What cards warn of injuries?


Hello! I apologize if this isn't the right place for this type of question, but yesterday my husband got hit in the head with golf ball (he's okay) and I was wondering - what card do you draw, upright or reversed, that warns of an injury? I was thinking the 3 of Swords, but are there others?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts!


As I have said a zillion times before :laugh: I can never see any one card as predicting or indicating anything in particular - it varies from reading to reading..

The only experience I have had here was in a general reading I did for someone here; I was using the Baroque Bohemian Cats and drew - among others - the 5 of Pents. One cat seems to have an injured eye, and I mentioned this in passing. Sure enough.... It was even the correct eye !

If I WERE doing that, I don't think the 3 Swords would be one I would pick for being hit on the head with a golf ball, though. Being run over by a truck, maybe :D


Ha ha the first card that came to mind was the RWS upright 10 of Swords...but then again it isn't necessarily a violent death ;) Good question though. Its hard to say, sometimes the combination of cards means something entirely different each time for different questions and situations. And the imagery plays a huge part in identifying specific things that have happened or may happen. I don't think you can narrow it down to specific cards to tell you of impending danger or injury. Its all how you read them :) At least in my own opinion.


agree with the others. it does quite honestly depend upon the reading/question asked/cards layed out, etc. so many things affecting it.

I had the 10 of swords pop up twice for drs. visit things. once for myself in a daily draw, the night before my visit to the allergist, when I had to go through the allergy testing. I had tons of needles put into my back, and I had to laugh when I recalled the card (10 s) i picked the night before to tell me about the day coming. it was right!

anohter time, for a client, I pulled it and thought immediately about a lot of testing being done for them at the drs. office and sure enough, they were having lots of tests run. blood work and all sorts of things.

and another time, the hanged man appeared when another client had sprained her ankle.

so, it really depends...


I once drew the 10 of wands for my bf while he was about to go lift and move some chairs for his mom's party and I saw a chance that he might hurt his hand. True enough, when he came home, he told me that he accidentally hurt his hand while lifting a chair.

Glass Owl

I'm guessing that this thread will probably be moved to Using Tarot Cards.

I suppose you could take just about any card and assign some sort of injury or trauma to it. For instance, the Fool could refer to a fall or maybe walking out into traffic without looking.

At any rate, the Wheel, Chariot, and 4 of Swords turned up in a reading after I was in a bicycle accident (wheel, chariot) and needed to rest (4 of Swords).

I too have seen the 10 of Swords come up for acupuncture after an injury or blood being drawn.


cybercinbad said:
Hello! I apologize if this isn't the right place for this type of question, but yesterday my husband got hit in the head with golf ball (he's okay) and I was wondering - what card do you draw, upright or reversed, that warns of an injury? I was thinking the 3 of Swords, but are there others?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
From here,

THE FOOL: unforeseen health problems around the corner: stop and take stock.

the CHARIOT:accidents, most likely involving vehicles of some kind.

the TOWER: some form of unexpected accident, most likely in or around buildings.

JUDGEMENT: Your OWN BEHAVIOURS are solely and directly responsible for your condition, and they are also the only things that will have a long-term effect on your recovery.

TWO WANDS: Problems with legs, arms, joints. This has come up as a period of time on crutches several times.

FOUR WANDS: health problems associated with the home: minor household accidents, injuries from doing repairs, cutting your hand on a kitchen knife etc. Has the place been sprayed with toxic chemicals and you now feel unwell? Take more care around the home.

FIVE WANDS: injuries through accidents or even possibly violence. Try and keep away from situations conducive to that, and from aggressive people.

EIGHT WANDS: likelihood of injuries related to speed: slow down in the car, don't cross the road against a red light, don't run down a flight of stairs, if you really MUST go skiing, be extra-careful, all the normal speed-related advice applies.

TEN WANDS: working yourself into the ground until your mind or body breaks down, workaholism, a desperate need to rest.

KNIGHT WANDS: likelihood of injuries due to clumsiness, uncoordination or carelessness.

KNIGHT SWORDS: Slow down, take precautions, respect speed limits, if you do any sports or work requiring safety equipment take the extra time to check over your safety gear before you get started in order to prevent any nasty little incidents.

Glass Owl

Oh, I completely forgot!

I injured my ankle and had to keep it wrapped for a few weeks. I also tried to stay off it as much as I could. During that time the Hanged Man from the Deviant Moon kept turning up in my spreads. When I used other decks, the Hanged Man didn't make an appearance.

I can't say that the Tarot forewarned me of the injury but it sure kept reminding me of it.


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nisaba said:
THE FOOL: unforeseen health problems around the corner: stop and take stock.

the CHARIOT:accidents, most likely involving vehicles of some kind.

the TOWER: some form of unexpected accident, most likely in or around buildings.

JUDGEMENT: Your OWN BEHAVIOURS are solely and directly responsible for your condition, and they are also the only things that will have a long-term effect on your recovery.

TWO WANDS: Problems with legs, arms, joints. This has come up as a period of time on crutches several times.

FOUR WANDS: health problems associated with the home: minor household accidents, injuries from doing repairs, cutting your hand on a kitchen knife etc. Has the place been sprayed with toxic chemicals and you now feel unwell? Take more care around the home.

FIVE WANDS: injuries through accidents or even possibly violence. Try and keep away from situations conducive to that, and from aggressive people.

EIGHT WANDS: likelihood of injuries related to speed: slow down in the car, don't cross the road against a red light, don't run down a flight of stairs, if you really MUST go skiing, be extra-careful, all the normal speed-related advice applies.

TEN WANDS: working yourself into the ground until your mind or body breaks down, workaholism, a desperate need to rest.

KNIGHT WANDS: likelihood of injuries due to clumsiness, uncoordination or carelessness.

KNIGHT SWORDS: Slow down, take precautions, respect speed limits, if you do any sports or work requiring safety equipment take the extra time to check over your safety gear before you get started in order to prevent any nasty little incidents.

Thank you for sharing your link and information. I love it Nisaba!!! I will be using this for future reference as well :)


Glass Owl said:
Oh, I completely forgot!

I injured my ankle and had to keep it wrapped for a few weeks. I also tried to stay off it as much as I could. During that time the Hanged Man from the Deviant Moon kept turning up in my spreads. When I used other decks, the Hanged Man didn't make an appearance.

I can't say that the Tarot forewarned me of the injury but it sure kept reminding me of it.

Ha The Deviant Moon is sometimes very literal when things happen, it is a lot of fun to use! It is interesting however to see how the cards can show us health related issues and some injuries at times as well. But for me, I usually figure out what the card was saying after the fact when it comes to personal injury. There was a time, when I was doing cards for my husband about the state of his position at his job. The Tower came up A LOT. And where he worked was very dangerous at times without proper training a lot someone could get really hurt or killed. And my husband was the Senior operator over his group of several others, who were considerably less experienced and less likely to utilize their common sense in some cases.

So the Tower really had me worried. Would their be a fire because someone wasn't watching? My husband already had to deal with that issue a month prior because of another negligent employee (and saved the company half a million dollars on their stupid machine, lol). At this point anything was possible. But the cards said that this event would only occur after my husband moved to a different job closer to home and less pay. Well, it wasn't exactly injury or anything close but, there was a huge turn around of events. The company (because of the economy issues) decided to shut down their multi-million dollar program and lay everyone off or move them to a different place in the company, only to save some money. Most of those people did lose their jobs, but my husband didn't. So he was fortunate, thank goodness!!! A lot of people lost their jobs that year from this company alone! But the building pretty much was shut down, maybe not by fire, and maybe it didn't kill anyone, but some people were pretty hurt in the end. Thats my story of how I misinterpreted the Tower card for injury :D I always seem to think the worse. Anyways had to share this story.