Top Ten Reasons NOT to Get a Tarot Reading


Abella Arthur’s
Top Ten Reasons NOT to get a serious Psychic, Tarot, or Tools Reading​
10. You are having a reading “only” to confirm what you already know is true.
9. You want a fantasy reading.
8. You have difficulty applying metaphors, synchronicity, & generalizations to your specific circumstance and will not ask the reader for clarification.
7. You are not prepared to hear a response that is different from the one expected.
6. There’s difficulty accepting that something currently improbable may be probable in the future or vice versa.
5. There’s no interest in taking any positive and productive action after the reading.
4. There’s only an interest in predictions and not finding the lesson or growth opportunities.
3. You are feeling vulnerable and will believe anything the reader has to say whether it aligns with your beliefs or not.
2. There’s a psychological issue, such as an addiction, obsession, anxiety disorder, etc... that you are working through.
1. There’s an emotional crisis occurring and any negatives will tip the scale to overload.[/size]

[size=+2]Other Thoughts![/size]
Sometimes a reader tells you something you couldn’t possibly know but that doesn’t mean they are wrong. Sometimes a reader tells you what you need to know and not what you thought you wanted to know. A reader may pick up on something else that you didn’t come to talk about and yet it’s important to look at. Readings are metaphysical and belong under the category of psi phenomena -- leaps of faith are often necessary in order to believe. Expectations and Readings are like Oil and Water -- they don’t go well together. Readings currently defy logic and science standards and therefore are difficult to place under the same rigid requirements of understanding and expectation.

Also, if one is getting a reading for mainly “entertaining” purposes and doesn’t expect a serious outcome, then none of the “Top 10 Reasons…” applies -- after all, it’s just for fun!! 

yay's or nay's always wel come and your thoughts on the topic are too!


I agree with most of those. Though i think that a good tarot reading when working through issues such as addiction, depression, etc can actually help. And I'm not sure what you mean by a "fantasy reading"...

I would only add that you should not get a serious tarot reading when you are in a bad relationship/ dead end job/ insert other bad sitiation here and are pretending you don't know its bad and you just want the reader to tell you its going to be fine to stay where you are and you argue with the reader. For example....

Reader: "Hmm, its looks like there are some control issues here, do you know what I'm refering to?"

Sitter: "Oh yes, but that only happened once and he's really sorry and says he won't do it again, because you know he really does love me, and that other time didn't count because we weren't together then..."

Reader: "Uh huh... Well, unfortunately this 3 of swords in the future suggests you'll have to deal with this again at some point..."

Sitter: "Oh no, because he's stopped drinking and told me he's never going to see her again..."

etc, etc.




If a reader has professional, licensed skills to handle psychological issues -- I say: All the power to them!! :)

Fantasy reading means to me: Painting a story that isn't quite true but is something the sitter would like to hear.

True grrr on the script analogy -- hey, did you take my script? It sounds familiar! lol -- I lump that scenario under #5, 7, & 9. :)

FaeryGodmother said:
I agree with most of those. Though i think that a good tarot reading when working through issues such as addiction, depression, etc can actually help. And I'm not sure what you mean by a "fantasy reading"...

I would only add that you should not get a serious tarot reading when you are in a bad relationship/ dead end job/ insert other bad sitiation here and are pretending you don't know its bad and you just want the reader to tell you its going to be fine to stay where you are and you argue with the reader. For example....

Reader: "Hmm, its looks like there are some control issues here, do you know what I'm refering to?"

Sitter: "Oh yes, but that only happened once and he's really sorry and says he won't do it again, because you know he really does love me, and that other time didn't count because we weren't together then..."

Reader: "Uh huh... Well, unfortunately this 3 of swords in the future suggests you'll have to deal with this again at some point..."

Sitter: "Oh no, because he's stopped drinking and told me he's never going to see her again..."

etc, etc.



I think it was Sherlock Holmes who said "Once you eliminate the Impossible, the only thing you have left is the Possible - no matter how impossible it seems."

I think #6 and 7 are what most of the problems I run across as a reader are.


Hiya TarotBear!

hehe true true. So my 6 and 7 would be your 1 and 2 -- interesting!

tarotbear said:
I think it was Sherlock Holmes who said "Once you eliminate the Impossible, the only thing you have left is the Possible - no matter how impossible it seems."

I think #6 and 7 are what most of the problems I run across as a reader are.

Al Si'ra

Abella! Thanks for sharing it..i agree with all of it.!
Today my friend- i told you about- wanted to go see a fortune teller by some other friend's recommendation..So i went with her-as i am incapable of reading for myself..
The thing is she did pretty well..She cannot really see on exact terms-but as you've just pointed out the querant also HAS to be cooperative and has to have the skill to see things from her own perspective as well..You just can't expect the reader-or the psychic to tell it with your own style..she just does not have to -and probably it would be impossible as well..She had her own way..i could sense that she was feeling things but had a bit of struggle in wording them out..which is perfectly acceptable..What my friend said in the end was-"BULLSHIT and i paid her".. i tried to soften her and explained how she should have translated the messages into her own language.And plus the teller was completely talking about the future..and my friend kept mumbling..that is way..i don't know such a person..i wouldn't do that..well how the hell do you know if you'd do it or not-it's about the future!I wanted to really beat her up..really..
I am very pleased with my reading..At least i know that she knew about my father being sick and she totally knew about his present situation-and how it would develop later on..She at least had a clue about being psychic and all..and that is enough reason to respect her..Yes she was probably off with a couple of things..but aren't we all??She could hit the main themes of our lives..and i just don't understand what she was expecting..The teller told my friend that she would get a haircut(she was talking about ordinary issues as well)..but she also told that they would cut her hair a bit too much and it wouldn't look pleasant..My friend again told me that it was bullshit..And i was like "oh my god..are you kidding?you keep doing that everyyear!!!" Truly she has this habit of getting teribble haircuts..and i just couldn't believe how she could deny it..she whines about it a lot after each haircut.
The teller also told that her father would move to somewhere,around summer because of his work...and she asked about it later on and the reader said " yes i already told you about it" and then my friend you were talking about the income and the position but i am talking about changing locations..I am really pissed off..I mean they are so linked to eachother-because of his work..
I am not saying she was a hundred percent accurate..but she exactly defined our personalities and our flaws which must be worked on..I got a helpful advise from a person..and that is worth paying for..



Al Si'ra - I would say #5 - #10 definately apply to your friend! :)

You are very wise to see the truth where your friend cannot. I agree with you - based on your testimony here it sounds like the reader had a handle on things even if not 100% accurate. Besides - WHO THE HELL IS ALWAYS 100% ACCURATE, ANYWAY??? LOL! Your friend cannot see the forest for the trees.


A great reason to get a Tarot reading

Several years ago now, when I was experiencing one of those times when I was forced to work for a living, I was walking to the office building where I was employed. I could be counted on to open the office on time, and I left early because I liked the pre-dawn hour, with the fog swirling through the streets cloaking them in mystery.

I tried to take a different route every morning. I liked to peek into the windows of the narrow store-fronts where the fortune tellers set up business. They had "mysterious" things inside. Gold-gilded statutes, incense burners, many crystals and cards.

In spite of the fact that I frequently look at card scans here at Aelectic, and read deck reviews, I never saw a Tarot deck I recognized.

One morning, as I was peeking through the window, a slender young guy opened the door and offered me a Tarot reading. I offered "busy" excuses and said no, but he insisted. "I will see only good things for you, I promise a very good reading," he said.

Alas, I passed the opportunity by. But what can be better than a reading where only good things are seen ? Since I passed by this wonderful opportunity I've never found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, or true love.

So, pretend I'm walking down the street, in the pre-dawn fog-shrouded darkness, and abella is sitting on the curb and offers to give me a reading. And I say, "Oh, I've heard about you Tarot readers. They say you're all a bunch'a con artists and charalatans."

And abella says, "Well, sit down and let me lay the cards out, and we'll see if they are right."

My intuition is at the low end of the scale, but after reading abella's first post, I guess I'd have a seat on the curb. If I wasn't so fumble-tongued, I might even have a question.



I couldnt agree with the points more. And this point couldnt have come at a better time.

7. "You are not prepared to hear a response that is different from the one expected."

Just today a client came for a reading. She wanted to know if a man she loved had slept with a prostitute. I drew the Devil Reversed, Princess of Cups, and the 9 of Swords. I looked at her and said it was likely. She flipped, freaked, howled,demanded another spread. I refused as politely as I could. But when her tantrums got a little too much to bear, I was forced to tell her not to go to a Tarot reader for questions like these.

She walked out ranting that the Tarot was WRONG WRONG WRONG.

As I type this, I've just deleted yet another SMS on my mobile phone saying that I had read her cards wrong.

*blank stare*



Well, if you care, I fully agree with your take.

I have long had as one of my inner mottos that if I could not bear to hear at least one possible answer, then don't ask the question. I know, I know, river in Egypt, but sometimes I like that spot. Suspect that your client shouldn't have asked, knowing that one of the two possible answers was unbearable.