Extraterrestrial Readings: What deck do you pick? And what questions would they ask?


It could happen.
You could be sitting there at your table, waiting for a reading, smiling your most knowing smile as the health fair foot traffic courses past, and suddenly he is in your chair.
There is a slightly wild look in his eye, but you sense he is not out there, or at least not that far out there.
You show him your decks and suddenly there is another flash in his eyes that seems, not quite...human. And even tho you know intellectually this can't be happening, somehow, it is. The Martians have landed, and one of them needs a reading, fast.

So, what deck do you pick?
Is the good ol' Robin Wood gonna pull you thru your first ET reading?
Maybe the Breugel? The Fairytale? The Visconti Mini?

Or do you choose something like the Rock Art...but Oh darn it, you made fun of that deck and never picked it up in trade because of the felt pen color job. No you grab The Shining Tribe. No..Wait...the Haindl...or perhaps the Archeon...

Better choose. ET won't wait forever.......


The Golden Tarot.

Because it's both completely about us Earthlings - and completely alien to our world. And it's beautiful.

Besides, I have a feeling the ET would really take to the Virgin Mary.


I'd use the Thoth.

No one gets a choice with me. Not even Martians.

It's the Thoth or the Thoth, or sod off and get someone else to read for you.


Depends on the Alien...i Tarocchi di Robot...or...if he came light years from there to here JUST for a HUMAN reading...then it be a Grimaud TdM, basic, human, and flexible.

Think about this - trying to explain astrology to an alien? So all yer decks with any astrological dodamajigs are out...retrograde motion...? Wahahahahaha...Exhalted in aries? Wahahahahaaha....

Numbers are the universal language...TdM.


I just want to know what sort of question an alien would ask a tarot reader...


rota said:
I just want to know what sort of question an alien would ask a tarot reader...
How do I phone home...? What's the meaning of life...? (imagine trying to answer that one, when you don't even know what "life" is for that alien - lifespan? reproductive means? any spirituality? what do they eat?)


To quote myself...
April said:
I'm using the Hanson-Roberts Tarot, because the Men in Black have thwarted my attempts at publishing an Area 51 Tarot.

But if I had it to do over again I would use a different deck. I considered the Future Solleone but then I thought what if his civilization was destroyed by robots run amock? He'd be really offended, right? You gotta be careful, you don't want to get yourself vaporized because you were ill-informed. And anyway, Umbrae's probably right, if I were getting a reading in Italy I'd want an Italian deck. He would want something "down to Earth" (booo, hisss).

But what if he wants something he can relate to? How about the PoMo or Tarot of the III Millennium? But probably not...

He's asking for a reading, so he's probably not a Fundamentalist, but what kind of spirituality/religion DO they have on Mars. I suspect they worship false idols, but that's just me. The Rock Art Tarot might not be a bad choice, but alas, I don't have one either. We should all buy one just in case.

Oh, I've got it! The International Icon Tarot! And after that successful reading the name will be changed to the Interstelar Icon Tarot!



rota said:
I just want to know what sort of question an alien would ask a tarot reader...
"Has my Vapoid Kongrunen been faithful? Should I return before I left?"


I think I would use Star Trek Tarot deck, if it were published. :smoker:



Rename the Thread!!!!
Moddie Alert! Moddie Alert!!

What kind of Questions would alien sitters ask?

-When will the human race pull their heads out of their a$$?

-Who the hell is Schroedigger and what is the deal with his cat?

-What is the real meaning of being Stephen Hawking?

-Will Mabrillian Fugue enjoy spending time alone with my Zagrrft?