Clear Quartz Crystal Elixir


Salutations everyone!

I'm so excited to be able to share this with you today, and hope it's a helpful little note.

I am a Stone Reader, as some of you may know, so it's sort of a given that I work with crystals (not Use, but Work With, mind you) on a regular basis.

One of my favorite things to do is make crystal elixirs.

You see, I started making elixirs when my husband banished sage burning from our home (he's just too sensitive to smells). I was forced to replace my beloved sage with a mister bottle filled with clear quartz elixir.

I also like to experiment with my elixir base as well (water), for each type of water gives/brings a different energy. I've used rain water, moon water, cave water, spring water, and here recently; rose water; it was through this, that I discovered one of Gaia's greatest gifts.

A Clear Quartz Crystal Elixir made with Rose water. (Someone, somewhere has probably already made this little discovery. However, it was my first time.)

Using this not only purifies the air, but opens the mind as well, promoting clairvoyance and psychic awareness. This perfect to mist before divination, or anything of the sort. Plus, you've got the healing power of the rose amplified by the healing power of the quartz! So many uses, especially since it's safe to apply to skin.

What do you think? Any suggestions on how to improve it even more? Will/would you use it? And if so, tell me how it works for you...



Hi KristyRex!

So happy to see you here in the forums and looking forward to getting to know you! Thanks for sharing your elixir idea, I think it is fabulous. And I love that you point out that different waters can also have different energies, a lot of people probably don't think of that. I admit, I have been remiss in creating elixirs but it is something I am interested in and I would definitely try the rose water!


A Clear Quartz Crystal Elixir made with Rose water. (Someone, somewhere has probably already made this little discovery. However, it was my first time.)

Using this not only purifies the air, but opens the mind as well, promoting clairvoyance and psychic awareness. This perfect to mist before divination, or anything of the sort. Plus, you've got the healing power of the rose amplified by the healing power of the quartz! So many uses, especially since it's safe to apply to skin.

What do you think? Any suggestions on how to improve it even more? Will/would you use it? And if so, tell me how it works for you...


Nice discovery! Can you please tell how you make it?


yeah i have an idea.. add a drop of dragons blood to it and stand back for to wait for the effect.. lol x


Can you please tell how you make it?

I would like to know how you make it too, sounds very interesting, I have never made an elixir before.


I can not burn sage or incense at home either because the family doesn´t like that at all. But mild rose scent would be lovely. I like the idea of the spray bottle! Why have I never thought of that.


I can't do incense, either. I have a stupendous allergy to smoke.

When you say "elixir", what do you mean?

I have heard of putting stones right IN the water, but I have also heard of projecting stones' energy INTO water -- in effect, "programming" the water with the stone energy.

Hmmmm... that last idea makes me think. We use distilled water for drinking/making coffee and tea, and at the moment, we have a bunch of bottles of it. Maybe I can get hold of my wands (made with quartz points) and embark on a little programming mission. :)

I think the idea of using rose water is great. I love the scent of it, and I do have some misting bottles in the house.

I would just be careful to ensure that I was spraying a stone that wouldn't react badly to water. For example, water dissolves selenite, so that would be a no-no.

For a REALLY stone-safe cleansing method, I breath-cleansing, as described in Uma Silbey's crystal book. Hold the stone and blow "through" it, with the intention of cleansing. Rotate the stone as needed so that you are blowing through it on all three axes (the plural of axis, not the wood-chopping tool): length, width, height. Breath can be used as a carrier of intention; therefore, this method can also be used to PROGRAM stones, for those who are so inclined. (I know not everyone believes in programming stones.)


I can't do incense, either. I have a stupendous allergy to smoke.

When you say "elixir", what do you mean?

I have heard of putting stones right IN the water, but I have also heard of projecting stones' energy INTO water -- in effect, "programming" the water with the stone energy.

Hmmmm... that last idea makes me think. We use distilled water for drinking/making coffee and tea, and at the moment, we have a bunch of bottles of it. Maybe I can get hold of my wands (made with quartz points) and embark on a little programming mission. :)

I think the idea of using rose water is great. I love the scent of it, and I do have some misting bottles in the house.

I would just be careful to ensure that I was spraying a stone that wouldn't react badly to water. For example, water dissolves selenite, so that would be a no-no.

For a REALLY stone-safe cleansing method, I breath-cleansing, as described in Uma Silbey's crystal book. Hold the stone and blow "through" it, with the intention of cleansing. Rotate the stone as needed so that you are blowing through it on all three axes (the plural of axis, not the wood-chopping tool): length, width, height. Breath can be used as a carrier of intention; therefore, this method can also be used to PROGRAM stones, for those who are so inclined. (I know not everyone believes in programming stones.)

I work with tumbled quartz crystal for many many many reasons. One being that they're safe in water. My raw stones never touch water for the same reason, I'm too protective of them.

I've never heard of that method of programming before, and I thank you for sharing. I'll definitely have to try that out. I use my own little meditation and medicine wheel combo to program. =]


Nice discovery! Can you please tell how you make it?


For my large batch, it took about a month and a day (because I like to charge my things under the Full Moon, and I couldn't resist working with the Moon of Halloween).

In preparing this I used:

A large blue glass bowl (you can use whatever is available, but try to find something without markings/carvings)

A Large wooden bowl (optional)

Rose water (mine was bought for me, but you can make your own)

Himalayan Sea Salt & Sage (optional)

Large and tiny tumbled Quartz Crystals

Mister Bottle

Two plastic spoons

Pine Box (optional)

A personal collection of tumbled & raw crystals and river stones (also optional)

The first thing I did was place my Crystals on a bed of white sage I had anointed with an essential oil. I then placed large/ish pieces of Himalayan Sea Salt around them and allowed them to bathe in moonlight of September's Full Moon.

Once that was over, I gathered them and tucked them away in their own little box and waited.

On the evening of Halloween I placed my stones into the glass bowl, poured the rose water in until the stones were completely covered.

I then made a fairly large medicine wheel in my back yard with my other stones, and placed the bowl in the center, said my prayer, and went about my business.

I brought them in just a few moments before halloween was over, scooped out my large stone, and (very carefully) poured the elixir and small stones into my mister.


I just want to say that this is just the way I've come about making these. I'm not in any way saying this is how you must do it, only sharing my technique. I hope it comes to use for you.


I can't do incense, either. I have a stupendous allergy to smoke.

When you say "elixir", what do you mean?

I have heard of putting stones right IN the water, but I have also heard of projecting stones' energy INTO water -- in effect, "programming" the water with the stone energy.

Hmmmm... that last idea makes me think. We use distilled water for drinking/making coffee and tea, and at the moment, we have a bunch of bottles of it. Maybe I can get hold of my wands (made with quartz points) and embark on a little programming mission. :)

I think the idea of using rose water is great. I love the scent of it, and I do have some misting bottles in the house.

I would just be careful to ensure that I was spraying a stone that wouldn't react badly to water. For example, water dissolves selenite, so that would be a no-no.

For a REALLY stone-safe cleansing method, I breath-cleansing, as described in Uma Silbey's crystal book. Hold the stone and blow "through" it, with the intention of cleansing. Rotate the stone as needed so that you are blowing through it on all three axes (the plural of axis, not the wood-chopping tool): length, width, height. Breath can be used as a carrier of intention; therefore, this method can also be used to PROGRAM stones, for those who are so inclined. (I know not everyone believes in programming stones.)

An elixir is a magical or medicinal potion, so to speak. A crystal elixir is just that, only it's more of a natural earthy way of making said potion. With crystals, you're imprinting their vibration within the water itself. In other words; you're drawing their essence into the water, so you can consume it (or use it in any form needed).

I'm not an expert by any means, but this is how I've come to understand it.