What Happened to Natallee Holloway?



snipped from CNN news, full article available at their webpage:

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (CNN) -- There is enough evidence to prove Natalee Holloway is dead -- even if the Alabama teenager's remains are never found, Aruba's chief public prosecutor said Friday.
They are charged with "involvement in the voluntary manslaughter of Natalee Holloway or causing serious bodily harm to Natalee Holloway, resulting in her death."
All three have maintained their innocence.
Dutch investigators taking a fresh look at the case found some new evidence that led to the re-arrests, Mos told CNN.
The investigators used advanced techniques to re-examine existing information, including cell phone records and text messages exchanged the night Holloway disappeared. They found some discrepancies, Mos said.
As part of their work, investigators returned to the homes of the suspects to try to re-create transmissions.
The team also discovered that some existing evidence was improperly analyzed, he added.
Van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers have been in jail since their arrests Wednesday. They previously had been arrested in the case in 2005, but a court released them, citing insufficient evidence.
Mos said his office will decide next Thursday whether to ask the judge to keep them in jail for an additional eight days. With a judge's approval, the men can be detained for eight days at a time while investigators continue to develop the case.
Meanwhile, van der Sloot will face a judge on Aruba on Monday who will decide whether there is enough evidence to detain him for eight days.
Van der Sloot's jail-time countdown began the day of his arrest. The prosecutor's office said it will request another eight-day stretch.
An attorney for van der Sloot said his client was bitterly surprised by the turn of events, because he felt he had left the incident behind him. The man has been attending college in the Netherlands.


"Were the 3 guys now in custody involved in the death of Natallee Holloway?"

Justice/ Wheel/ 5 wands/ Ace swords/ Emperor

Their luck seems to have run out due to new evidence about their past actions which involved fighting, and aggression towards Natallee, actual bodily harm, so the real truth will come out and the law will deal with them. Guilty.


So did anyone see Van Der Sloots confession tonight on 20/20. I think that this reading hit the nail on the head in many ways, but there is still a lot of holes in his story.

cdabs said:
Card#1...Eight Of Cups....the situation: Leaving a situation behind....walking away. Natalee was left behind....discarded apparently....and based on the setup of the cups...it looks like one is missing (a literal reference, possibly). Pictorially speaking, notice the idea of land-water-land..which will play out in subsequent cards in this reading....
He said that after she seizured he dragged her into secluded area of the beach and left to call a friend to have her body disposed of. After the friend showed up, he walked home. Definitely left behidn.
cdabs said:
Card#2...Four Of Pentacles... crosses or obstructs...and it is a guy with money...who's conservative and holds on tightly to what he has...doesn't want to lose all that he's worked for. This could be the perp. holding onto what he has built materially and reputation-wise. This could also be a possible reference to the main suspect's father who wants to be a judge, etc.. He could possibly have the means to "hold on to" his empire, wouldn't you say? This is about security (of the perp.) and once again, it obstructs what was left behind; IOW, these individuals are possibly obstructing the finding of what/who was left behind: Natalee
He had an "Amy Fisher" moment where he was talking about how he was expecting to get money from this situation because of all that he was put through. Disgusting!
cdabs said:
Card#3...Ace Of Cups...what is below; subconscious influence....intuition, peace of mind...love and compassion
I don't know about this one. I wonder if it has more to do with the over indulgence in alcoholic beverages. Or perhaps Natalee's trust in leaving with these strangers.
cdabs said:
Card#4...once again, the Seven Of Swords...the receding past or past influence...lying and stealing...sneakiness...deception while others are oblivious. I think this could be our man, the perp., getting away with you know what. Not to mention...using a different deck, the Seven Of Swords came up in the PREVIOUS reading on Natalee! Uncanny....
He is certainly sneaky. He left her behind. He had absolutely no regard for her life, and all he cared about was not getting in trouble. He certainly snuck away in the dark, leaving her behind to be dealt with by someone else.
cdabs said:
Card#5....Ace Of Pentacles....what is above and in the conscious realm...prosperity, practicality, being grounded in the material....this one had me thrown. There are 4 Pentacle cards in this reading....money, groundedness (earth-element). Ok....maybe I'm seeing something now...in the two-card dynamic of card#s 3 & 5 (subconscious vs. conscious influences)...we have TWO Aces; one (card#3) could be seen as intuition and is a water sign (one of the four elements); the other is about centeredness/being grounded...and is an earth sign. I think what we're seeing here is opposing forces. Deep down (card#3) we want to find this girl...by whatever means necessary...we can feel that we're close (intuition). On the surface, someone else's goal (card#5)is to make sure she's not found. Not to mention...if she's not found, then the perp. remains free and retains his "security." Also, the theme of water and earth/ground will play out again in card#s 7, 8 and 10 below.
He kept saying, "I am so lucky. She will never be found."
cdabs said:
Card#6...Two Of Cups...immediate future, approaching influence...at first when I saw this card...I immediately thought, "Two people, holding cups/drinks...and there is a Caduceus (sign of medical)..." I thought of the possibility of Natalee having "meds" (a pill) put in her drink...and what would've happened afterward. Or is someone working in "cohoots"...a partnership of sorts...to keep things balanced in the perp.'s favor?
I know that this is in the position of immediate future, but I think the Caduceus has to do with her medical condition. What he described sounded like it could have been alcohol poisoning. The worst part of it is that he wasn't even certain that she was really dead. The seizure freaked him out, and then she just stopped moving. Instead of calling for help he called to have her body dumped.
cdabs said:
*Card#7...Six Of Swords...subjective viewpoint...a boat, crossing a body of water...with two passengers...and many problems. Well, pictorially speaking...this speaks volumes, doesn't it? Like, she was possibly transported by boat somewhere....
The friend he called took her body out on a boat dumped her.
cdabs said:
*Card#8....Queen Of Pentacles...external viewpoint....another card which initially had me thrown...But which eventually came to me (while emailing a friend this reading)... Pentacles=earthly things....and I've seen this card referred to as "Mother Earth," so...I gotta be wondering if this is referring to a possible burial. In the picture, the queen ("mother") is sitting on her throne in the middle of nature... And, if you look closely in the background, there are TWO bodies of water..with a body of land in-between (an island?)! This is very similar to the pictorial reference in Card#1.

Card#9...Ten Of Pentacles...hopes and/or fears....this card is about family/generations and inheritance (security again?). Well, I think it refers to the perp. again...his heritage and its opulence...and the protection of it. Their hope is to retain their heritage...keep the perp. outta jail, etc..
Yep, this ##$%#@'s family has a lot to lose if he is found guilty.
cdabs said:
*Card#10...Ten Of Swords....outcome.....this is a nasty card....it's about being pinned down....end of a cycle....dark clouds hovering, but breaking. The body is partially covered in the pic....with swords all up and down the back. The body is on/in ground...and water is visible, too. In fact, the body in the foreground is on land, then there is water, then beyond the water, there is more land. So, it's....land--water--land....which may go along with the idea that she was ferried somewhere across a body of water...to another island/piece of land. Interesting...
This could be about the fact that the confession came about because someone posed as a friend and gained his confidence. He was stabbed in the back by someone he trusted.
cdabs said:
***Now....looking at all the SWORDS cards (swords=strife; problems; issues) in the reading....they all seem to refer to what would've befallen at the hands of the perp.: We have Seven Of Swords...showing sneakiness, stealing/lying; We have Six Of Swords showing crossing a body of water with problems/issues in-tow (i.e., Natalee?); And finally we have Ten Of Swords....pinned down, overkill...partially covered...in the dirt. Water is visible between two islands or tracts of land.

Ok, so..I gotta wonder if Natalee was moved by boat somewhere....and buried in the ground. In fact, since Card#7 is the moving-by-boat card...and it is supposed to be the subjective viewpoint..I'm thinking the last thing she may have remembered was being on a boat(?). Later on, from veiewpoints outside of hers (i.e., the perp. or perps.), she was buried. I wonder if there are some secret, out of the way islands where she could be looked for, you know?

I wonder if anyone has done a reading and maybe studied the numbers a little more closely...and come up with possible coordinates (latitude/longitude)?!?!?! Just a thought...


Natalee Reading from July 2006

Hey Qofcups:

When I started hearing some of the "taped confession" recently...the reading I had posted (and which you referenced) crossed my mind again....mostly thinking of the 10 Of Swords. Of course, this card has a reference to a beach and some negativity (dark clouds, the swords).

Just another thought on it...could the swords, since placed in the back, up and down the spine, have something to do with the apparent seizures Van Der Sloot was saying Natalee had (i.e., spine, nervous system issues)? ...maybe. I mean...Van Der Sloot is saying that he lied and the "confession" was to give the guy recording him "what he wanted to hear."

I had forgotten about the "boat" thing (6 Of Swords), but...it sure fits, doesn't it? I imagine it was always a possibility, anyway...since Aruba is an island...and what better place to TRY and hide evidence: The Ocean!

I don't know geography so well..but I think my thought on this card (at the time of the reading) was that there may be a small island in the vicinity of Aruba where she was taken..by boat..and buried (since the body in the 10 Of Swords has partial covering on it). The island, if it exists, would be a place that noone ever visits...or it is visited rarely. Or...maybe she washed ashore on such a place (obscure section of Aruba?) and is partially hidden?

Maybe we now need to do a reading about the validity of Van Der Sloot's confession...and...the "friend" who may have helped him!

One more thing: I just noticed the body in The Ten Of Swords (RWS) looks like he has an "Omega" sign on his right sleeve; this is the Greek letter for/meaning: The End.


hmm... well wherever she is, they will find flat roundish gray stones. i believe she's been buried beneath them, she wouldn't have to be very deep.
It's on some sort of incline, and it wouldn't have been that much trouble to just rake the stones over her...

And I also want to scream when I think that, they really should have brought the family dog with them when they went looking for her the first time. i really think that dog would have been able to track her.
(and, now, I've covered with goose bumps all over again)

Although, I do hope that whoever is responsible is held accountable for her disappearance, I do hope they find her above all else, just for her families peace of mind.


Van der Sloot has finally, it seems, been caught pretty much red handed for the murder of a young girl down in Peru.

He also has charges laid against him in the USA for trying to extort money in return for him telling the whereabouts of the remains of Ms.Holloway.