bach flowers


Hi all,

If I was to put Bach flower remedies on my christmas list.. Which ones would be best for hubby to get. I'd like a sort of starter pack. And how do you use them? Do you put them in a drink? I'm an aromatherpy girl myself but i feel i need to open my horizons a little. by the way - you do NOT put aromatherapy oils in a drink.



No such thing as a Starter Pack. You have to have them all.

But of course, you should always always always always have some Rescue Remedy in your purse, in your car, in your kitchen. It should become a kind of a reflex to take it in any period of great stress, shock and upset. A few drops every ten minutes or so, and then space out until one is feeling better.

As to the other remedies, you either take a couple of drops of them directly onto your tongue, or you put them in water and sip them throughout the day, or you make up a dropper bottle (available at chemists) that can last you for four weeks with some brandy and mineral water. (Latter method is best when taking them for long-term matters).

Aromatherapy rocks as well. I'm presently healing some chronic pain in the chest region with them (along with Bach Flowers to help what actually caused the pain) and it's doing wonders for me.


So Diana, how many are there, if i need all of them? Can I start with some and build on it?



Moonbow* said:
So Diana, how many are there, if i need all of them? Can I start with some and build on it?

There are 38 plus the Rescue Remedy which is a combination of five flowers.

Nope, you can't start with some and build on to that. The only way to slowly build up your "collection" (they will last for ages and ages if you only use them for you and your family and have no expiry date), is to take one of your health problems, or mental problems (all health problems start in the mental realm anyway - it's better to solve them before the body starts yelling at you), and choose the remedies (with someone's help - I'm always here for you, you know that :) ), and then buy the ones you need. Then if ever you need one of those that you've already bought for a new problem, then you won't have to buy it again. See what I mean?

That's the only way to do it if you can't afford to buy the whole lot (they are expensive, and please please buy the original and not some cheap clone). But in the UK the originals are very easy to find. Along with the original Bach Flowers, the Healing Herbs brand is also quite extraordinary.


Hi moonbow,

If you are considering buying a set..i found a place that has excellent bach flowers (according to Diana)
The set of 38 plus 2 rescue remedies is $180 and that is a good price.

I am now currently trying to figure out the best books to get too. If i decide to invest the money. It is much mroe stressful decision then i thought.
This is a thread that has a bit about the flowers alos


Oops Moonbow...For some reason I thought you were in the United States...Disregard my post about where to buy them!



RedWood: If it is a stressful decision, do not buy them yet. There is no hurry.

Buy a couple of books first. Buy some Rescue Remedy and use that. Download pictures of the Bach Flowers from the internet, and print them out and make yourself a little set of cards that you can meditate with.

Please don't hurry. It would not be right. When the time is ripe, you will know. A few months wait, or even a year, will not be terrible.



i think it is more the money..

Otherwise..I woudl love to have them. I am more stressed about whether i should spend the money. If it is worth it to me to do it. I think it is. But my whole life it has been drilled in my head. Spending money bad. specially on yourself and at quantities. So i think I just should take a step back and see if the reasonsI want it are the right ones and if it is. Then do it.


Thanks anyway Redwood,

And Diana, I'm a woman with a mission now. Its the Capricorn in me. I think I need to do a bit of local research!!!



Moonbow: You know where to find me. Redwood: You do too. Why don't do do a reading on this?