The Tarot Oscars - a bit of fun!

Little Baron

Imagine the scene now! The limo's line up at a well-known city venue, as creators and decks march their way down the red carpet, past waiting screaming fans and flashing cameras. Styled and dressed in flashy and fashionable hollywood drawstring-bags, decks parade on the red catwalk, all hoping to win an award and make a speech.

So, from the dawn of tarot, who would your awards go to, in this, the first 'Tarot Oscars'. All decks are up as nominations - even the ones that are seeking publication. Ciro has a table; to his left, is Baba and Kat Black; I think I spied Pamela and Crowley in a dark corner a short while ago!

So, lets move on to the awards ...

1. Best Major Arcana?

2. Best Hanged Man?

3. Best box or packaging?

4. Best value for money?

5. Best accompanying book?

6. Best Magician?

7. Best themed deck?

9. Best minor arcana?

10. Best Cups family?

11. Best 'Ten of Swords'?

12. Most fanciable female court?

13. Most fanciable male court?

14. Most helpful publisher, creator or distributor?

15. Best Death card?

16. Best and most useful (general) tarot book?

17. Most promising new act (this is for the newer decks or those awaiting publication)?

18. Best cardstock?

19. Best overall deck?

Interested in hearing your answers. Remember .. any deck can be given an award here and it has nothing to do with the AT top ten. I just threw this together because it was running through my mind and I couldn't sleep. Thought it might be a fun thing to do.

Best, LB

Little Baron

1. Best Major Arcana?

2. Best Hanged Man?
The Druidcraft - I love the colours.

3. Best box or packaging?
The Golden Tarot by Kat Black

4. Best value for money?
Thunderbay Marseille Box Set

5. Best accompanying book?
Cosmic Tribe

6. Best Magician?
Le Bateleur in Hadar's Marseille

7. Best themed deck?
Bohemian Baroque Cats Tarot

9. Best minor arcana?

10. Best Cups family?
The Hadar Marseille

11. Best 'Ten of Swords'?
From an illustrated deck, I would probably go with the original and say, the RWS. As a clone, then maybe the guy in the Druidcraft.

12. Most fanciable female court?
Any of the sakti's in The Buddha Tarot

13. Most fanciable male court?
Page of Cups in the Universal Waite

14. Most helpful publisher, creator or distributor?
Baba Studio and Jeanette at TarotGarden

15. Best Death card?
Tarot Bolegnese

16. Best and most useful (general) tarot book?
Read 'Kliegman's' Tarot and the Tree of Life recently, which was very inspirational.

17. Most promising new act (this is for the newer decks or those awaiting publication)?
Karacol's 'in progress' deck

18. Best cardstock?
Original Rider Waite

19. Best overall deck?
For reading ability .. RWS


Nocturnal Lure

1. Best Major Arcana?

-Crowley Toth

2. Best Hanged Man?

-Luis Royo - Labyrinth

3. Best box or packaging?

-Shakespearian Tarot

4. Best value for money?

Rider Waite - small cards

5. Best accompanying book?

Shakespearian Tarot

6. Best Magician?

-Da Vinci Enigma

7. Best themed deck?

-Da Vinci Enigma

9. Best minor arcana?

-Da Vinci Enigma

10. Best Cups family?

-Dragon Tarot

11. Best 'Ten of Swords'?

-Shakespearian Tarot (love the quills)

12. Most fanciable female court?

-Luis Royo - Labyrinth (Any Royo female is fanciable, but the Labyrinyh deck with it's slightly less explicit and "softer" artwork is simply dreeeamy)

13. Most fanciable male court?

-I wouldn't know really

14. Most helpful publisher, creator or distributor?


15. Best Death card?

-Robin Wood

16. Best and most useful (general) tarot book?

-Tarot for beginners

17. Most promising new act (this is for the newer decks or those awaiting publication)?


18. Best cardstock?


19. Best overall deck?

-Luis Royo - Labyrinth, simply because it is so appealing, second for me would be Crowly for it's depth, third would be Rider Waite because of it's clarity.


1. Best Major Arcana?
Labyrinth Tarot

2. Best Hanged Man?
Tarot of Dreams

3. Best box or packaging?
Tarot of Prague

4. Best value for money?
Gothic by Vargo

5. Best accompanying book?
Tarot of Prague

6. Best Magician?
Bohemian Cats

7. Best themed deck?
Egyptian Tarot by Alasia

9. Best minor arcana?

10. Best Cups family?

11. Best 'Ten of Swords'?
Templar Tarot

12. Most fanciable female court?
Tarot of Dreams

13. Most fanciable male court?
Gilded Tarot

14. Most helpful publisher, creator or distributor?
Magic Realist Press/ Baba Prague

15. Best Death card?
Tarot of Dreams

16. Best and most useful (general) tarot book?
Learning the Tarot

17. Most promising new act (this is for the newer decks or those awaiting publication)?
Midnight Masquerade - Chronata

18. Best cardstock?
Tarot of Prague

19. Best overall deck?
Tarot of Prague


For now...

1. Best Major Arcana?
Any Marseille

2. Best Hanged Man?

3. Best box or packaging?
Golden Tarot

4. Best value for money?
Marseille Burdel (LS)

5. Best accompanying book?

6. Best Magician?
Marseille Rhodes Sanchez 22 majors gold foil

7. Best themed deck?
Tarot of Prague

9. Best minor arcana?

10. Best Cups family?

11. Best 'Ten of Swords'?

12. Most fanciable female court?

13. Most fanciable male court?
Radiant RWCS

14. Most helpful publisher, creator or distributor?

15. Best Death card?
Crow's Magick

16. Best and most useful (general) tarot book?
78 degrees (perhaps not the best now imho but I learned the basics with it long time ago so for me it was the most useful)

17. Most promising new act (this is for the newer decks or those awaiting publication)?
Shared places: Fantasy deck of Lo Scarabeo AND Thoth of Urania Verlag

18. Best cardstock?
Radiant RWCS (but I'm sure I am the only one who likes thick plastic-like slippery cards :))

19. Best overall deck?


1. Best Major Arcana? Tarot of Dreams

2. Best Hanged Man? Ancestral Path

5. Best accompanying book? Tarot of Dreams (actually it's a CD)

6. Best Magician? Robin Wood

9. Best minor arcana? Tarot of Dreams

11. Best 'Ten of Swords'? Tarot of Dreams

15. Best Death card? Ancestral Path

16. Best and most useful (general) tarot book? Complete Tarot Reader - Teresa Michelsen

19. Best overall deck? Tarot of Dreams

And can I also nominate the Ancestral Path Deck for the best 8 of Cups. And a special award for the Phantasmagoric Theater deck for quirky humour.


1. Best Major Arcana?
Visconti Gold Edition

2. Best Hanged Man?
Buckland Romani

3. Best box or packaging?
Lover's Path Tarot

4. Best value for money?
Victoria Regina

5. Best accompanying book?
Mythic Tarot

6. Best Magician?
Buckland Romani

7. Best themed deck?
Tarocco degli Animali

9. Best minor arcana?
Traot of Dreams

10. Best Cups family?
Robin Wood

11. Best 'Ten of Swords'?
Gilded Tarot

12. Most fanciable female court?
Queen Swords - Tarot of Dreams

13. Most fanciable male court?
Buckland Romani Page of Swords

14. Most helpful publisher, creator or distributor?

15. Best Death card?
Robin Wood

16. Best and most useful (general) tarot book?
78 Degrees of Wisdom

17. Most promising new act (this is for the newer decks or those awaiting publication)?
Fairytale Tarot

18. Best cardstock?
Tarot of Dreams

19. Best overall deck?
Tarot of Dreams