Odd question...probably.


So I have read tarot off and on for...20+ years (is that right? seems impossible since I'm only 25 ;) ) and I have noticed a strange phenomenon. When I start reading tarot with some frequency, there is always a shift in my atmosphere. Things start going bump in the night, my third eye goes into overdrive, spirits start to appear and try to communicate with me, my youngest son starts to report "people" hanging around (he's a sensitive of some sort), etc.

But none of this happens when I just read oracles or hang with my crystal ball. Any thoughts on why tarot would open this up but not other forms of divination? Anyone else experience this?

I love tarot but I do get overwhelmed with the energies that seem to be drawn in when I use them so I end up shelving them for months, or even years at a time.



I've no idea why tarot would open you any more than other forms of divination. I talk with them pretty frequently and they've never hurt me if that helps.


I've no idea why tarot would open you any more than other forms of divination. I talk with them pretty frequently and they've never hurt me if that helps.

Thank you for your reply. To be clear, it's not that I felt that tarot was harming me, just that the energy that seems to come in is overwhelming for me after a while. It like too much? I guess is how I would put it. haha I know, clear as mud, right? :)


There is currently another thread here, where the poster was complaining of a ghost appearing after he/she/they read the cards. In fact, that person was worried the tarot was calling in the presence. So you aren't alone in feeling that way! :heart:

It may simply be yourself, your own energy, that goes a bit poltergeist-y haywirey after reading, imo. It may open doors in your own energy, so things suddenly start flowing...sometimes, when I read the cards too much or too often, I start becoming overly-sensitive to other dimensions. So it may be that, as well...

Nice to see you back here again! :D


I become a bit more sensitive to my surroundings but not by much - and atm Tarot is my only tool in active use. I have runes, but I am taking 1 rune a week to meditate on and learn about before I actually use them. However, my daughter and one of the dogs notice things much more if I'm reading frequently. I've had fairly heavy barriers up for years, first intentionally, then augmented by prescription medications (so when I did want to start thinning them, I couldn't). So, while I feel a "push" at my barriers (not sure how else to put it) not much else happens. But my daughter notices things, and the dog begins to bark at nothingness while staring at it.


Which deck do you mostly use?


Thank you, Padma and violetdaisy.

I'm wondering if I read tarot differently than I do oracles, like open myself up differently? Hmmmm.

To earthair...it's happened with all tarot but I mainly use Gilded.


It doesn't happen to me when I use tarot, but when I used the I Ching a lot I have seen spirits and had other energy changes around me. It may be quite individual. It does cause me to use the I Ching much less frequently... though they are not frightening, it is disturbing.


So I have read tarot off and on for...20+ years (is that right? seems impossible since I'm only 25 ;) ) and I have noticed a strange phenomenon. When I start reading tarot with some frequency, there is always a shift in my atmosphere. Things start going bump in the night, my third eye goes into overdrive, spirits start to appear and try to communicate with me, my youngest son starts to report "people" hanging around (he's a sensitive of some sort), etc.

But none of this happens when I just read oracles or hang with my crystal ball. Any thoughts on why tarot would open this up but not other forms of divination? Anyone else experience this?

I love tarot but I do get overwhelmed with the energies that seem to be drawn in when I use them so I end up shelving them for months, or even years at a time.


I'm imagining it's because you have more familiarity and a greater breadth and depth of use with Tarot than with other tools?... (so somehow you're "recruiting" and "switching on" more of those varied senses within you...).

I'm not a medium so I rarely see spirits or have things go bump in the night.
But if I use Tarot (more than other tools) with high frequency particularly for magick and ritual - I certainly have more of a "by the pricking of my thumbs" awareness happening.
The edge of my sensitivity is pushed to expand...

It is possible to "close the doors" so this doesn't happen to you (so I understand) - but it may be easier said than done to find out how that works for you specifically.

...I once treated a client who told me on her 3rd treatment, that she saw dead people - including her grandmother. All-the-time (just like the little boy in that movie "The 6th Sense"). And that she found it tiresome because sometimes seeing the real people from the dead was just overwhelming, and it was invading her waking life.
After some discussion about this, she went home and deliberately called all these entities out when she was alone in her room. Then told them all firmly, that no-one, except her grandmother, was allowed to approach her in future, unless she expressly asked for it.
It worked.

(the treatment in question - was Zero Balancing - which has a way of facilitating greater "inner awareness" and fostering more clarity around decision making and personal boundaries - so I assumed that somehow my treatment had facilitated her being able to somatically understand this for herself, in this instance. But
who knows?
I've also had other sensitives "see" more whilst they have a treatment...quite fascinating...nothing to do with any deliberate intentions).



I think it's the *expectation* on your part that Tarot is somehow different.