My deck seems to have sprung a gasket


Hi, I'm new around here, and so far I've found this place to have fascinating reading!

My problem is that my favorite deck, the Robin Wood, always tells me what I want to hear, rather than what I should hear. It sounds weird typing it out like that, but I swear that's what happening: every reading has the outcome as the 9 of Cups, the Sun, or another card that seems to be saying, Yes! Yes! Everything's going full speed ahead! I'd say the cards' timing is off by a few years if they're on target. :)

Is there anything I can do, other than use another deck for a while? No other deck has resonated with me the way the Robin Wood has.


the thing is to be neutral, you need to not have preferencies so you'll be able to have accurate reading.

as easy as that ;-)


Hi Davina. Welcome to AT

Well, using a new deck would be the most direct way to perhaps get a new kind of reading. But more beneficial might be to practice grounding yourself and clearing your mind, and wait for a time to read when you feel neutral yourself rather than invested in the outcome of the reading. It might also depend on the kind of readings or spreads you are doing. Maybe you need to vary the spread. Or just take a break for a few days or weeks.

Of course there is another possibility: things are not as bad as you think. Maybe the cards have a message for you and will keep telling you until you see it.



Hi Davina - and welcome to AT :)

Just another thought - maybe rephrase the question - or try a different spread for the reading. Try suspending your expectation a little further, possibly.

I like the Robin Wood - and have just recently aquired this deck and find it easy to work with.

It will be interesting to see if another deck, or different methods give you a different response.

Elven x


And what if the cards are right? That things are changing for the better? Perhaps the change is not yet visible but why could it not show already through your cards? I'd say wait and see!


I think it is possible that the deck, or more probably you, is stuck in a rut. I would agree with the advice above about "grounding" yourself.

It may sound silly, but if you have a cat, try having the cat sleep on top of the deck (or on your belly while you read), as its energy rotates counterclockwise and could zero that energy out.

Also try white sage to counterbalance.



The cards may seem to be telling you what you want to hear, or maybe not. The 9 of cups can mean be careful of what you wish for, you might get it! It can also mean you may be feeling a bit smug or overconfident about something, so you need to ground yourself or get a reality check. The Sun usually bodes well, but sometimes it can mean gaining clarity on an issue and sometimes clarity can be emotionally painful. Like the Sun, too much can give a sunburn. Childish, or childlike thinking could be in play here, too. So you see, there are a myriad of meanings to each card and if you allow yourself to be objective, pretend the reading is for someone else if you must, you may begin to see nuances in those "happy happy" cards that you hadn't seen before.


That kind of occurence usually has nothing to do with the deck but usually with your relationship with the deck.

Did you always get the bubble-gummy answers? Or could it be that you did get fair answers in the beginning, but didn't like them and kept asking the same question over and over until it got fed up and starting answering what you wanted to hear, you get you off its back, so to speak?

I am not accusing, but this is super common, and has happened to most people, starting with me... If its the case, give it a rest for a while...
