Trimming question...


Why do you trim your decks?

Is it to get rid of the distraction of the borders?

To make them smaller for smaller hands?

To remove frayed edges?

All of the above?

Just trying to get a better understanding of it...It would scare me to death to even attempt it with one of my favourite decks!


Nothing could get me to trim my decks, NOTHING!!!!!

However, I will say that I saw a trimmed Thoth of gregory's three years ago and was blown away...... :bugeyed:



Alta said:
Nothing could get me to trim my decks, NOTHING!!!!!

However, I will say that I saw a trimmed Thoth of gregory's three years ago and was blown away...... :bugeyed:


I remember. :) I never thought anything tarot of mine would surprise you !

But - I did buy one specifically to trim it..... :) I couldn't have done it to my ONLY.....

I did it to see the projective geometry. It makes a HUGE difference. With the borders you cannot see any of it. ANY.

PS sharp scissors. NOT one of those scary machines..... It doesn't take as long as you think.


I've trimmed 2 decks and for very specific reasons.
My DruidCraft was huge and some of the cards were printed a little off-centre. Trimming it really made me feel as if it was 'my' deck.

I've also just trimmed my Renaissance Tarot by Jones and Lyle. This one was trimmed because I thought the borders made it look cheap. Trimming it also got rid of the copyright mark on the back border of all of the cards. I also didn't like the 'Page / Princess' label on the Pages so trimming it got rid of those.

Borders don't generally bother me but I don't tend to buy decks with big, fancy borders. I like borders to be small, plain and either white or black.


Borders don't usually bother me either, if they are small and plain. I have trimmed large, distracting borders, such as the white borders on the Tree Angels Oracle that made the pictures look faded. Now they really stand out! I've also trimmed decks like the Druidcraft that were so large for my hands; now the cards are more manageable and the borderless images are gorgeous! Of course there are some large decks I wouldn't trim, such as the Tarot of Dreams. Knowing that I can easily replace a deck helps make the choice a lot easier!


I trim decks for two reasons. (And I've trimmed a bunch.)

One reason: for some decks, I just don't like the borders. The Archeon got the chop for this reason, and I've never regretted it. Ever. Trimming that deck made it go from a 'possible trading deck' for me to one of my all-time favorite decks, and currently the most used deck in my collection.

Second reason: My hands are tiny. Really. Even the standard LS deck, which doesn't seem all that big, is too big for me to work with comfortably. So cutting off the borders instantly gives me a mini-deck size wthout sacrificing image size the way you have to with 'real' mini decks.

It works for me. :)


bodhran said:
Knowing that I can easily replace a deck helps make the choice a lot easier!

It would be a must if I were to trim one!

Okay, so it looks like people do it for many different reasons. Thanks for the responses!

I still don't think I could do it myself, and if I ever did, I think it would be for size alone, but after seeing the trimming thread (with pics) I just got curious as to why everyone was doing it.

Once trimmed, do the cards seem to hold up around the edges as well?

I'm an obsessive 'shuffler'. I'll sit with my decks for an hour at a time and just shuffle while watching t.v..


The edges hold up just fine - of my Thoth anyway..... And if you want to seethe geometry - it is the ONLY way.

Astraea Aurora

Anyone ever trimmed just for the art work? I trimmed decks because I felt the art work was being suffocated by the ugly (mostly) white borders. That the deck got smaller in the process is just an added bonus for me.

Astraea Aurora :grin:


I have trimmed decks for the way they look, but usually it's all about how they FEEL. They FEEL better when playing card size.

I don't worry about how the edges will hold up. I'm more interested in NOW.