De-Enabling Thread


Granny Jones? People actually pay money for it? :bugeyed:

Looks like it should be a giveaway with 50 pounds of kitty litter or a vat of off-brand soap powder. :(


De-enabling on the masonic tarot please! :D I've managed to find a very temptingly priced deck, although shipping almost doubles the cost (still much cheaper than other copies I've seen though, and I feel like I'd be crazy not to!)... sleep deprivation is also making a very convincing argument in favour of impulse buying :) Help!


will they cut your tongue out and leave you laying by a pond if you do readings for anyone but Masons?


Masonic Tarot

De-enabling on the masonic tarot please! :D I've managed to find a very temptingly priced deck, although shipping almost doubles the cost (still much cheaper than other copies I've seen though, and I feel like I'd be crazy not to!)... sleep deprivation is also making a very convincing argument in favour of impulse buying :) Help!

I mean, yuck.

Let's face it: if this deck was easily available and cheap for you then you wouldn't look twice at it.

Star: chunky AND rather drippy all at once.
Moon: Boring dinner party hostess, too much wine.
Ace of Swords: What's with the waviness????

Aeclectic says "busy and sometimes clashing artwork". Yes. Exactly.



Granny Jones

Didn't actually post that in this thread. But greggers is on perfect de-enabling form to pull your favourite deck to pieces, so I'll say I agree with her 100%.
And AJ revised her post to be a bit harsher. I'd answer some of her questions about stuff in certain cards, except that my comments would be enabling ones, and hence off-topic here ... <bites tongue hard>.



You have seen the cups cards, right? The cups are claw like hands holding the bowl of the cup. Seriously squicky, creepy icky.

I had the damned thing once. The Fool card is wonderful, I love that blue-green (green-blue?) color! But that's the only nice card, IIRC.

It's frickin' HUUUUGE.
Stacked, it seems like it was about 2 inches high - impossible to shuffle.
One of the courts is a dwarf, I swear.
Either the Empress or the High Priestess doesn't have a nose (no, really!)

Save your money and use it to avoid a finance charge on your credit card (IOW, pay off your balance in full!)

Really awful deck.


will they cut your tongue out and leave you laying by a pond if you do readings for anyone but Masons?

Haha, had a good laugh at this! My dad's a freemason and he swears they don't do this anymore, but I've never believed him! Definitely something that will need to be taken into consideration :)

Ohh, the large card size may be an issue as I have teeny hands... buttt it may have somehow already managed to find its way into my shopping cart sometime during the early hours of yesterday morning! :( It's strange, but I'm strangely attracted to it! Thank you all for your de-enabling efforts though :)


I would like to spend money usefully on reproduction of marseille decks...
But I am going through one fo those "rws-clones" phases once again... Don't know why and how to stop that!
So please de-enable me from Forest Folklore and Russian Tarot of St- Petersburg...
The fact that they are just another RWS clone doesn't seem to be enough to stop me, the former reminds me of the kindness and sweetness of the Hudes, so silent, so discrete, whilst the latter reminds me of the Medieval Cat, that I just love to bits, so pretty pretty pretty damn pretty and medieval, pretty and medieval PLUS CATS just knocks me down, luckily there's no cats in the Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg...!
And please do de-enable me also from Housewives tarot. It looks so sleek and fun and funky and I love the vintage images, the minors I'm in love with them, they're so pretty yet so RWS like...
Do I really need so many RWS clones? When I traded or gave away as many?
And when I still resort to the very same old decks for readings and would just get them for fancy?
Actually the Housewives tarot would be fun to use in social contexts... Umh...
De enable me plaese, I see so many here trading it away!


Housewives will just tick off all your feminist friends. Puleeze. All those flouncy dresses and women cooking. Keep 'em barefoot and pregnant and waiting in perfect housewifely bliss when their lord and masters come home. Do you really want to regress that far?

Forest Folklore is just kind of gooey and awkward. You'll tire of it immediately.

Russian blah blah blah. The cats did it better. Period, end of sentence.


The cats really did it better? :O
Umh... *mumble*
Is it really so? Does anyone have both and agree?
It's a good way to look at it... I already have the cats!
I loooove the Medieval Cat... That deck just makes me laugh a lot... Take the 7th of Swords, it's so pretty and different, even if it's still RWS classic imagery or meaning!
How could ["pretty" + "miniatures" + "medieval"] be better than ["pretty" + "miniatures" + "medieval" + "dressed up CATS!!!"] ???
Must ponder about this...

Ah, didn't tell you, GLADLY I read the previous posts so I could be de-enabled from Silver Era... pfiuuuuuu thank you Jema love from bringing it up :*