Tarot & Introspection


I'm confused about something. If tarot is for introspection and self discovery and such how can you accomplish this if you can't read for yourself? Unless that's the point? Trying to discover what you see in the cards and trying to stay objective?

6 Haunted Days

Pao said:
I'm confused about something. If tarot is for introspection and self discovery and such how can you accomplish this if you can't read for yourself? Unless that's the point? Trying to discover what you see in the cards and trying to stay objective?

I know many people have quite the hard time reading for themselves, I suppose then they really can't use Tarot for introspection/self-discovery etc....at least with any great amount of success.

I myself use Tarot for those purposes very much so, also in a spiritual way. Reading for myself is a huge part of my use and love for Tarot, it's like a trusted, wise friend full of advice, inspiration and insight.


yea I also look at it as a trusted friend giving me advice or knocking me upside the head lol but I found it confusing as to how someone who cant read for themselves find it helpful for their self discovery. egh. who knows.
thank you :)


When I first started reading I read mainly for myself and on a rare occasion a friend. I thought I was ok at it... reading for myself... until I was dragged kicking and screaming into a circle on here. Everything changed for me at that point. I realised how absolutely shocking I was at reading for myself and was confused that the connection I felt reading for a relative stranger was so much stronger than anything I ever got for myself.

For me, reading for myself, is hard work, yet still I persist. I'm stubborn... Nil desperandum! :D Writing in third person helps me with objectivity. And now I tend to read for myself in a spiritual, personal growth kind of area only or for study purposes, fairly mundane daily life stuff. No love life, no career path, etc they don't work well for me, personally I need a degree of distance. Although I'm not perfect and do stray on occasion... These are my limitations for now... maybe it will change one day.

I find that reading for myself introspectively is vastly rewarding in the end, I'm fairly objective about myself, it's just when you throw other things and people in there that I get confused. :)


While I occasionally do readings for myself, I don't consider reading the cards in the "advice" sense to be introspection (don't get me wrong, it can be, but to me its very superficial).

I think the introspection part comes more on meditating with the cards and reflecting on the possible meanings, the ideas, concepts, rather than readings for advice for day to day situations. Visualization, meditation, keeping a journal. Then again, the dichotomy in my worldview is false, between Mundane and spiritual, and I separate them too much, so its quite possible that looking at the readings in that snese might be more worthwhile than I'm making it out to be.

And I really wish I had time to do the journalling and meditation right now.
