Why different decks........


Last night I was asked an interesting question that took me way off guard (that's where the best question and learning comes from isn't it)...I was asked...why were there different decks and what was the point...

I stopped and thought about it for a second and my first reaction was to say "I could tell you but I would have to kill you then," but realize that wouldn't be good PR for Tarot reading or readers......so I chose the more polite route and explained that there were different decks because it was basially like baseball bats (which I was at the moment wishing I had to get me out of that awkward moment)...people use different bats but ultimately we play the same game....

Unfortuantely it was followed by a second question..this one more sarcastic, "Like winnie the bear"...Uhm...I have no idea what brought a honey loving bear into Tarot reading ...but I reply...well...there are hello kitty decks, there is a Lord of the Rings deck but it's more just the images, it's what helps the reader best focus with.....

This was then followed by a third question, all the more sarcastic, and all the more leaving me wishing I had a baseball bat for real at that moment..with a sneer I was asked, "So it's just pretty pictures,"......"Uhm, no," I reply...like cooking...you have different chefs with different styles...we use our own tools and we have own preferences...this doesn't make us right or wrong...but like some people couldn't cook with a wok but I can....some prefer different styles of tarot decks....

I was really thinking baseball bats, cannabilism...this should take care of my problem...but then I got a fourth sneer filled remark, "well it just doesn't make sense to me. Why can't you people just use one deck...you get the same thing."

Sure and why don't we all just wear uniforms and call all of ourselves, "Joe Smith" regardless of sex or nationality.

I finally went to the individual, "You're wearing jeans and a polo shirt, why?"
They replied, "Because this is my style."

Woohoo! Breakthrough! I asked them, "why don't you wear a dress or tatter jeans and a tank top?"

They replied, "Because I don't feel comfortable wearing that."

"There you go," I replied as I quietly filed away any thoughts of using a baseball bat and taking them to Emeril by then......

It was a really good and legit question the person had, but it really made me shake my head that this same person would buy different books on the same subject, but couldn't understand why there were different tarot decks...

Lol..I hope I wasn't far off in trying to explain to them why there are different decks and even oracle decks...


I think you handled it SO WELL! And facing the sneer with calm and clarity (no matter how wildly you were paddling under the surface) was an outstanding statment for tarot readers everywhere.



LOL...I really wanted to use a baseball bat then...but sigh.....lol

Little Baron

I think you handled it well as well. I liked the way you got the person to answer their own question. Very smart.

I think that it is the same as having a house. We all have them but we decorate them differently to suit our tastes. Also, we change decks like we walk from room to room. I may have a party in the back-room, but later in the evening, I might want to chill out in the loft. Different decks for different moods, different guests and different size of room. I definitely see The druidcraft as 'the garden'.



It seems to me, this guy wasn't into Tarot, so he can not understand why new decks come out all the time :) you did well using his taste in clothes to show why different different people feel comfortable with different styles.

What about many Tarot deck styles? nobody is going to learn Tarot if card images are not appealing (at least a bit) who wants to spent hours watching at cardboard pieces which doesn't say anything? so different decks help readers connect better with the concept and/or meaning of the card, so it doesn't matter if a card has Winnie the bear rejecting a jar of honey if that helps you easily understand the 4 of Cups concept.


Sure I couldn't just use a baseball bat?? LOL


Each deck is an new and fasinating interpretation of the human consciousness. Each new deck I hope is filled with artwork that I like, but also with new thoughts and ponderings on the card meanings and symbolism. It also makes me ponder life and the 'human condition', and all their wonderful perspectives make me a better reader (I hope!).

Thats what I tell people - different strokes for different folks.

You handled it so well though bladeraven! We are all mighty proud of you, especially as you didnt use a baseball bat ;)



ooooo......I so wanted one...but I took the better road...lol...I don't think Tarot Reader pounds Civie looks good as a headliner...Lol

It just hit me to...another point I should have brought up is that Tarot Decks are like pieces of artwork.....we all have our favorites and we all have different works hanging in our homes....Walk into a comic book store (yes I use to collect comic books) and you see this wide variety of cards...I knew for a fact this person collected baseball cards...why have all the different teams and not just of one person or team........

Argh...why didn't I remember these points...it was a great question I felt that they asked and I'm sure a lot of people have wondered as they go into bookstores, why the huge selection.....lol..it was such an at the moment question though..and honestly was intimidating to be asked something poignantly (sorry for the mis spelling) as to different decks...I could see...why do you read,etc...but just didn't expect that type of question..lol


On the subject of proliferation... all else aside, they're little art galleries, and what is art but personal expression? I'd much rather spend the day looking at Munch or Quattrocentro Florentine artists than Monet or Matisse, for example.

It's all a matter of taste. Five different recipes for the same cookie, five different ways to get to work, five different tarot decks for the same answer. *shrugs*



Bladeraven, I think you explained pretty well. We tarot people do tend to get a bit confused about our decks, cause usually we're mesmerized by them. :D j/k I think you handled it well, considering they were obviously not too bright. What a stupid question. It's obvious! That's probably why you had difficultly answering it at first. It's hard to answer a stupid question. :) But you got it into ther head at the end, and I have to say you face their sneers pretty well...

I would have just said, "See, I like THIS type of bat, because it's better to hit sniveling sneerers with!" BONK! :D
