challenging the readings given to you


were you given a reading you challenged? i.e. the reader told you you're not gonna go to college but you got scholarship and graduated some years after the reading..

i'd like to hear stories.. ;)


Sure. It happens all the time. My personal opinion is that tarot is best as a self-improvement tool, and I'm highly skeptical of it as a predictor of the future. Of course others believe differently, but that's been my experience.


There was one that I felt was totally wrong, actually two by the same reader. NONE of it sounded like it could be true. And that was even about my present moment. I even told the reader at the time. What was said really kindof upset me too. I did not want to even see it or consider it. I tried to forget it, but it kept on my mind. A few weeks later I felt the urge to reread it and it was actually very true. Just that the reader I guess saw the world so differently from me that it was hard to accept at first. Her lifeview was too different from mine for me to just accept it at first. But it turned out to be amazingly accurate.

It was not about college though.Althogh when I did go to college, the first one gave me an entrance exam in my field and told me I would never be good enough to do it. I then got accepted at the second place where I graduated with a BA, with distinction. That felt kindof good after being told I would never be good enough. Even though the first place never knew I felt like I showed him. :grin:


pink daliha

It can do both.

I have found that Tarot can be both an indicator of the present as well as an accurate prediction tool. You may have just gotten a reading that was a little off... It happens and that's why you may have gotten an inaccurate reading. I find that the more specific my question, the better my answers. That's just my experience, although I learned to be specific with my questions through the forums.

Your circumstances from the original reading may have changed as well... remember that the future is never set in stone, free will does play a role in your life.


I've had readings that seemed wrong at the time, but the actual events were so convoluted that they ultimately proved to be spot-on. I've had readings that were also totally wrong, and to be fair, I suppose I've also given wrong readings. I agree with GryffinSong somewhat, that Tarot for me is mostly an observational and divinatory tool and less a predictive one.

But I think that even when readings are completely off-track, somehow the reading itself fits in the greater scheme of things. For example, a reading tells you you're going to fail at something, which prompts you to try harder to achieve it, and then you do, and succeed, or do not because of that reading, and you fail. Or the reading predicts something will happen, and the foreknowledge causes it to happen or not to happen. The reading itself isn't divorced from "real life," it's a part of it, and the very fact you're doing a reading can alter events.

If nothing else, Tarot forces you to sit down and think about your life in a concentrated way, that has to do something, even if only subtly.