bach flowers


is it the right place here where to talk about this subject?
anyone of you ever used them? what do you think about? I personally use them, and I think they really work if they're right choosen, otherwise, they just dont have any effects, this is my personal experience. please, let me know your opinions !


Hi Lou!

Welcome to Aeclectic!

I do use the Bach Flower remedies. I feel the same as you that they are effective if used properly. What is so great is that a bottle will last forever, so I have no problem experimenting when I am trying to find the right mixture.

I have had great results from these remedies.



Hi, Lou! Yes, I have the full set and use Bach flowers with complete confidence and gratitude. Diana, a fellow member of Aeclectic, is a certified Bach flower practitioner with a practice in Switzerland.


I have done some reading on flower essences and I find them very promising and fascinating! I have used a few with my pets and noticed a very positive change...

I just started taking a combination remedy developed for me - and I have great confidence in it... :eek:) If Diana sees this thread, I am sure she will post... She has tremendous knowledge in this area!!!!!!!!!!


I have used them and touched on them in my Astrology course - there is some links between the flower remedies and the natal chart, so you can develop a remedy specifically designed for you.


I have used them myself for over 10 years with amazing results. I sometimes prescribe them with readings and am currently studying Flower Essences externally as part of the course I am doing, Naturopathy.


I am also interested. Actually debateing about investing in set for a Birthday/Christmas present. I have been reading many sites about them and I have talked a bit to Diana. She is very helpful.


Bach Flower Remedies rock.

And they are so gentle, one doesn't even notice sometimes the changes that occur.

A person I treated came to me for a chronic cold and nightmares. (Chronic means practically all her life). When she came back a month later for the follow-up, she said something like :"these Flowers haven't worked at all." I said : "and your cold?" She said something like: "Cold? What cold? Oh that.... hmmm. It's much much better - I haven't noticed it recently." "And the nightmares"?, I asked her. "Goodness, I haven't had any of those either!"

Of course, a near life-time chronic cold can't be solved in one month - there's quite a lot of work to do. But it will be done! :)

Another person was waking up every morning without fail at 5am. First I tried one Remedy - it made his waking up more peaceful (it didn't bother him so much anymore), but he continued waking at 5am. So I did some research and suddenly it hit me what he needed. No more waking at 5am.

Like I said, Bach Flower rock.

(Today I have a very important reading to do for someone - it was making me real nervous. Celeste did a reading for me. Based on it, I took remedies and I am now all happy and looking forward to it, regardless of the outcome....)


I've just decided to go down to the herbist shop and have a new Bach flowers composition. I chose: crab apple, star of bethlem, rock water, walnut, olive- i've just token it and feel quite reversed. maybe it's the star of bethlem effect. i chose these flowers because i'm having a harsch, damning 7 of wands like period. im pretty tired and keep taking cold and flue and so over. i also noticed it takes a lot of energy to recover, and my phisical side is not quite ok as well. you know, my natal moon at 12°-13° degrees of cancer is having this challenging second passage of saturn over it, maybe, this is why i feel like that. i wait for your opinions and advice and whatever you have to tell me.

thanku all for the posts you made, and looking forward to hear about Diana's friday important reading. bye, Lou-



Difficult to give opinions with so little information. But the Olive certainly sounds good! :) If you chose Star of Bethlehem, then you must have had a good reason - it's a very powerful flower which helps reprogramming our cells.

What is a 7 of Wands period (I'm not very good with Rider Waite meanings)?

If you want advice, you are welcome to e-mail me or PM me (PM would probably be too short!)

You probably also need some trace elements and vitamins - good quality ones, not the synthetic stuff, to help your physical health.