Lost Cards: Significant?


After keeping my beloved first deck in its original box and all together for years, I've finally gone and lost a card. I decided to do a card-count before doing a reading earlier today and kept coming up one short, but when I re-counted I finally had 78... I was visiting family so when I returned home I counted again and realized I'm missing the 6 of Cups.

Since I've never lost a card before I'm wondering what everyone thinks on the significance of lost cards. (I thought there might already be a thread like this, but wasn't able to find one.) Do you think that they're trying to give us a message by getting lost, or do you think it's just the result of our human error? :p I'd love to hear any stories anyone has about lost cards and how they ended up significant to something, if you have them.


Yesterday we had another member post that she'd lost the 6 of Sacred Circles from her Ancestral Path deck. Her thread is here:


I don't know what deck you''ve lost the card from but maybe you could get some help from this thread:


Her deck is out of print so she might have some trouble getting a replacement card but if your deck is still in print and in common use, maybe you'll have good luck finding replacement from the lost and found thread.


If you keep losing the same card over and over, it's a sign. If you lose one card, it's just a sign that you lost something.


Once I 'lost' a card for about 6 months. It was so sad. I decided one day to go thru again (I had originally counted several times, ordered them so I knew which one was missing) & lo & behold, two cards were stuck together! Check your deck again, very carefully.


I think a lost card would be a very potent sign. A sign that I needed to go shopping for a new deck! :D I've been fortunate, so far, that I haven't lost or seriously damaged a card or deck (yet). But yes, as canid said, I'd make double-sure the card wasn't just stuck to another or stuck in the box, I'd replace the deck.


I'm in complete agreement with what the others have said. I'd also add that if your deck is still readily available/in print you might want to consider investing in a few copies of it if this is your go-to deck. That will allow you some complete decks in reserve. Should it ever go out of print and you lose a card again or simply wear out a deck you'll still have access to that particular deck.