Finds at garage/yard sales?


Has anyone had any luck finding decks at garage/yard sales? I don't know why but I got this sudden urge to go looking for decks at garage sales and see what I would find. I live in the midwest where tarot is quite uncommon, so I don't have very high expectations but who knows?
Has anyone had luck with this? I would think it would be a very interesting conversation starter. :D


I have, but nothing really good....yet. There are others here who have had some luck, though...It's just a matter of going to enough sales and being in the right place at the right time.

The decks I have found - very old red owl lenormand, Johnathan Dee tarot, and a semi old Rider Waite. The last one I found, another customer at the sale felt obligated to let me know that when SHE has questions about life, she talks to JESUS......


How very kind of her to let you know.

La Force

OMGosh that so happened to my daughter, she went to parent hood place for young teens, they help with giving out birth control etc. to teens. anyways on here way there she stop at a garage sale found a deck paid 5 bucks, anyways she was so stoked about it that she told the lady what she found, next thing she knew she was in a room being counseled by two women talking her into receiving Jesus into heart and that the cards are the devils work, they even offered to pick her up and take her to church. my daughter came home upset and traumatized, cause these women where freaking her out, that they were putting their hands on her praying etc. all she wanted was birth control pills and condoms.

Le Fanu

We don't have yard sales. It's an American phenomena. I wish we did. But we have flea markets, which I love. same time & place every week so you kind of get addicted, thinking this week I'm gonna find tarot treasures!

I have found loads of stuff. I'm so spoiled I have even left stuff behind just because I already have it/don't like it or want it for 1 euro and they won't sell it! :D

Best find; a pristine 1968 Tarot Productions Albano Waite. Looked fresh out of shrink wrap. For a song. It looked so new that I saw the yellow box (with Sun) and assumed it was a modern yellow box RWS... But no.

I also found a whole stash of Lo Scarabeo/Fabbri Oracle decks, like 12 or something, including Sibilla, Lenormand, and many others and the guy apologetically wanted 2 euros for the whole lot. Also found a few older Lenormands.

Ones left behind; Older Grimaud Marseilles (don't like this deck) and gold Nefertari Tarot, plus many others...

My dream is to spot Rose & Lily backed cards from afar. Funny, every week when I go, I think of it as a real possibility!


I've occasionally seen decks at tag sales (what we call yard sales here in CT), but that was before I joined AT so I didn't see the need for buying decks I already had... :) I saw at least 2 back then, one of which was the Russian/St. Petersburg. Of course since joining AT I haven't seen a one for sale used in person anywhere... too bad, because that would have given me trade bait!


I haven't seen a deck at a yard sale yet, but I've found some quite nice ones at the flea! My best snags are a first edition Hermetic and a blue box Rider Waite, both for under 10$


yes, flea markets are a good place too - but I have been finding that prices at flea markets and thrift type stores are going up up UP. Ever since it became "fashionable" to shop at them, the prices have been steadily climbing. Some things are insultingly high. Of course sellers are more educated about the worth of what they have now, and are likely to go online to see what the value of something is - but it's not just that. Prices of the cheap junky crap are higher too. So in my area, it's the yard sales that still offer the best deals. Gotta get up really early and make the rounds, but the thrill is in the hunt for me!!


That's super annoying, Bhavana. Fortunately for me, the things that I like to look for at flea markets (tarot decks and hand tools) are not really on anyones radar for value, so I can still find good deals.


found an angel tarot deck and lwb at an estate sale...too cartoony for me,
so i bought for my nephew...