Visit My Tent - Romany Spread



Thanks so much! Sorry about the crazy information in my question, i wanted you to have something to make sense with when the cards folded out. I hate vagueness! :) I will fill in above my feedback for you....
Ask me anything , if you have any questions on what i say to you.
amazing reading by the way! thanks soooo much.:love:

You're very welcome and thank you so much for the indepth feedback! That's really encouraging! Yay!
No further explanation needed, your words are quite clear.

Please keep me updated, I am very curious to see how the predictions work out for you and your friend. :)


Maria Tarot

Thank you very much
My focus is in Love

Maria Tarot, your cards ^^

..K:club: 6:diamond: 4:diamond: .J:heart: A:club: 4:club: 10:heart:
:spade: 5:spade: A:spade: 4:heart: A:diamond: 6:heart: . 9:club:
:club: Q:club: 3:club: 7:heart: 7:spade: 2:heart: . J

3x 4 = foundations weakened
3x A = lucky break

1st column: emotional aspects
a judge - a cemetary - a handshake

In your past, you had dealing with a man of authority, like a father. He did things that had to be done. He was driven, and not always nice with you, but he had his reasons.
Presently, there does not seem to be any contact to this man.
For the future, it looks like a reconciliation was possible.

2nd column: relationships
streets of gold * - a corpse - a nurse

I pulled the Joker, a sign for an unexpected change. I picked another card, which is about good decisions in your past. You thought matters through, you did your maths, and you chose to act rationally. The decision had been a wise one, you faced your fears and forged ahead.
The present shows, there is something you've not come to terms with. You seem to feel out of luck. You might hold grudges, you might be grieving for the loss of somebody, and you cannot forgive yourself. You now also doubt whether your decision was right or not, and you blame yourself for your present state of unhappiness.
In the future, you will develop motherly, nursing, and responsible personality traits. Not only are you able to take care of yourself, you will become independent enough to take care of others as well. People will think highly of your wisdom.

3rd column: career
the purse - a death - a stone wall

In the past, your lovelife was stable. But there was no growth, and this path came to an end. Presently, you might feel deeply isolated, and you face a transformation. The chance lies in finding new beginnings by checking your goals, wishes, and expectations.
Your future deals with challenges, and overcoming obstacles in the sense of getting back to life, feeling alive. This card symbolises growth. Like at first you start gardening on your window sill, and expanding this little kitchen garden slowly but surely.

4th column: finance
a cradle - a trunk - fear

The energetic flow of your love life. You felt safe, secure, and almost pampered in your past. Exchange of energy was as simple as that. Nothing seemed to bother you as you found an easy solution to any problem. Presently, it looks like you still have that loving heart, but you don't know what to do with it. LIke you are sitting on a trunk, ready to start the adventure of love. You put all your love into it until the day comes when your Streetcar of Desires finally arrives, and you meet with the one who can have it all.
But the 4's are about things that do not change. While waiting for the perfect man to come, this trunk gets packed, and unpacked so many times that you might forget about travelling at all.
Love is the strongest feeling of them all. A love that has nowhere to go, becomes something else that is equally strong, like hate or grief. For the future, you need to find a place where you can put your love into.

5th column: spiritual matters
a cave - a letter - double trouble

In your past, you've spend some time contemplating on the ideal love, and how to get there. Presently, you might feel out of luck and out of love. The Aces deal with beginnings, and being alone. So love's lesson could be you coming to terms with your feeling of loneliness.
Is it a lack of social interaction, connection, and communication? Do you feel alone among others, or do you feel alone because you are isolated?
Do you miss a meaningful person, and so you'd rather be lonely instead?
A set of questions, Maria Tarot.
In the future, you'll shed tears of joy. Your 'double trouble' (7 = trouble, spade = trouble) is surrounded by red cards.
Looks like you'll find favourable answers.

6th column: obstacles
the plowed field - a dog - lovers

In the past, you got yourself prepared for a change. You might have expected a certain outcome, and your focus is on getting a specific something. Though by tilling you could get better results than expected, but too much tilling will leave you nothing but chaff.
Presently, your biggest obstacle is something long-termed. Still waiting for the result of your past deeds, waiting for the perfect man to arrive.
I found a proverb: He who lives in hope dances to an ill tune.

a note: while the double trouble is surrounded by two hearts, which is a sign to overcome trouble quite easily, the lovers are surrounded by two spades, which is a worried heart. A love that cannot freely move, and is caged and limited.

7th column: health
a fire - a reaping - a rebel

The health of your lovelife. There are happy times in your past, who kept you warm and safe. The memory of a happy family has a healthy effect on you, presently you take a look at things that have grown within time, and you deal with it.
This could denote a time where you feel lost. The Jack of Spades in the future symbolises a bad turn - like you put your faith into somebody who knows what you need, and tries to take advantage of you.
Better not be too trusting, and too hopeful. This is a person that can wear many masks, and they may appear as the ideal lover when in fact all they look for is getting their share and then disappear from your life.
Jack of Spade and 2 of Hearts might symbolise a person who is up to no good, but seductive and inticing. Almost impossible to resist...

Let me know what you think!



Hello gorgeous!

I found it :D ... and of course, I will abuse of this bountiful, beautiful tent and the secrets and mysteries its mistress can reveal me ;-)

My focus is on love! What else?

Maria Tarot

QUOTE=zhadee;4810025]Maria Tarot, your cards ^^

..K:club: 6:diamond: 4:diamond: .J:heart: A:club: 4:club: 10:heart:
:spade: 5:spade: A:spade: 4:heart: A:diamond: 6:heart: . 9:club:
:club: Q:club: 3:club: 7:heart: 7:spade: 2:heart: . J

3x 4 = foundations weakened
3x A = lucky break

1st column: emotional aspects
a judge - a cemetary - a handshake

In your past, you had dealing with a man of authority, like a father. He did things that had to be done. He was driven, and not always nice with you, but he had his reasons.
Presently, there does not seem to be any contact to this man.
For the future, it looks like a reconciliation was possible.

I'm not Sure who could be.

2nd column: relationships
streets of gold * - a corpse - a nurse

I pulled the Joker, a sign for an unexpected change. I picked another card, which is about good decisions in your past. You thought matters through, you did your maths, and you chose to act rationally. The decision had been a wise one, you faced your fears and forged ahead.
The present shows, there is something you've not come to terms with. You seem to feel out of luck. You might hold grudges, you might be grieving for the loss of somebody, and you cannot forgive yourself. You now also doubt whether your decision was right or not, and you blame yourself for your present state of unhappiness.
In the future, you will develop motherly, nursing, and responsible personality traits. Not only are you able to take care of yourself, you will become independent enough to take care of others as well. People will think highly of your wisdom.
I've out some ends in the past, some were full of different kind of fears.
It's only me who has the responsabilitiy of my present. Some times I feel unhappy, but things can't be different All things happen in a perfect way. Perfect because what was done lead to the results.
I'm preparing to do Reiki in a professional bases.
3rd column: career
the purse - a death - a stone wall

In the past, your lovelife was stable. But there was no growth, and this path came to an end. Presently, you might feel deeply isolated, and you face a transformation. The chance lies in finding new beginnings by checking your goals, wishes, and expectations.
Your future deals with challenges, and overcoming obstacles in the sense of getting back to life, feeling alive. This card symbolises growth. Like at first you start gardening on your window sill, and expanding this little kitchen garden slowly but surely.
Yes, for some years my lovelife was stable, I was married had a family, but things come to an end. Since then things are complicated about love relationships.
That's right I'm in a transformation fase. I'm doing a big work in order to evolove.
4th column: finance
a cradle - a trunk - fear

The energetic flow of your love life. You felt safe, secure, and almost pampered in your past. Exchange of energy was as simple as that. Nothing seemed to bother you as you found an easy solution to any problem. Presently, it looks like you still have that loving heart, but you don't know what to do with it. LIke you are sitting on a trunk, ready to start the adventure of love. You put all your love into it until the day comes when your Streetcar of Desires finally arrives, and you meet with the one who can have it all.
But the 4's are about things that do not change. While waiting for the perfect man to come, this trunk gets packed, and unpacked so many times that you might forget about travelling at all.
Love is the strongest feeling of them all. A love that has nowhere to go, becomes something else that is equally strong, like hate or grief. For the future, you need to find a place where you can put your love into.
I realize that I'm not able to be in love. I don't know if I'm the problem or it's just because I didn't met the one until today.
I don't want to be in love relationships when I know that they aren't my love.
But I would love to find a man :)
5th column: spiritual matters
a cave - a letter - double trouble

In your past, you've spend some time contemplating on the ideal love, and how to get there. Presently, you might feel out of luck and out of love. The Aces deal with beginnings, and being alone. So love's lesson could be you coming to terms with your feeling of loneliness.
Is it a lack of social interaction, connection, and communication? Do you feel alone among others, or do you feel alone because you are isolated?
Do you miss a meaningful person, and so you'd rather be lonely instead?
A set of questions, Maria Tarot.
In the future, you'll shed tears of joy. Your 'double trouble' (7 = trouble, spade = trouble) is surrounded by red cards.
Looks like you'll find favourable answers.

I'm isolated for several months, I'm very upset with some situation and I'm learing to beleive in me, I didn't beleive in me in the past and the consequences were disastrous. All because I didn't beleive in my feelings. I did beleive in others who had more info than me, but they haven't told me all they know and I it was me who suffer. Also I'm learing to forgive my self.
So I'm isolated to recover.

6th column: obstacles
the plowed field - a dog - lovers

In the past, you got yourself prepared for a change. You might have expected a certain outcome, and your focus is on getting a specific something. Though by tilling you could get better results than expected, but too much tilling will leave you nothing but chaff.
Presently, your biggest obstacle is something long-termed. Still waiting for the result of your past deeds, waiting for the perfect man to arrive.
I found a proverb: He who lives in hope dances to an ill tune.

a note: while the double trouble is surrounded by two hearts, which is a sign to overcome trouble quite easily, the lovers are surrounded by two spades, which is a worried heart. A love that cannot freely move, and is caged and limited.
That's right I'm waiting for the perfect man I just don't now how I will ever meet him I don't give a chance to no one.
7th column: health
a fire - a reaping - a rebel

The health of your lovelife. There are happy times in your past, who kept you warm and safe. The memory of a happy family has a healthy effect on you, presently you take a look at things that have grown within time, and you deal with it.
This could denote a time where you feel lost. The Jack of Spades in the future symbolises a bad turn - like you put your faith into somebody who knows what you need, and tries to take advantage of you.
Better not be too trusting, and too hopeful. This is a person that can wear many masks, and they may appear as the ideal lover when in fact all they look for is getting their share and then disappear from your life.
Jack of Spade and 2 of Hearts might symbolise a person who is up to no good, but seductive and inticing. Almost impossible to resist...

Let me know what you think!

I'm happy most of the time but some times I feel lonely specially lately. I'm not feeling very good lately. I'm very sad about my present joB. It's a daily horror. It's damaging my personal life. Sometimes I think I going crazy. So, I'm very fragile and an easy target to "bad" people.

Thank you very much for your reading and advise it Sure worries me think about someone taking advange from me.
Let's see what the future brings :)


Thank you very much for your reading and advise it Sure worries me think about someone taking advange from me.
Let's see what the future brings :)

Hi Maria, thank you very much for sitting & the feedback. :)
I do hope things will work out for you in the near future, so you'll be happy again!



Originally Posted by cherryberry
Hello zhadee, may I jump on as well? Incredibely detailed readings! If you are connecting with me I'd love for you to focus on love for me

cherryberry, your focus is on love

6:diamond: .J:club: 5:heart: K:club: 8:diamond: .6:heart: .9:heart:
J:diamond: .9:spade: 2:spade: A:club: 8:heart: 10:heart: 3:diamond:
A:diamond: 2:heart: 4:diamond: Q:heart: 8:spade: .7:diamond: .5:club:

1st column: emotional aspects
streets of gold - a beautiful girl - a letter

You used to be shy and timid, communication in general had been a challenge. But once you've learned to express your thoughts via mobile devices you managed to overcome your inhibitions. Overthinking, intellectual approach, communication methods. Examining your feelings, intellctual detachment. A trained communication.
Today, it's easier to express your thoughts, and you have an ongoing exchange. You might find it easier to talk about what you feel. Feelings might make you feel uncomfortable, but talking about them puts you into control. This also refers to your intuition, and your inner voice which has become more perceptible.
For the future, it looks like you'll intend to keep your news to yourself, but you won't stop thinking emotional matters over and over.

2nd column: relationships
a message - a funeral - the lovers

In the past, you had a relationship to a young man of darker colouring, sportive, active. A social person, intelligent, witful, and sexy. You might have lost contact.
Presently, you seem to feel uncomfortable because the situation has changed for the worse. It looks like you feel torn between two men, and you do not know whom to pick, and which course you should follow.
The cards hint that you are with a man, but your thoughts often go back to that man from the past. You seem to compare the present with the past, and as you presently feel rather unhappy, the past looks more beautiful.
The future denotes a happy ending of two lovers. Your decision whom to pick, and who'd be the lucky one.

3rd column: career
helping hand - seperation - the purse

Looks like you have been happy in the past, and things went towards a healthy development. At one point, you might have thought about getting married, raising children, and create a happy family.
But now it looks like you got seperated from this man, and the plan went wrong.
For the future, it appears like this state will not change. There will not be a reconciliation with the man from the past. He might not reach out to you, you won't learn anything new from him.

4th column: finance
a judge - a cave* - you

Another man from the past. This could be your father, or a father figure. Somebody you respect. He was a man of great authority, and he got things done that need to be done. This card could reflect on all male persons who had some influence on your development, and this is the source of your judgement. The things you do are based on what you think about your feelings, which is a judging approach. You rather listen to your mind than to your heart.
For the present, I picked the Joker. Unexpected change. I pulled an additional card, which is the Ace of Clubs. This is a new task and a new duty. You take responsibility, you are in charge. Intense personal reflections, you evaluate your goals and your methods how to reach them.
For the future, you want to take care of yourself. You learn how to rely on yourself, and that you have all it takes to get what you need to have.

5th column: spiritual matters
a gossip - pillow talk - shouting

Three 8's - they show thoughts in the mind. Knaves are messages, 2's are exchanges, 8's are group of people. You seem to be a social animal...

In your past, your head was filled with information of little value. You were a collector of news, rumours, and gossips. One possibility to hide your true thoughts... You have been with people who were not friends, and you might not have trusted them. You did not put your faith into them, and there were no secrets.
Today, you are much nicer. You still like to talk, but you might not put your heart into the matter. An easy way to communicate, no hard feelings, nothing negative. Your mind is on positive thinking, and giving a good impression.
For the future, you might start to feel dissatisfied with your communication style. You might start to feel opressed because you cannot express your feelings in a proper manner. You might also think that people will not like you when you are not happy-go-lucky all day long. This hints towards a development of your mind.

6th column: obstacles
a dog - a fire - a lie

It appears as if you cannot forget a person from your past. You still feel a strong connection, and even though you might not always be aware of it, this connection still has a certain influence and might keep you from getting into a committed relationship.
In the present, you have a very positive card. It's difficult to see anything bad in this one - it's a happy family, a perfect summer's evening. Maybe this one reflects on great expectations, and your idea of perfection. It might also be that you are afraid of intense feelings, and you find it difficult to let down your guard. A fire burns brightly, and you might fear getting burned.
The future deals with deception: like you dream up a cloud-cuckoo-land, where everything will be alright and all troubles will just vanish when you ignore them. The kind of happiness that comes from blissful ignorance.

7th column: health

a cottage - a gift - a barn

In the past, you have been genuinely happy. You felt good about yourself, the world, and everything. Like nothing can go wrong, and you knew there was a direction.
Presently, you still feel generous and you like to share your inner wealth with others. You sometimes are a bit 'all over the place' and a scatterbrain, but most people think this is charming. You sometimes think that you lack perseverance, which makes you fickle and changeable.
For the future, there is a healthy body, and a barn. This would put an end to your feeling of being disorganised. You take matters in your own hands.

Let me know what you think!


this is fascinating!!!

cherryberry, your focus is on love

6:diamond: .J:club: 5:heart: K:club: 8:diamond: .6:heart: .9:heart:
J:diamond: .9:spade: 2:spade: A:club: 8:heart: 10:heart: 3:diamond:
A:diamond: 2:heart: 4:diamond: Q:heart: 8:spade: .7:diamond: .5:club:

1st column: emotional aspects
streets of gold - a beautiful girl - a letter

You used to be shy and timid, communication in general had been a challenge. But once you've learned to express your thoughts via mobile devices you managed to overcome your inhibitions. Overthinking, intellectual approach, communication methods. Examining your feelings, intellctual detachment. A trained communication.
Today, it's easier to express your thoughts, and you have an ongoing exchange. You might find it easier to talk about what you feel. Feelings might make you feel uncomfortable, but talking about them puts you into control. This also refers to your intuition, and your inner voice which has become more perceptible.
For the future, it looks like you'll intend to keep your news to yourself, but you won't stop thinking emotional matters over and over.

****spot on, very shy and timid and am still struggeling with it, but it is getting better. So spot on that I am better in writing than in the spoken word - extremely spot on and I actually got it as advice to write things down as prep before i say them. Overhinking for sure.
easier now, biut still an effort. I am happy you refer to my inner voice as for some months now I almost feel like I can hear it, like it answers me ( i am hearing voices :D ) So I am happy to hear that I can trust it, I had some correct 'predictions' or advises which I followed.
News to myself, like i am not talking about my emotioons? What do yu mean by news?

2nd column: relationships
a message - a funeral - the lovers

In the past, you had a relationship to a young man of darker colouring, sportive, active. A social person, intelligent, witful, and sexy. You might have lost contact.
Presently, you seem to feel uncomfortable because the situation has changed for the worse. It looks like you feel torn between two men, and you do not know whom to pick, and which course you should follow.
The cards hint that you are with a man, but your thoughts often go back to that man from the past. You seem to compare the present with the past, and as you presently feel rather unhappy, the past looks more beautiful.
The future denotes a happy ending of two lovers. Your decision whom to pick, and who'd be the lucky one.

****sportive, active, popular, sexy - all those things. And we have lost contact, easily the most influential in my romantic life.
presently there is someone who reminds me of him a lot, I feel connected to him almost in the same way as D, and I couldnt be torn, as you said we are not in contact anymore, but for some reason I keep thinking of him and all the mistakes I made and dont want to repeat.
So A and me are not currently dating, but it seems to me it may go that way, and I think of D often. right now I am unhappy as I am in limbo, I dont know if A wants to start something or not, and things were much clearer with D early on, but then I overcomplicated everything and things became emotional and volatile. ]
I am happy about the future that suggest to me that A and me will start dating as D is really out of the picture.

3rd column: career
helping hand - seperation - the purse

Looks like you have been happy in the past, and things went towards a healthy development. At one point, you might have thought about getting married, raising children, and create a happy family.
But now it looks like you got seperated from this man, and the plan went wrong.
For the future, it appears like this state will not change. There will not be a reconciliation with the man from the past. He might not reach out to you, you won't learn anything new from him.

****at some point i thought about, but that is some time ago, we never really talked about it, and in any case we are seperated, and there is no contact, so I am not surprised there is no reconciliation

4th column: finance
a judge - a cave* - you

Another man from the past. This could be your father, or a father figure. Somebody you respect. He was a man of great authority, and he got things done that need to be done. This card could reflect on all male persons who had some influence on your development, and this is the source of your judgement. The things you do are based on what you think about your feelings, which is a judging approach. You rather listen to your mind than to your heart.
For the present, I picked the Joker. Unexpected change. I pulled an additional card, which is the Ace of Clubs. This is a new task and a new duty. You take responsibility, you are in charge. Intense personal reflections, you evaluate your goals and your methods how to reach them.
For the future, you want to take care of yourself. You learn how to rely on yourself, and that you have all it takes to get what you need to have.

***this has got to do with the place where i volunteer, have been there a long time. He is a very inspiratinal man, no romance between us though,he certainly had some infiuence on my development, still has.
The new task is already on the horizon, yes -or not even on the horizon, it is there but I am procrastinating and am afraid if I can do it. But I have been afraid before and it worked out anyway.
Again something that resonates super strongly with me, I am working a lot on on being autonomous, A LOT, to not be too dependant on others, opinions,... hard!!

5th column: spiritual matters
a gossip - pillow talk - shouting

Three 8's - they show thoughts in the mind. Knaves are messages, 2's are exchanges, 8's are group of people. You seem to be a social animal...

In your past, your head was filled with information of little value. You were a collector of news, rumours, and gossips. One possibility to hide your true thoughts... You have been with people who were not friends, and you might not have trusted them. You did not put your faith into them, and there were no secrets.
Today, you are much nicer. You still like to talk, but you might not put your heart into the matter. An easy way to communicate, no hard feelings, nothing negative. Your mind is on positive thinking, and giving a good impression.
For the future, you might start to feel dissatisfied with your communication style. You might start to feel opressed because you cannot express your feelings in a proper manner. You might also think that people will not like you when you are not happy-go-lucky all day long. This hints towards a development of your mind.

***anther one that resonated, i was a social butterfly, sticking with nothing for long and only now do I have a lot of really good friends who are like a family for me, in the past onl a few and many who are like you described
I love chatting but am still a bit shy. But I am getting there. I can see that I may get frustrated in teh future as I want to be better at communication but I am also impatient. definetly think that people dont like me if I am not entertaining which is something I am working through as well, no idea where I picked this up

6th column: obstacles
a dog - a fire - a lie

It appears as if you cannot forget a person from your past. You still feel a strong connection, and even though you might not always be aware of it, this connection still has a certain influence and might keep you from getting into a committed relationship.
In the present, you have a very positive card. It's difficult to see anything bad in this one - it's a happy family, a perfect summer's evening. Maybe this one reflects on great expectations, and your idea of perfection. It might also be that you are afraid of intense feelings, and you find it difficult to let down your guard. A fire burns brightly, and you might fear getting burned.
The future deals with deception: like you dream up a cloud-cuckoo-land, where everything will be alright and all troubles will just vanish when you ignore them. The kind of happiness that comes from blissful ignorance.

*********yes he is still on my mind, I thought not because it has been years!! and I am devestated that this is keepping me from a committed relationship as there is no chance for us to be together,
This part is worrying me, am I making things up? Will I be messing things up with the guy I am interested in? He does remind me of D and out connection, there are so many paralells its freaky - and it does give me the opportunity to do things better this time around. I hope!!

7th column: health

a cottage - a gift - a barn

In the past, you have been genuinely happy. You felt good about yourself, the world, and everything. Like nothing can go wrong, and you knew there was a direction.
Presently, you still feel generous and you like to share your inner wealth with others. You sometimes are a bit 'all over the place' and a scatterbrain, but most people think this is charming. You sometimes think that you lack perseverance, which makes you fickle and changeable.
For the future, there is a healthy body, and a barn. This would put an end to your feeling of being disorganised. You take matters in your own hands.

Let me know what you think!
*****again spot on, I am working on generosity and attention to others but I am absolutely a scatterbrain and am working on being more organised! Yes, lack perseverance, work on that too!
So the future looks like I can put things in order better, taht is great news!!



News to myself, like i am not talking about my emotioons? What do yu mean by news?

cherryberry, thank you very much for the feedback. :)

Ace is a solitary state, this one here denotes independency of thought. Awareness, presence in the moment allows you to be attentive to yourself, and your surroundings, it keeps your focus on the important thing: here and now. Self-awareness, so your thoughts and emotions do not become a flock of startled birds flushing up in the air.

Your news are what you think they to be, they could be anything you think they are. There are people who give the impression as though they never have a new thought, they happily stick to the same thought for decades.

zhadee said:
6th column: obstacles
a dog - a fire - a lie

It appears as if you cannot forget a person from your past. You still feel a strong connection, and even though you might not always be aware of it, this connection still has a certain influence and might keep you from getting into a committed relationship.
In the present, you have a very positive card. It's difficult to see anything bad in this one - it's a happy family, a perfect summer's evening. Maybe this one reflects on great expectations, and your idea of perfection. It might also be that you are afraid of intense feelings, and you find it difficult to let down your guard. A fire burns brightly, and you might fear getting burned.
The future deals with deception: like you dream up a cloud-cuckoo-land, where everything will be alright and all troubles will just vanish when you ignore them. The kind of happiness that comes from blissful ignorance.

*********yes he is still on my mind, I thought not because it has been years!! and I am devestated that this is keepping me from a committed relationship as there is no chance for us to be together,
This part is worrying me, am I making things up? Will I be messing things up with the guy I am interested in? He does remind me of D and out connection, there are so many paralells its freaky - and it does give me the opportunity to do things better this time around. I hope!!

This column deals with obstacles. Your future obstacle could be... overthinking. :p Ruminating (diamond) over a troublesome (=7) matter (= not making the same mistake again). By avoiding a mistake, we likely make a new one.

There are two men: one from the present, one from the past. You need to seperate from the past lover (2nd column) as he has become a ghost that haunts you today. If you manage to cut the ties, you are ready to start a new relationship. Free from old ties and promises that bind you.

I think you always do your very best, in every moment. Thank you very much for sitting. :)



How will relocating go for the next 6 months?

4:heart: A:spade: 4:club: 2:club: 6:diamond: A:club: 3:diamond:
:spade: K:heart: 5:spade: Q:heart: Q:spade: J:spade: 6:heart:
:heart: A:diamond: 3:spade: 9:heart: K:spade: 3:club: 3:heart:

4x 3= things are growing
3x A= new beginnings

11x black= difficulties
7x spades= troubles
10x red= support
7x heart= emotions

You should overcome any troubles and worries that come with the relocation.

1st column: emotional aspects
trunk - tears - lovers

You took your time, and you got well prepared. Now you are sitting amongst a lot of trunks, but there still seems to be a lot of stuff you might have to let go of. This is a really difficult situation for you, providing you with several tough decisions, and your feelings are mixed. Some things you are happy to see going away, while others suddenly appear in a different light. You also discover the strength to master this situation.
For the future, you'll further reduce your belongings, on every level. You'll also find peace at heart, and a clear emotional state. You'll appreciate the things in your life, and you'll be surrounded by things you love.

2nd column: relationships
death - soulmate - letter

In the past, there was a transformation. All of a sudden, you received a wake-up call, and suddenly time was up. Your relationships appeared in a brand new spanking light, your outlook and your perception changed in a dramatic way. The situation was difficult, and a real struggle.
Presently, you deal with a person that has the power to arouse feelingsthough the feelings are not positive. It rather looks as if you miss the strong connection with a significant other, especially when faced with difficult moments (and heavy boxes), you really could do with a bit of emotional support. You come to realise that the place you are leaving did not present you with a happy love life.
The future looks far more positive. Your interest in your surroundings is reawakening. You like to meet new people, or ... you cannot avoid meeting them. ^^

3rd column: career
plowed field - a corpse - a loss

You've sowed your seeds in the past, but presently it looks like things are not getting anywhere. You might feel stuck, a lack of impulses, and the same old, same old. Difficulties are starting to add up, and you might not feel comfortable in you present location. Toxic environment so to say. Too much to handle.
The beginnings in your new location looks difficult. You might feel at a loss where to begin, how to start, and what you need to do. This feeling most likely is rooted in a deep exhaustion. You have been working hard, and you did not allow yourself time to recover and replenish your energy.
This fatigue could create the impression of facing a road block.
Relax, take a step back, and allow yourself some rest.

4th column: finance

a helping hand - you - a cottage

You received financial support in the past. Presently, you are standing on your own two feet. For the future, you'll manage to pay the mortgage for your little cottage. ^^
General feeling: you'll rise like a phoenix from the flames & ashes.

5th column: spiritual matters
investments - unpleasant truth - an executioner

Your decision was based on pragmatic reasons. You might have ignored the spiritual side, and at that time it had been the right thing to do. You were able to take the good with the bad, and the positive sides outweight the negative aspects.
Presently, your perception has changed. You no longer can cope with the situation. You do not feel well, and you have realised an unpleasant truth. This seems to be focused on a female you do not like to have in your life. This person might come with a negative energy, pulling you down, painting darker pictures, telling horrible stories. A person who does not fill your heart with joy.
In the future, you have the strength to deal with unpleasant facts, and persons. You are capable to put an end to dissatisfying situations, and you may protect yourself with dignity.
A person with authoritiy might like to scare you with unjustified demands, aiming to create a guilty conscience.

6th column: obstacles
a cave - a rebel - a stone wall

Have you been a home body? You might also feel a strong connection with the place you live in, you had to live there, and you did not have the energy, the heart, and the guts to leave it. This has been the place for intense personal reflection as well, like a shell.
At times, you seem to question whether it is a good idea to relocate, you do not see any possible positive effect, and you seem to listen to a little devil on your shoulder, confronting you with all the negative aspects of relocation. A disheartening, and discouraging effect. Making you wish to turn over and fall asleep again, postponing the move until kingdom come.
For the future, you see problems and difficulties, and you doubt your ability to surmount them.

(you will)

7th column: health
gifts - a dog - a wish granted

This one refers to the effect locations may have on your health, like influences from water veins, room climate, noise, and roommates.
In the past, you had to deal with a scattered mind. You had to concentrate on too many details, and you had to face swift movements. Also moodswings, and changing forms of day.
Presently, your overall condition is getting better. You look forward to the change, at least you hope things will take a turn for the better.
They will improve, they will have a stabilising effect on your well-being.
As beautiful your old place had been, it did not become with your mental and physical needs. The new place will suit you far better!

Let me know how things are going... valid until April 2017 ^^



feedback....piece by pieces..

4:heart: A:spade: 4:club: 2:club: 6:diamond: A:club: 3:diamond:
:spade: K:heart: 5:spade: Q:heart: Q:spade: J:spade: 6:heart:
:heart: A:diamond: 3:spade: 9:heart: K:spade: 3:club: 3:heart:

4x 3= things are growing
3x A= new beginnings

11x black= difficulties
7x spades= troubles
10x red= support
7x heart= emotions

You should overcome any troubles and worries that come with the relocation.

1st column: emotional aspects
trunk - tears - lovers

You took your time, and you got well prepared. Now you are sitting amongst a lot of trunks, but there still seems to be a lot of stuff you might have to let go of. This is a really difficult situation for you, providing you with several tough decisions, and your feelings are mixed. Some things you are happy to see going away, while others suddenly appear in a different light. You also discover the strength to master this situation.
For the future, you'll further reduce your belongings, on every level. You'll also find peace at heart, and a clear emotional state. You'll appreciate the things in your life, and you'll be surrounded by things you love.

I have a lot of boxes and stuff to throw out....I been going through the storage room throwing out stuff.....because I don't want to have to pay for that you it is probably around 1200 dollars a year. I also am throwing out stuff from my own apartment too.

I am in the reducing mode.....deleting stuff from my computer, throwing out stuff in my house, removing people from my life, and I made a new email account....

2nd column: relationships
death - soulmate - letter

In the past, there was a transformation. All of a sudden, you received a wake-up call, and suddenly time was up. Your relationships appeared in a brand new spanking light, your outlook and your perception changed in a dramatic way. The situation was difficult, and a real struggle.
Presently, you deal with a person that has the power to arouse feelingsthough the feelings are not positive. It rather looks as if you miss the strong connection with a significant other, especially when faced with difficult moments (and heavy boxes), you really could do with a bit of emotional support. You come to realise that the place you are leaving did not present you with a happy love life.
The future looks far more positive. Your interest in your surroundings is reawakening. You like to meet new people, or ... you cannot avoid meeting them. ^^

When I moved to my place it was closer to my ex (boyfriend at the time) moving to this place it's not the greatest apartment I have had...but on the other was sort of what I need to really put my relationship into perspective...and I chose to end it with the guy....I miss him more as a friend than anything else. I wouldn't want to be in an actual relationship with him lol.

So this is all was the toughest year more tough than the year before...and it made me realize what I had to let go of...what i had to question in my life..and what I finally realized.

I am exciting and happy to be moving away.

3rd column: career
plowed field - a corpse - a loss

You've sowed your seeds in the past, but presently it looks like things are not getting anywhere. You might feel stuck, a lack of impulses, and the same old, same old. Difficulties are starting to add up, and you might not feel comfortable in you present location. Toxic environment so to say. Too much to handle.
The beginnings in your new location looks difficult. You might feel at a loss where to begin, how to start, and what you need to do. This feeling most likely is rooted in a deep exhaustion. You have been working hard, and you did not allow yourself time to recover and replenish your energy.
This fatigue could create the impression of facing a road block.
Relax, take a step back, and allow yourself some rest.
I'm at major crossroads...haven't decide which direction I will be heading in my career. I do not feel comfortable in my present location and I feel it is a toxic area (not just apartment building).

Yea...I am tired...I never allow myself to rest or replenish my energy. It is partially caused by feeling at crossroads and not have a clear idea of which direction to go.

I am trying to relax and take a step back to figure out what I would like to at least explore.

4th column: finance

a helping hand - you - a cottage

You received financial support in the past. Presently, you are standing on your own two feet. For the future, you'll manage to pay the mortgage for your little cottage. ^^
General feeling: you'll rise like a phoenix from the flames & ashes.

Yes, I received financial support. I am standing a bit on my own two feet....still get some support from people around me...but for the most part...finances are always on my mind lol.

I hope the last part is true lol.

5th column: spiritual matters
investments - unpleasant truth - an executioner

Your decision was based on pragmatic reasons. You might have ignored the spiritual side, and at that time it had been the right thing to do. You were able to take the good with the bad, and the positive sides outweight the negative aspects.
Presently, your perception has changed. You no longer can cope with the situation. You do not feel well, and you have realised an unpleasant truth. This seems to be focused on a female you do not like to have in your life. This person might come with a negative energy, pulling you down, painting darker pictures, telling horrible stories. A person who does not fill your heart with joy.
In the future, you have the strength to deal with unpleasant facts, and persons. You are capable to put an end to dissatisfying situations, and you may protect yourself with dignity.
A person with authoritiy might like to scare you with unjustified demands, aiming to create a guilty conscience.

There is a female accountant/leasing manager (whatever her title is)....who I hate with a passion. It is very hard to get me to hate someone....but I hate her...she's very unorganized and I also think she is a
stealing from renters....So even if I like the apartment (which I don't really like it honestly)....I wouldn't stay just because of poor management.

6th column: obstacles
a cave - a rebel - a stone wall

Have you been a home body? You might also feel a strong connection with the place you live in, you had to live there, and you did not have the energy, the heart, and the guts to leave it. This has been the place for intense personal reflection as well, like a shell.
At times, you seem to question whether it is a good idea to relocate, you do not see any possible positive effect, and you seem to listen to a little devil on your shoulder, confronting you with all the negative aspects of relocation. A disheartening, and discouraging effect. Making you wish to turn over and fall asleep again, postponing the move until kingdom come.
For the future, you see problems and difficulties, and you doubt your ability to surmount them.

I'm mostly the type that likes to stay inside.. I am not into huge crowds. But, it was an apartment that I did a lot of personal reflection...I am sometimes doubting if it's even a good idea to move....would I have to deal with the same type of people or drama. Yea..I rather just go to sleep and avoid this whole situation to an extent lol.

(you will)

7th column: health
gifts - a dog - a wish granted

This one refers to the effect locations may have on your health, like influences from water veins, room climate, noise, and roommates.
In the past, you had to deal with a scattered mind. You had to concentrate on too many details, and you had to face swift movements. Also moodswings, and changing forms of day.
Presently, your overall condition is getting better. You look forward to the change, at least you hope things will take a turn for the better.
They will improve, they will have a stabilising effect on your well-being.
As beautiful your old place had been, it did not become with your mental and physical needs. The new place will suit you far better!

This place I am living in I just don't think is great for my health for many various reasons. If I move hopefully the environment will be better for me.

This place was no where near what I need mentally or physically.

It definitely had affected my moods...I don't have patience for anyone.

Let me know how things are going... valid until April 2017 ^^

Be back to finish the feedback.