Online tarot readings?


Can a reading done at site such as be accurate. To me it seems it couldn't be.


I don't know - does "scynchronisity" work with a computer program - I suppose it's possible - BIG ???

I used,, - sites like that - in the beginning of my interest as a way to get familiar with the cards, different decks, & yes, lots of readings. Readings I did on Llewellyn were always so negative compared to the other sites. I guess I would not take those readings seriously, but for me they served the purpose of quick access & an elementary learning curve. Keep it in perspective, consider the source kinda thing.


they are randomly generated, sometimes by keywords if you input a question.
Like the poster above me, I enjoyed playing them when I first began studying the cards, and sometimes the answers will give you something to think about.

I'd trust the newest newbie's skills before I'd trust a generated reading though.


Gotcha. What got me is that the cards sometimes seem to line up with what you ask, but the thing about keywords makes sense. I just wondered how it could be accurate....there's no energy, you know?


That is how I started in Tarot! At

I was having a very painful romantic problem and I was looking for help/relief. I found that site and I starting getting readings there. And yes they were accurate for a time. The first 6 in a row were accurate and very useful.

Then they stopped being, just stopped cold and they were no longer accurate at all. THEN I saw an ad there on their site for a course on how to learn Tarot and also an ad for AT. I knew it was time that I learn to read for myself. So I signed up for the Tarot course, roamed around AT and found a deck I thought I'd like, joined in the AT discusssions and ordered 40-50 more books on Tarot, and the rest is history, as they say.

I think the point is that they can work, but they don't always. The thing is to me that the power in the universe that sends us answers to our questions when we ask through Tarot and others means(and yes sychronicity), , CAN send us the answer in any way, shape or form it wants, even though our dreams at night. It has that ability.

If you are on and you are really seeking an answer, that force can ensure you get your answer there. Unless it decides that it is not in your best interest to get your answers there, then it will gently direct you elsewhere. Just like sometimes even our cards don't answer on occasion when it is not in our best interest to know something.

It's not so much a question of the mathematics of it, and how can a computer programme be accurate. When we seek answers the universe wants to give them to us as a rule. It can send it through any form it wants, even through computer generated readings.

When we seek answers through readings, something greater than we can understand is involved.
