A party where the cards kept repeating??


HI Guys

I did a party last night and read about 17 people or so and the cards kept repeating! I used the VR then for the last couple used the LS Tarot.

I have a terrible head cold that seemed to rear it's ugly head right before the party. :( The cards gave me a little trouble last night but nothing I freaked out over. :) I think it was more about the energy in the room and my condition.

This was a corporate delayed holiday party and the team of 30 or so people were getting a new boss. The VP that they had was being transferred laterally and I think they were all pretty wary and upset about her leaving. The querents were all young - 20s and early 30s and there was such a strange energy in the room - they were tentative, on guard, intimidated and anxious about the whole reading thing. Most of their questions were not career related they were love, life and baby related - a few asked about their careers but nonetheless the cards popped up the same. :)

I shuffled before each reader and let them shuffle and cut the deck (my routine) and the more the pattern continued the more I shuffled and urged them to really shuffle - but the same cards kept repeating...

2 of wands; 3 of wands; page of swords; hanged man; 9 of wands; 4 of cups; 4 of swords; 8 of wands; 4 of pents; 6 of cups; 6 of swords; 6 of pents; 7 of wands; 7 of pents

and multiple times I got 3 4's and 3 6's - so odd!!!

Finally one guy sat down and when I drew his cards I said OK that's it I quit! And I pulled out a different deck and as you figured the same cards came up. :laugh:

Have any of you ever had that happen?

I meditated on my way to the party and protected myself with white light (thanks to you guys) :D but I am very sensitive to people's energy and the minute they walked over to me I could feel them - I think my awareness to this ability has increased - I don't think the ability per se has increased but I am more in tune to it now. I think the cards were reflecting their work state right now... that it is in turmoil.

What do you think? Was there something else I should have done - or it was what it was?




I've not read professionally (e.g., for pay, in public) in years...but when I do readings here on AT, I've had certain cards turn up across readings, in different positions within a spread, but sometimes in the same way (e.g., reversed). I usually take that as a sign that there is something in those cards that I, or my querents, or both, need to pay attention to.

The cards that kept coming up for you are significant, and I'll more than likely be giving my NOVT point of view vs. traditional card meanings. ;) [Moderators, if this is an inappropriate reading, please let me know and I'll edit my post].

2 of wands: in NOVT, this speaks to someone imparting their will upon others...spreading spiritual fire, if you will. Perhaps it speaks to someone trying to pump up the group and convince them that this change is a good one.

3 of wands: in NOVT, this card shows someone who is all about gratification and intends to get it by any means necessary (self-gratification and from others). This is a greedy card, and speaks to selfishness/extreme self-centeredness.

page of swords: who's coming with a message? In my deck, this is a caregiving card...someone is entrusted with the care and maintenance of sacred vessels. The message is a precious one, one that must be delivered to this corporate group with care (I keep thinking of the other two cards...feed them slowly so they won't choke? If they know everything up front, they'd panic?)

hanged man: DUH! Suspended animation, a waiting period, limbo. These folks are waiting for SOMETHING: forward movement, the other shoe to drop...anything is better than limbo. NOVT also speaks to a sacrifice, one for the greater good.

9 of wands: in NOVT, the Masa hold iron pots containing the sacred fire of the Petro spirits, yet they do not get burned. These are temple appointees...so the upper ranks of the company won't get burned by this news, but the lower ranks probably will. *sigh*

4 of cups: in NOVT: security, but with a certain relinquishment of independence. Like, protection, but at a price. Traditionally, the 4 of cups shows that someone is not taking the help that is offered. This company reorg may be a blessing in disguise for the lower ranks.

4 of swords: traditional: rest, relaxation, repose. NOVT: shows Agwe, the spirit of the seas (who's symbol is a sailboat), sailing peacefully. Things will move forward once the dust settles.

8 of wands: again, more forward movement, energy. In NOVT, the woman rides Simbi, the snake, through a wall of fire. They may have to ride the snake (ha ha)...better the devil you know, and all that.

4 of pents: things may end up more stable than they've been in a long time. In NOVT, 4 Santeria shows Obatala, the Father. He is the epitome of cool, calm, and collectedness.

6 of cups: Some may wish for the good ol' days pre-shakeup, but that time has passed. In NOVT, the 6 Congo shows the goddess Dan-i washing in the ocean, directly in the rays of the sun...and she doesn't get burned.

6 of swords: written and verbal communication will be key, as it will unlock the doors of progres (NOVT).

6 of pents: surprises, but these surprises lead to progress (NOVT), in a different way than folks may have anticipated.

7 of wands: this is a card of fury in the NOVT, but that fury is like a righteous fire, spurring people on to more decisive actions.

7 of pents: the dust settles, and the inside is reflected on the outside (NOVT). Better productivity, increased corporate profits, promotions, bigger bonuses.

Just my $.02.



I didn't think it was about me - I think it was about the energy in the room and something they all shared - of course hindsight is 20/20.

But they could be applied to me too I guess. Lots of changes in my world as well.

What is NOVT? I am sorry I don't know.


franniee said:
I didn't think it was about me - I think it was about the energy in the room and something they all shared - of course hindsight is 20/20.

But they could be applied to me too I guess. Lots of changes in my world as well.

What is NOVT? I am sorry I don't know.

No no no...when I said "coming up for you", I meant the cards coming up during your readings (since you were the one to pull/deal them). The cards as I interpreted them referred to the energy you picked up on in the room...and which, perhaps, gave particular emphasis on what the cards saw with regard to this corporate/departmental change.

NOVT = New Orleans Voodoo Tarot.



afrosaxon said:
No no no...when I said "coming up for you", I meant the cards coming up during your readings (since you were the one to pull/deal them). The cards as I interpreted them referred to the energy you picked up on in the room...and which, perhaps, gave particular emphasis on what the cards saw with regard to this corporate/departmental change.

NOVT = New Orleans Voodoo Tarot.


Ah then YES! And I had no idea of the backstory before i got there. I got there early so I watched them all come into the room - I read the organzer before anyone showed up and she had completely different cards - she wasn't the boss she was the administrator. Anyway we were alone and all was well - she had a good energy - sad and tired but hopeful and perseverent. Then 20 minutes later the others showed up and the energy changed dramatically!

It took me a couple of readings to get the gist of the story. But in an environment like I was in, I really had no time to mull - the readings were fast and furious. If I had a second I would have got it quicker.... I got it on the way home. :( I annoy myself so much!! :D


Hi franniee
Every year I do a few high school graduation lock in parties...4 of us go to a high school and read for 4 or 5 hours...
We all noticed that the same cards keep coming up and there are some cards that never show up at all.
We often compare notes and wonder about this on the ride home.
It just seems to me that they are all in the same energy space because of their age and circumstance.
Wondering about college or what job to pursue and most questions pertain to that.
Or they are worried about leaving their high school love behind.
So I get alot of the same cards you listed..begginner cards I call them...not alot of mature cards.
Because that's where they are at the beggining.
It's also interesting that certain groups of kids will have different energy each year...some groups are very sexual...some druggy...some very goodie goodie....some very career oriented...and so we have different cards coming up over and over depending on that group imprint.

The people you read for seemed youngish and the energy you describe in the room tells me they were all on the same wave lenght so I'm not surprised the cards repeated for you.
Actually it gets kind of frustrating as a reader...you feel like you keep repeating yourself.
But I just remember I might sound like a broken record to me, but to my sitter it is all fresh and what they need to hear...


Although the same cards kept repeating, it's possible that because of your cold, you were groggy and missed the message those same cards had for each individual. When you think about it, the same cards do repeat quite often if you're reading for a large group. There are only 78 cards, after all. They're bound to repeat. On the other hand, I'm sure it's noteworthy that some of the same ones repeated throughout the party among 17 people, picking up on the general energy of the group.

You may have been less able to mine out the subtle nuances of each card within each reading for individuals because your cold only allowed you to see the obvious. Does that make sense to you? I've had that happen to me sometimes.


lark said:
Actually it gets kind of frustrating as a reader...you feel like you keep repeating yourself.
But I just remember I might sound like a broken record to me, but to my sitter it is all fresh and what they need to hear...

yes I felt like a broken record! It was very frustrating and I kept using the same terms and adjectives and as much as I tried to describe it diffierently it was the same. Thank you Lark you articulated it better than I did - I was extrememly frustrated... I should have taken me out of the equation. This is my 4th or 5th party I think so I am still a novice at the party thing... and all of the other parties were more traditional parties with all sorts of people - not people that reside together so to speak. :)


Solitaire* said:
You may have been less able to mine out the subtle nuances of each card within each reading for individuals because your cold only allowed you to see the obvious. Does that make sense to you? I've had that happen to me sometimes.

Yes thank you Solitaire

I had some trouble (this is an unbelievable cold I havn't been this sick in forever!!!) - I wasn't picking up things quickly - i wasn't putting things together fast and I used a lot of cards where i normally don't have to. Also with more 'static" people i really had trouble getting in - the more open ones had great readings.

I didn't panic as I usually do which was good - i just went on. I had one girl who I asked if she would like to sign my guest book and she abruptly said No - she was very uptight - her reading was hard because I could sense she wasn't forthcoming - She was terrified and very closed off but I figured if that is the way she wants to approach life and me then that was her business - as my little one says from one of her books - you get what you get and you don't get upset. :D


franniee said:
Yes thank you Solitaire

I had some trouble (this is an unbelievable cold I havn't been this sick in forever!!!) - I wasn't picking up things quickly - i wasn't putting things together fast and I used a lot of cards where i normally don't have to. Also with more 'static" people i really had trouble getting in - the more open ones had great readings.

I didn't panic as I usually do which was good - i just went on. I had one girl who I asked if she would like to sign my guest book and she abruptly said No - she was very uptight - her reading was hard because I could sense she wasn't forthcoming - She was terrified and very closed off but I figured if that is the way she wants to approach life and me then that was her business - as my little one says from one of her books - you get what you get and you don't get upset. :D
Can i add my 0,2 USD, though i don't read professionally? :)
It happened to me that when reading for group of friends, neighbours and co-workers - out of 10 CC cards up to six would be the same, no matter i shuffled thoroughly or even switched decks...
I call it "shared karma", i guess the Universe has a good reason to bring together people who are about to learn the same lesson - or at least this is the explanation i found for myself ;)
As for the girl who was closed off, i knew a woman who would visit different readers and psychics almost daily, she spent almost all of her money on that, yet, she doubted their abilities and would never "give a sign of life" during the reading... i can imagine how upsetting that can be, yet weirdoes our out there... *sigh*
I remember i read a book by a Russian psychic (can't recall the title now)who made experiments with people sharing the same (work) place - well, if one was hungry - soon all off them would rush for snacks, though the other guys weren't really hungry/ had eaten before/ didn't plan to eat at that time at all - has to do with the "crowd psychology" i guess.
That group you read for obviously was charged with some heavy energy and i am really glad you protected yourself so they couldn't drain you.
I am sending tons of Love and Light your way