Discussion Group - Twos


The twos have the energy of duality and polarity, opposites coming together - or not! They have to do with choosing between two opposing viewpoints, and balancing opposites.

Choosing can be seen in the Two of Wands, where a man must choose which course of action to throw his energy and passion behind. Choice can also be seen in the Two of Swords, where a woman is balancing two swords in front of her, effectively choosing not to choose. She is caught in the moment of choice.

Balancing can also be seen in the Two of Swords, in order to remain in the moment of choice, the woman must balance her options. The Two of Pentacles also embodies this balancing energy.

The Two of Cups can be seen as both choosing and balancing, as two opposites - presumably lovers, are brought together. They are brought into balance and choose not to oppose each other.

Any other thoughts on the two's?



I just wanted to share some thoughts on the two as I never understood why they would be associated with the idea of making decisions as I associated 6 with choices and harmonisation. For me the 2 is associated with polarity, duality but truly associated to reflection as the only way to arrive to a 2 is to have one divide by itself. Only by this the one can stare at itself__reflection. Consequently, the 2 of cups for me is associated with resonnance, 2 of pentacles changes and movement, 2 of swords the fact that an idea that cut the one has always a counterpart, an exact opposition as 1 vs -1 and 2 of wands I forgot, I nedd to refer to my writing at home but I am at work and can't think of it. Anyway, I hope my points make senses.


I tend to agree with both. It is about making decisions, weighing things up, and on the other hand is about duality. I find it easier to look at each one separately for this one.

Two of Pentacles - the man is juggling, hence the need for a balance. But at the same time it can be seen as weighing up things, you know looking at the pros and cons. I have always seen as the hat he is wearing as being a bit on the large side, I am not quite sure what to make of that in reality. Maybe it means keeping things under his hat, or well, the thing is since it is on its head, it could be related to thoughts, which can go back to weighing up the pros and cons, and basically making a decision. But I tend to see it also as you have to take the good with the bad, you have a sense of ups and downs, losses and gains, as you can see that the waters are very turbulent, with ships on the waves, one going up and the other one going down.

Two of Wands - can be viewed as, so I have this, but there is also this thing that was in the past. Again, another weighing up, what do I do? Do I stick with the new, which is symbolised by the World, or do I stick with what was. It can also be moods, like being happy one moment and being melancholic the next.

Two of Cups- I am not sure how the decision making can fit in this one. It is definitely about balance and duality that is for sure. I mean you have the male and female, and that doesn't have to be two different people, it could be balancing the male and female energies within yourself.

Two of Swords - that is basically a decision. Maybe about seeing a solution to something that you have not considered. Since the woman is blindfolded, perhaps doesn't even want to see! It could be some unresolved issue from her past.

Well, it sort of started out well, and then went pear-shaped near the end, LOL.


I like your observations Rcb30872. Is love not a choice? Friendship not a choice?


GenoviaJ said:
I like your observations Rcb30872. Is love not a choice? Friendship not a choice?
Oh yeah, it is too! Thanks for pointing that out!


The number two represents, at least for me, union, duality, choice, co-operation and balance.

In the tarot sequence two's appear to be the first step towards creating. In the two's we see where the Ace has divided into opposite forces and this division of course can result in conflict or balance.

When we look at the individual suits what we may see here is:

Swords - a duality of thought - if we look at this card a way to interpret it, is that she has a sort of mental impasse she has her back to the water so she is ignoring her emotions and the rocks of hard fact and holds onto those two swords which she *balances, thus indicating that although there is a conflict of thought going on here (the swords can indicate two courses of action) there is also a reluctance to upset the balance she has created.
This card indicates tension that will have to be sorted out sooner or later.

Cups - show duality, compromise - they show the reconciliation of opposites, bringing them together so that they harmonise rather than work against each other.

Wands - show a duality of choice - what action will give the best result.

Pentacles - show duality and balance between different elements in life, ie. 2 jobs, etc.

and these minor pips relate to the Major Arcana Card the High Priestess and she shows us duality and union between the conscious and subconscious.


And then . . .

And then . . . the two's can represent a seemingly fluid situation that is actually one of stasis. Nothing will really happen until a change in the current situation occurs. Something has to change, what is preventing change, what will hasten change, what can change? The "two" cards are about impending change:
** Swords = decisions made after reflection
** Pentacles = values about to be altered
** Cups = movement in one's feelings and/or desires
** Wands = impending developments by ourselves or others

Just some additional thoughts on additional possibilities. Dave


Dadsnook, I like that observation about impending change. Seems like it is related to Honeybea's comment about them being the first step towards creating.

Interestingly, I have also heard of the Two's being related to Justice (11: 1+1=2) which would reinforce the decision-making aspect.
