Why different decks........


Fairawen said:
I would have just said, "See, I like THIS type of bat, because it's better to hit sniveling sneerers with!" BONK! :D


LOL..and for my visual demonstration of why we have different decks...see this bat??? LOL


You did good!

I am one of those people that are always using anologies to explain things to people, so I can appreciate a good one when I see it!!


I was very very nervous....and wished it was very preplanned...LOL...

Thank you for the support....I was so afraid that my response would have cause a more negative outlook then a positive one and then I really would have had to go look for a baseball bat.


Now looking back, you've added to your Q & A references...

and all-the-better for upcoming conversations.

There are some who believe only one set of postcards or colored pictures or artist suit them. They like landscapes, they buy a certain photographer or painter's books or notecards, that's all they want. They might not want to experiment with media or other things, they just want to look at something they decided they like.

Let's say the questioner was into only the Ansel Adam's Yosemite pictures of black and white photos, for instance and only used a poker deck for playing solitaire and getting together with buddies. Their view of pictures they like would be limited to their matured associations of what pictures and cards are for--and let's say their creativity and skills was measured by how fast they can run or bicycle faster than their buddies. A different worldview and different ways of learning, perhaps.

You might say you are very visually oriented and things that take a pictorial/visual sensitivity suits your personality and pleases you. If you need to explain your visual orientation, perhaps the expanded guideline below might assist, if the questioner is very interested.

Perhaps making it more personal--JMD's video regarding the promo of the tarot conference suggested thinking of the tarot pictures as looking at a snapshot in time. The snapshot taken of you, if you remember the whole scene and context, may take on a deeper and more significant meaning than what is actually shown. After studying the snapshot or the cards and associating all the different meanings, the pictures take on a significance that is expanded into mental, emotional and other meanings.

Don't know, might be a garbled response in the context of keeping things simple...I think you handled the questions well and you did your best to answer the questioner sincerely.

Best regards,
