Card Spawning


My first fling in posting a new thread, wanted an eye-opening title ;)

Was thinking about the status of a relationship the other day and my mind kept picturing the Two of Swords (RWS). Well, curiosity tortured the cat until I did a layout and there it was, staring at me from the Base position of a Celtic Cross. I believe said relationship has an Empress feel about it -- and there it was at the Heart of the Matter.

Had not touched the cards much in about 2 weeks due to time constraints and the energy just wasn't there.

Don't know if this was my deck calling me to play, my subconscious working a reading without need of my physical participation, or simply overenthusiastic tarot thinking. (How free-feeling it is to be able to say this to people that understand what that means and not think I need heavy meds.)

Anyway, I thought posting such a happening here seemed to be the thing to do; support my belief that this happening was from an "other" as opposed to the mere miracle which is the ego's manifestation. Every once in a while a ... film ... seems to be lifted from my eyes (Third Eye opening sort of?) and Tarot is an excellent channel for communicating with "it".

My point? I *think* it is this: Tarot is the tool opening the portal.

It doesn't come without a bit of fear (aka Moon reversed lol) and I'm open to some ideas along this line, also.

Thanks, and many thanks in advance for any thoughts - Seafra


Seafra said:
Anyway, I thought posting such a happening here seemed to be the thing to do; support my belief that this happening was from an "other" as opposed to the mere miracle which is the ego's manifestation.

Unfortunately, this leads to confirmation bias - if only those events that support a given belief are posted, it gives the false impression that said belief is more likely to be true than is actually the case.


My apologies for expressing esoteric properties in such a muddled manner.

To clarify, I believe the picture of the 2 of Swords was not something I conjured - it came to me as an epiphany, if you will; ie: A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization: "I experienced an epiphany, a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself." (Frank Maier)

In my case it changed the way I viewed the relationship, in considering the relationship as an entity. It then showed up in the reading.

Ack ... my bad. For clarification (just reviewed the journal) Two of Swords was in first reading at Base. Empress came up for Heart in 3 consecutive readings on said relationship. Will post reading when time constraints allow as the reading is my reference. (My 13-year-old son must, he said MUST, play Guild Wars now or he will die, he said DIE hehe.)

Thanks for pointing this out to me -- it is unfortunate if my post represents a case of diarrhea of the brain.


Hi Seafra,

I did read your posts with interest, just didn't get around to replying, so don't feel all squashed. :D

My point? I *think* it is this: Tarot is the tool opening the portal.

That pretty well sums it up for me as well. Ironically (considering my belief system) a comment by firemaiden a long time ago has stuck in my mind. She said something like: The cards can be totally random, it almost doesn't matter what card you draw. The truth is in our minds and the tarot draws it out.

Now, tarot also does cool things like give the same card again and again for a particular situation and sometimes the cards drawn are so immediately apropos that we reel back in astonishment, but over the long haul I think that this is their real value.... drawing out the truth which we likely see but deny.

To clarify, I believe the picture of the 2 of Swords was not something I conjured - it came to me as an epiphany, if you will; ie: A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization: "I experienced an epiphany, a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself." (Frank Maier)

In my case it changed the way I viewed the relationship, in considering the relationship as an entity. It then showed up in the reading.

Exactly, I have had those moments as well. CG Jung, in his introduction to the Wilhelm/Baynes version of the I Ching threw some coins to ask the I Ching questions. Essentially to explain itself so he could build his introduction around this explanation. After all that he comments:
CG Jung said:
agree with Western thinking that any number of answers to my question were possible, and I certainly cannot assert that another answer would not have been equally significant. However, the answer received was the first and only one; we know nothing of other possible answers. It pleased and satisfied me. To ask the same question a second time would have been tactless and so I did not do it: "the master speaks but once." The heavy-handed pedagogic approach that attempts to fit irrational phenomena into a preconceived rational pattern is anathema to me. Indeed, such things as this answer should remain as they were when they first emerged to view, for only then do we know what nature does when left to herself undisturbed by the meddlesomeness of man. One ought not to go to cadavers to study life. Moreover, a repetition of the experiment is impossible, for the simple reason that the original situation cannot be reconstructed. Therefore in each instance there is only a first and single answer.
To me that is the essence of getting the most out of any divination system.

Thank you for your thoughts and hope you are feeling less squashed now. :)



The fear

Thank you, Marion, for your response! It has always been at this point that I tend to put the cards away in a fear-based way, if you catch my drift. This has been an on going problem for ... ugh ... way too many years because if *this* can get in, what else have I opened the portal to?

I put my beauties to rest (started at 16, I'm almost 50) when this type of experience rears its head - simply scares the pants off of me - and I need, badly, to get past it and am determined the pants will stay on. I "see" too much is as plainly as I can put it.

It is a comfort to see a thread named "Talking Tarot" in and of itself as I've lived in places where such simply isn't done.

And ... if you'd use that link to the reading ... oh, I'm so bad at a hint! lol

Blessings - Sea

PS The heirophant is my life lesson card -- and sometimes I want to ram his pointed head gear up his RWS arse -- and there lays the fear. (drum roll, please)