Secret Wishes


Hi! I would love a reading, if you are still up for it!
Thank you! :)

Lenormand - Dondorf

1. Your secret wish - Book
2. I heart it - Mountain
3. I dislike it - Key
4. restraint - Sun
5. fulfillment - Rider

The Book is your secret wish, the Mountain shows how you like your wish: the Mountain sees itself in the wish, in the way of becoming, when the wish materialises. The Mountains sees in the wish his sculptor. Michelangelo does not think that difficult, you just need to cut out everything superfluous.
At the present point, we don't know which stuff your mountain is made of. It might as well be an ice sculpture. The Mountain is a solid block of whatever. We all are caught in such a block, and we have a lifetime to get free from it. The Mountain hopes to get free by a sculptor which is the Book.

The Key is how you dislike your wish; the Key locks the Book, or it will not even open it. This is a Book of seven seals. The Key blocks the wish. When the Book is closed, you cannot read in it. So you cannot get an image, or an idea what the Mountain might become. The Key locks ideas and commands feelings by keeping a lid on it. The Book's content is about feelings, which will help you to create a sculpture from the Mountain.

The Sun is your restraint: the Sun resonates with the Key by doing a similar thing by preventing the wish from materialising. The Sun can work with light and dark, she puts the Mountain in the shades. You cannot get light from the darkness, she makes you live under the rock. You cannot read your Book without light.

The Rider fulfills your wish; there are many equastrian statues. Usually, they show some impressive fellow sitting on horseback, pointing his sword towards victory. So when finally you get pedestalled, your wish is fulfilled.
The Rider has cast off the superfluous, anything that kept him from moving on. The Rider is what the sculptor created from the Mountain. He is the result of what was read, he is made from the written word, he is a word. The word is a bearer of glad tidings. The Rider makes it from the Mountain. When the word gets out, the wish is fulfilled.

The sculptor is the midwife of the effigy. The Rider is the living, breathing effigy. The Rider is what the sculptor took from the Mountain. This is the image of yourself, the reflection of your idea. You go into the world with your idea of yourself. Life is about the image becoming alive.
The sculptor need an entire life to get rid of the superfluous. The story of your life is getting into form, life brings out what is inside the Mountain. The Mountain needs to confide to life, to hand itself over to the sculptor to get a face. So you are ready to face the world.

You want to show your true colours. You want to see if what you are really made of does match with the concept of yourself. You want to prove this is not just a brainchild.
The good news is: Here I am.

Hope this resonates with you!


Lenormand - Dondorf

1. Your secret wish - Book
2. I heart it - Mountain
3. I dislike it - Key
4. restraint - Sun
5. fulfillment - Rider

The Book is your secret wish, the Mountain shows how you like your wish: the Mountain sees itself in the wish, in the way of becoming, when the wish materialises. The Mountains sees in the wish his sculptor. Michelangelo does not think that difficult, you just need to cut out everything superfluous.
At the present point, we don't know which stuff your mountain is made of. It might as well be an ice sculpture. The Mountain is a solid block of whatever. We all are caught in such a block, and we have a lifetime to get free from it. The Mountain hopes to get free by a sculptor which is the Book.

The Key is how you dislike your wish; the Key locks the Book, or it will not even open it. This is a Book of seven seals. The Key blocks the wish. When the Book is closed, you cannot read in it. So you cannot get an image, or an idea what the Mountain might become. The Key locks ideas and commands feelings by keeping a lid on it. The Book's content is about feelings, which will help you to create a sculpture from the Mountain.

The Sun is your restraint: the Sun resonates with the Key by doing a similar thing by preventing the wish from materialising. The Sun can work with light and dark, she puts the Mountain in the shades. You cannot get light from the darkness, she makes you live under the rock. You cannot read your Book without light.

The Rider fulfills your wish; there are many equastrian statues. Usually, they show some impressive fellow sitting on horseback, pointing his sword towards victory. So when finally you get pedestalled, your wish is fulfilled.
The Rider has cast off the superfluous, anything that kept him from moving on. The Rider is what the sculptor created from the Mountain. He is the result of what was read, he is made from the written word, he is a word. The word is a bearer of glad tidings. The Rider makes it from the Mountain. When the word gets out, the wish is fulfilled.

The sculptor is the midwife of the effigy. The Rider is the living, breathing effigy. The Rider is what the sculptor took from the Mountain. This is the image of yourself, the reflection of your idea. You go into the world with your idea of yourself. Life is about the image becoming alive.
The sculptor need an entire life to get rid of the superfluous. The story of your life is getting into form, life brings out what is inside the Mountain. The Mountain needs to confide to life, to hand itself over to the sculptor to get a face. So you are ready to face the world.

You want to show your true colours. You want to see if what you are really made of does match with the concept of yourself. You want to prove this is not just a brainchild.
The good news is: Here I am.

Hope this resonates with you!

Wow, wow, wow! The past year has been full of turmoil, lessons, pain, and through that, growth. One of the things I've had to realize is that I have to let go of the things that no longer serve me, people and my own thoughts. With this time of growth, as it often happens, I have been very hurt and betrayed by 2 people that I thought loved me as much as I loved them...I was wrong. In this hurt, I have locked away a part of myself to protect myself from ever being hurt again. I've put that part of me in the shadows for now.

I am slowly realizing that being closed off and guarded also doesn't serve me well, and I am trying to open up again. I am an emotional, loving ball of sappyness! That is my essence, not this cold and detached person I've been determined to become.

I am learning the true me, finding my higher self...and I want to just be...just be me. I am surely looking for *something* to give me comfort or stability so that I can feel confident enough to shine. I'm pretty sure that something

Your reading really resonates with me, it is solidifying that I am truly on my path to fulfillment, personal and spiritual.

Because....HERE I AM!

Thank you so much Zhadee! You truly have a gift!


Lenormand - Dondorf

1. Your secret wish - Fox
2. I heart it - Dog
3. I dislike it - Tower
4. restraint - Paths
5. fulfillment - Garden

The Fox is your wish, the Dog is how you like your wish: the Fox is a predator; it hunts in the darkness. The Dog chases the wish, it is a hunting dog. The Dog is following the Fox with his eyes and nose.
The dog has the advantage of scenting the Fox well ahead.

The Tower is how you dislike your wish: the Tower is a predator avoidance.
There is the trick: the Tower watches and sees all. It offers a complete overview, long distance. The Tower is an eye. But the Fox is active in the dark, so the best view is of very little use.

Dog likes to bark with excitement, but the Tower is silent watchfulness of worry and guilt. A premonition of what is to come, foreknowledge of danger. The Dog has no premonition, he knows nothing bad will happen. He will watch the Fox attentively.
In the image of the Tower, if something goes wrong, the watchtower turns into a debtor's prison.
The Fox symbolises You better watch out!, you better be careful! Mind you don't get caught!
The Fox is a predator, but in the Tower resides a robber knight!
The Dog is the Fox's good conscience, and he likes his job.

The Paths are restraint. The way is clear, easy to overlook, so planning a robbery in brightest daylight is folly. The Fox is sly, he will strike in the darkness of the night, avoiding the light of day and nobody will ever know. On the open road, you never know who is watching you. The Tower overshadows the open road with its watchful eye, monitoring every passenger. The Tower's shadow is not dark enough for the Fox, the Fox has not the power to make a big haul in the open road. The Fox sidesteps the hostile powers he has not the means to break. The shadow is the long arm of the law, but the Fox is not lured into the shadows, and he is not outshone. The Tower is a protection from the Fox's deeds. The Dog protects the Fox.

The Garden fulfills the wish. The Fox is a hunter, who hunts to survive. He wants to catch something, in brightest daylight, the garden has shady corners. Your wish is fulfilled by keeping the Fox in the dark. By not making him appear.
Your wish is not to be seen, not to be watched, not to be recognized. But somewhere in the shadows, you have a spot from which you can see all without being noticed. You avoid any danger when you remain invisible.
The Garden is your hunting ground, where you kill game.

The Garden is artificially constructed, coming with shrubbery, fountainhead, light and shadows. Your wish is being the element of surprise in this well-kept landscape and society.

Hope this resonates!

Sooooo sorry for the delayed feedback. I really had to sit and think about this one. My dearest wish as the fox is a ceratin person. He's very sneaky and clever. I like my wish because he's loyal. He constantly comes back in my life. He never leaves for too long. He is also a friend. Easy to talk to and get along with. I hate my wish because he does leave. Leaving me feeling lonely and left out until he comes back. Or I go back to him. Its a cycle thats been going on for a while now.The restraints is I have a choice to make. I can keep going in these circles or completely cut off the connection. To fullfil my wish I would have to date this person. But the fox is not someone I need to be dating and I'm slowly but surely opening my eyes to that. Even though it is very hard because we have such a good connection when we are in contact.

Aster Breo

If you're still doing these readings, I'd love to sit.


Sooooo sorry for the delayed feedback. I really had to sit and think about this one. My dearest wish as the fox is a ceratin person. He's very sneaky and clever. I like my wish because he's loyal. He constantly comes back in my life. He never leaves for too long. He is also a friend. Easy to talk to and get along with. I hate my wish because he does leave. Leaving me feeling lonely and left out until he comes back. Or I go back to him. Its a cycle thats been going on for a while now.The restraints is I have a choice to make. I can keep going in these circles or completely cut off the connection. To fullfil my wish I would have to date this person. But the fox is not someone I need to be dating and I'm slowly but surely opening my eyes to that. Even though it is very hard because we have such a good connection when we are in contact.

A wish prompts to be fulfilled.
If your wish refers to a specific person, it is about winning something from them for yourself, but not the person itself. A wish behaves different than a person, a wish is not an object of your desire.
You cannot control your wishes like there were an object.

A wish is a wish is a wish.


This sounds really interesting! If you're still doing readings, I'd love to be a guinea pig.

Lenormand - Dondorf

1. Your secret wish - Heart
2. I heart it - Tower
3. I dislike it - Fishes
4. restraint - Child
5. fulfillment - Tree

The Heart is your wish. Inside the Heart reside love, wisdom and intuition. A good heart has an equally strong force of life. The first idea is, your wish is to give away your heart or you wish to win another heart. You want to love or be loved. To find a bosom buddy, a one heart being, which is blissful happiness. Likewise, this might speak of working up all your courage. When you find your courage, you get magnanimity.

The Tower is how you like your wish. When the gates of the Tower open, you are welcome to receive hospitality. Standing on top of the Tower, watching across the land, almost heaven. When the Heart visits the Tower, it fills the Tower and opens up. It becomes noble.
On the other hand, you may descend from the Tower, when you leave your fortress of solitude, you warm your cold heart. The Tower in position two means opening. With its open doors, all ways leading upstairs to the top are open, and you standing on top, waiting with ardent desire for the conquerer and dishy heartbreaker.
Who is upstairs? It is Sleeping Beauty, waiting for a kiss to wake up from dreaming. Your wish is what your Heart desires.

The Fishes are how you dislike the wish, they are cold and wet. Freezing your Heart, making you numb. Under water you cannot breathe. In this version of the Lenormand, the Fishes also display a ship in the distance. Might bring the conquerer who comes to discover some unknown land, but he passes you by and he will not find the Tower. You'd need to be a mermaid or a sirene, singing beautiful tunes from the past to lure that poor bloke in his cold and wet grave. But he is a greedy fellow himself, only interested in finding treasures and gold.
Your Heart cannot bring the sea to a boil.
The Fishes are a cool gang, swarm intelligence is a fairly exclusive community, and a private party. The conquerer cannot enter the club. Such a fish does not dream to give away his heart, the conquerer is a mere intruder.

The Child is the restraint, the Child plays on its own. It does not give its heart away but it is completely committed to the game. The Child in position 4 symbolises diversion - give your heart to anything but love. The Fishes invite you to play in the water, the Child invites you to play tag until you drop. Anything just to avoid the briar path of love. In this picture, love is self-love which has not the option of becoming Sleeping Beauty for this Child does not get the chance to hurt itself with the spindle. In the water, there are no thorns.
There you won't find your individuation.

The Tree is the fulfillment of your wish; you need to individuate yourself like a tree. A tree is an individual. You may scratch your lover's name in the bark of the Tree. Within time, this heart remains in place. The Heart is the source of the Tree. The Tree sprouts from the Heart, it is growing because of the Heart's quality. A Tree may have a bad heart, but it still needs to grow from the Heart. It is the reflection of the Heart. The Tree is rooted deeply in the earth, he grew from a sapling to a strong tree that will withstand a storm and a conquerer.
In this Tree beats a good heart, it stands on its own, it is its own master.
A Heart needs to be just and fair, this justice means to keep the balance and to come into ones own. Justice means each comes its own, its fair share, authenticity.
The Tree has the courage to grow up high and expand, it excercises its right. The Tree fulfills the wish by giving the wish its right. The Heart needs to expand in order to become
magnanimity without blowing out of proportion. There does not need to be room for greed, envy, and wickedness. Your wish is to be yourself, following your heart without hurting another one. You wish to be cordially without hurting yourself. Your wish is wholesomeness.
All in one, reconciled and fraternal like a forest that consists of individual trees. Your wish is not being self-seeking, but being yourself. Your wish is a conciliation, being an individual in community. You don't want to be yourself against anybody else.
You wish to find the right balance in equal measure.

The Tower is the highest spot, the Fishes are the deepest. The Heart reconciliates them both. Tower is Air, Fishes are Water, Heart is Fire, Tree is Earth. The elements are in harmony because of the Heart's justness.

Hope this resonates with you!


A wish prompts to be fulfilled.
If your wish refers to a specific person, it is about winning something from them for yourself, but not the person itself. A wish behaves different than a person, a wish is not an object of your desire.
You cannot control your wishes like there were an object.

A wish is a wish is a wish.

Huuummm. Im not really sure what i would want from them for myself though. Im going to think more on this. There maybe a deeper meaning here.


If you're still doing these readings, I'd love to sit.

Lenormand - Dondorf

1. Your secret wish - Fox
2. I heart it - Ship
3. I dislike it - Tower
4. restraint - Mountain
5. fulfillment - Dog

The Fox symbolises your wish, the Ship shows how you like your wish.
The Ship sails under full sails, the sea is rough, the wind is strong. The Ship is fully seaworthy at full speed ahead. It is 'flying' through the waters.
The Fox causes a flow of thoughts, which are no worries. The thoughts are directed at openess, in the distance, new horizons, far away. They are carried by the stream of conciousness. The open sea is the future, you are moving along at full speed, with all might. The Fox is the leader of the flow of thoughts, it is the Ship's pilot, like a leadership-compass. The Fox finds a way in the infinite sea without getting lost.

The Tower is how you dislike your wish, it looks into the distance without moving from a fixed spot. It watches what is coming along, and tries to protect itself from what comes towards it. The stream of thoughts goes up in the height, on top of the Tower, up into the clouds, over the world instead of going towards the openess because this is watched and monitored. The Tower persists in its viewpoint.
Come what may, but the Tower will not move an inch.
The Tower is on its guard of the Fox, it bewares of the Fox. The doors are locked. The Tower says: I won't go anywhere. New horizons are too far away, and the way is too dangerous. I remain here where it is safe. I will not get lost. I stay at home, I won't change, I won't budge.

The Tower is tele-vision. Looking in the distance, admiring it and resting comfortably where it is. But the Ship is on its way to new shores. On the Ship, one is setting out to see new things. On the Tower, one is unconcerned. One does not get involved. Don't count me in.
The Ship means: I want to check for myself on what I usually only see and hear about. The Ship wants to be involved, the Tower is above such things. The Ship is extrovert, the Tower is introvert.
The Fox is sly, he wants to lure you out of it again, it takes a thief to catch a thief.

The Mountain is the wish's restraint; it is a natural deerstand. The summit can be out of reach, it is a distance aloft. The Ship goes away, the Mountain goes up, flotsome and jetsome. Once more, this is immobility. The Mountain is state of the art, vertical thinking. On top of the Mountain, one may be with the head in or above the clouds, a position larger than life. The Mountain says: everything is in control. There is no future which can overthow me, nothing is unexpected or unforeseen. The Mountain cannot be lured into experiments, it is an attitude. It is not a wall one runs into, instead one is the wall which repels experiences.
Stay where you are, get on top of the Mountain, there is only one way to go: up. You don't need instinct, you don't need a mountain guide. You have to follow the well-trodden path. Entering unchartered territory does not follow any predefined path. The explorer does not follow a predecessor.

The Dog fulfills your wish; it is a watchdog. The Dog is tied to its dóghouse, a feeding bowl is standing next to him. When the Dog is released and he goes hunting, he follows a trace. He may go aswell into the unknown, as long as there is a track to follow. If he loses the trace, the hunting is finished. The Fox feeds on stolen game. The Dog is a loyal friend, the Fox is a spiritual guide. The Dog is a loyal friend of the soul which is led by the Fox. The Dog follows its master, the master is led by the Dog.

You are the master who is as careful as the Dog, and daring enough to accept the guidance of the Fox. The Dog fulfills your wish by following the Fox's trail, which means he accompanies the master. The Dog's precaution does not put an end to the hunt, he needs not to hurry ahead, and does not need to catch and kill the Fox.
The Fox is the daredevil, the Dog fulfills the wish which is a dare. Enter the Fox's realm as a watchdog. In the reign of the Fox you may be a Dog which is loyal and true. The Dog is not a loner, he likes to make friends, he is willing to engage in friendships.

Your wish is being a Dog which is as sly as a Fox. You look for a team to explore foreign lands and unknown futures. You want to escape from your known future, the one you have seen from your watchout.
The Fox opens up and leads into the unknown future.
Your wish is becoming an adventurer, free from expectations and getting away from the Mountain peak. You wish for a new goal, you want to let go, and stop thinking of security. You want to let go of your fear of the well-known prospects.
The Fox knows a way down from the Mountain, for he resides at the foot of the Mountain. He will guide you to the open space from which you then may choose a new direction.
The Fox will guide you in any direction, apart from the one that leads you up the Mountain. Anybody else is there anyway.

The Fox is the wish to hit the hay on some Ship with unknown direction. On a Ship to nowhere you become a different person than on your way up to the Mountain top. On the way up you need to become like everybody else who already has got there, or been there.

Hope this resonates with you!