I understand it to be a natural talent - some people are healers and some not. I am completely ignorant of how it ties in to unlocking mediumship, however.