Christ-follower who loves Tarot.


"Bravo!" cheers the little unconvertible Pagan.

Cant the whole thing be solved by converting to Catholicism?

Do some readings ... go to confession .... do some more readings ... go to confession again.


What people think of as "occult" and Catholicism actually share many similarities, most notably in the ritual ecstatic experience. The talismans and words may be different, but the goals are much the same. In fact, the same can be said of Judaism and other "mystery religions." Christianity can be thought of just another mystery school, its adherents seeking transcendence in much the same way ceremonial magicians do.

In fact, to a great extent even the words and talismans are the same, depending on the magical formulae used. The Golden Dawn may have had a penchant for Osiris, but that's just extracting the ideas of resurrection and salvation from the basic Dying God story. Jesus is Osiris, in spirit and in worship.

I'm not even going into the fact that, as has been said in other threads, early-to-middle Christianity was far more mystically inclined, rather than the word of the law it has become. Christians should read more Christian mystics.


FWIW, I grew up in a Christian home and cultural environment and never heard that there was anything evil about tarot or other fortune telling methods. Even now, my artistic and social activities are mostly with Christians or church related organizations, and the same attitude prevails. In fact, people just don't talk about religious matters at all; it would be considered in bad taste. This may be due to the fact that Freemasonry is quite strong around here, and the rule about not discussing religion in the Lodge may have filtered out into society in general.

I am sorry that others have not been as fortunate as I.


But that's kind of obvious, since Freemasons are in league with the Illuminati to construct a new world order. Obviously they wouldn't allow dissent. I'm sorry, LRichard, you've given yourself away as a servant of the Antichrist.

You think you know someone and then one day...


But that's kind of obvious, since Freemasons are in league with the Illuminati to construct a new world order. Obviously they wouldn't allow dissent. I'm sorry, LRichard, you've given yourself away as a servant of the Antichrist.

You think you know someone and then one day...
Ach! You found me out! })


Could we please keep this tarot related?
A discussion about Christianity, Witchcraft and Paganism in general needs to happen in the Spirituality forum and the thread starter cannot access that forum as it's in the subscriber section.


Sulis - moderator


I assumed I was found out as an ex-catholic a few pages back ;). No one did tarot anywhere as far as I can remember. It was just vacant from life. Then one day my older sister dressed up like a Gypsy, made a fortune telling tent, got a Womans Weekly Magazine article on how to read playing cards and set her self up at the local hospital's fund raising fete. Nothing else until I found a Thoth deck at about 15 years old and bought it home. I think it caused slightly less consternation than the sitar.

Then many years later I found out paternal granny wasnt granny at all, she was a stand in. They had got rid of real granny just before I arrived ... apparently she was 'weird and strange', she was Spanish and used to have people around for card and crystal ball readings in the back room. :bugeyed: I wish I had met her. Like a lot of women back then , who didnt quiet fit the 'norm' she ended up in an 'institution'. :(

Clos is right about Catholicism and Occultism. has anyone ever been to a High Mass - what a ritual! Actually, spread around the Church walls are a series of pictures that hold a similarity ( a bit ) IMO to the Major Arcana;

Except it ends around the 'Hanged Man' (what happened to the rest - the Resurrection ? I could never figure out why they left the rest out, the best bit, the Resurection, the Ascension, appearances afterwards, etc ).

If I get time later I will check some details and write up a post outlining what the changes were that turned the church away from Neo-Platonism, Paganism and Hermeticism into the rather narrow and oppressive organisation it became.